Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 11-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Andrei Aleksandrovich Yakovlev
Siberian Federal University

Viktoriya Viktorovna Mankhirova
Siberian Federal University

Ekaterina Konstantinovna Sluchaeva
Siberian Federal University

Submitted: November 1, 2016
Abstract. The article discusses the results of the associative experiment conducted in order to identify the peculiarities of the linguistic consciousness of the Russian and Spanish students, in particular, the way of the representation of the week days names in it. The authors draw the line between the notions “linguistic consciousness” and “linguistic worldview” accentuating the difference of the methodology contained in them. The analysis of the experiment results conducted from the perspective of the proposed definitions showed that in the linguistic consciousness of the Spanish and Russian students the means of representation of the week days names are influenced by culture.
Key words and phrases:
языковая картина мира
языковое сознание
обыденная картина мира
ассоциативный эксперимент
русская лингвокультура
испанская лингвокультура
linguistic worldview
linguistic consciousness
naive worldview
associative experiment
the Russian linguistic culture
the Spanish linguistic culture
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