Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 1-1
COLLECTION:    Study of Literature

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Retracted: March 22, 2018

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Galina Alekseevna Ermakova
I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Submitted: January 1, 2017
Abstract. This article discusses some stanzas of P. P. Khuzangai’s poem “Tilly’s Songs” in terms of the representation of the national worldview through them, it is concluded that the past, present and future are single whole, and in this whole the characters of the poems live, as well as legends, rituals, beliefs, customs do, that is, a certain world order. The paper traces the traditions of the folklore of the Chuvash ethnos; analyzes the various forms of the author’s consciousness expression, by which the space-time coordinates, the sacred and the profane in the discourse of the poem are connoted; and it is concluded that mythological consciousness is represented through such motives as testing, eternal return, light, memories.
Key words and phrases:
мифологическое сознание
профанное и сакральное пространства
вечное время
mythological consciousness
profane and sacred space
eternal time
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