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Nadezhda Mikhailovna Yur'eva
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
December 1, 2017
The article examines one of the modern approaches to studying narrative genesis in children’s speech. This approach, intensively developed in foreign science, focuses on speech interaction of a child and grown-up in the narrative process. The paper provides methodological foundations, principles of analytical procedures, the basic results of researches concerning the interrelation of interaction and cognition in children’s narrative. The author justifies the thesis that an interactive approach allows considering oral narrative in speech ontogenesis as a complex discursive phenomenon which includes conversational narrative.
Key words and phrases:
конверсационный нарратив
секвенционная модель нарративной интеракции
нарративная компетенция
нарративное развитие
совместно созданные целостности
событийная наполненность и значимость
conversational narrative
sequential model of narrative interaction
narrative competence
narrative development
integrities created together
eventfulness and importance
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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