Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Comparative Historical, Typological and Contrastive Linguistics

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Galina Vladimirovna Mironova
Belgorod National Research University

Elena Anatol’evna Zueva
Belgorod National Research University

Lyudmila Evgen’evna Ostapova
Belgorod National Research University

Submitted: February 10, 2019
Abstract. The article deals with the use of the compensation strategy in the translation of puns, word play and characters’ contaminated speech. Particular attention is paid to the ways to preserve alliteration when translating a fiction text and the methods to compensate for the components of the semantic content. The use of multi-functional alliteration in a target text contributes to the preservation of the author’s stylistic and artistic intention. The analysis is based on the examples taken from the tale “The BFG” by the British writer Roald Dahl.
Key words and phrases:
прием компенсации
экспрессивно-оценочные стили
контаминированная речь
compensation strategy
expressive-evaluative styles
contaminated speech
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