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French Secondary Interjections as a Means to Express Amazement in Responsive Remarks and Techniques to Translate Them into Russian
Anna Aleksandrovna Savchenko
Leningrad Regional Branch of Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
June 26, 2020
Using the French fiction texts of the XX century as the research material, the author analyses responsive remarks with secondary interjections from the viewpoint of admirative semantics and identifies peculiarities of their translation into Russian. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the researcher examines the admirative as a linguistic category by the material of the French language and proposes a part-of-speech classification of the identified secondary interjections of admirative meaning. A comparative analysis allows concluding that bearers of the Russian and French languages use similar means to express amazement. The second conclusion is that translators use a variety of translation techniques to translate secondary interjections with admirative semantics.
Key words and phrases:
реактивная реплика
вторичные междометия
средства выражения удивления
французский язык
русский язык, перевод
responsive remark
the admirative
secondary interjections
means to express amazement
French language
Russian language
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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