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Opposition “the Native - the Outsider” in the Russian and Czech Presidential Debate Discourse as Means to Develop Persuasive Strategy
Valentina Nikolayevna Neiman
Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy; Ugra State University
August 31, 2020
The article considers the use of the persuasive strategy in the modern presidential debate discourse in Russia and Czechia. Scientific originality of the study involves application of a pragma-linguistic analysis to compare the Russian and Czech political discourse. The findings indicate that the political leaders of Russia and Czechia use the binary opposition “the native - the outsider” to exert manipulative influence on the audience. Inclusive “we” is used to emphasize the speaker does not separate himself from the society and shares aspirations of the people, and when the orator wants to distance himself from the “oppositional sector” he uses exclusive “we”.
Key words and phrases:
стратегия убеждения
дискурс предвыборных дебатов
бинарная оппозиция «свой/чужой»
русский язык
чешский язык
прагмалингвистический анализ
persuasive strategy
presidential debate discourse
binary opposition “the native - the outsider”
Russian language
Czech language
pragma-linguistic analysis
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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