Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 10
COLLECTION:    Languages of the Russian Federation

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Ways of Fine Art Terms Formation in the Yakut Language

Sargylana Vladimirovna Ivanova
North-Eastern Federal University

Submitted: November 3, 2020
Abstract. The research objective is to analyse ways of forming fine art terms used in translated texts of the Yakut-language textbooks. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the Yakut fine art terminology has not been previously investigated. Fine art terms are analysed and classified according to their formative models (morphemic-affixal and analytical-syntactical). The research findings are as follows: the author proposes a lexico-thematic classification of fine art terms; six lexico-thematic groups are identified. Affixal models of fine art terms formation are revealed. According to their structure, terms are subdivided into three groups: complex terms, compound terms and terms-phrases. The basic techniques to translate fine art terms are analysed.
Key words and phrases:
якутский язык
термины изобразительного искусства
морфемно-аффиксальный способ терминообразования
аналитико-синтаксический способ терминообразования
Yakut language
term formation
fine art terms
morphemic-affixal way of term formation
analytical-syntactical way of term formation
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