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Comparative Study of the HERO Concept in the Russian and French Languages
Magomed Gazilovich Gazilov
Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow
February 10, 2021
The paper aims to identify specificity of the HERO concept representation in the modern Russian and French languages. The research objectives are as follows: to provide a comparative analysis of the linguistic means creating a national hero image as a component of national and cultural identity, to examine the changes the HERO concept undergoes in the epoch of neo-liberal globalization. The problem of the HERO concept representation is analysed in terms of open cultural environment, the researcher for the first time identifies peculiarities of the HERO concept representation in the Russian and French teenagers’ linguistic consciousness, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The analysis of factual material of the Russian and French languages allows concluding about radical reinterpretation of the HERO concept in teenagers’ linguistic, spiritual and moral consciousness, discreditation of the “heroism” notion. These tendencies manifest themselves in the youth language.
Key words and phrases:
французский язык
русский язык
героический образ
концепт ГЕРОЙ
French language
Russian language
heroic image
HERO concept
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