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Specific Nature of Implicitly Motivated Sign (by the Material of the French Language)
Anna Evgenevna Lupina
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow
July 30, 2021
The purpose of the research is to determine features of implicitly motivated lexical signs with the combined signified, using the material of the French language. The use of the propositional and frame model for presenting implicit content of the sign opens new opportunities for analysing hyponyms and synonyms. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the level of aspect-aspect relation of hyponyms from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. In this regard, principles of identifying synonyms and quasi-synonyms become more obvious, confirming W. Humboldt’s and L. Bloomfield’s idea that absolute synonymy is not possible. As a result, using examples, the author has shown the role of hyponyms with targeted denomination in daily life of native speakers of this language.
Key words and phrases:
имплицитно мотивированный знак
пропозиционально-фреймовая модель
implicitly motivated sign
propositional and frame model
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