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Quasi-Realia in William Morris’s Late Novels: Issues of Translation from English into Russian
Alexei Yur’evich Aristov
St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
March 31, 2022
The purpose of the research is to classify quasi-realia found in the late novels of W. Morris, the founder of the fantasy genre, using E. M. Bozhko’s works. The paper considers the definition of quasi-realia, identifies the mechanism of its functioning in the aspect of translation, compares each case where quasi-realia are used by the author with their rendering in the Russian translation. Scientific originality of the research lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of quasi-realia found in William Morris’s late novels. Idionyms and polyonyms of the second and third order were found, the presence of xenonyms was not detected. It was shown that quasi-realia participate in the author’s creation of an archaised style, although they do not constitute its main feature. As a result of the research, all identified cases of quasi-realia have been given, their detailed classification has been carried out, the features of their functioning in the style of William Morris’s late novels have been described.
Key words and phrases:
У. Моррис
W. Morris
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