Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Features of Language Localisation of “Resident Evil” Video Games in the Russian Market: A Translation Aspect

Tatiana Valerievna Khrushcheva
Pacific National University, Khabarovsk

Svetlana Alekseevna Ermolenko

Submitted: April 29, 2022
Abstract. The study aims to determine the features peculiar to localisation of the “Resident Evil” game series and to prove the importance of adequate localisation for the promotion of a gaming product. The paper presents the main components of localisation and identifies its types and features, sheds light on the concepts of media text, translation and pragmatic adaptation. In addition, the paper analyses localisation of the plot components of two games from the “Resident Evil” series in the Russian market. Scientific novelty of the study lies in taking a diachronic approach to considering the features and analysing trends in localisation of video games of the series. As a result, the researchers have identified and characterised the main features of localisation of this series in the Russian market and have proved that high-quality localisation contributes to a successful reception of a product by the target audience.
Key words and phrases:
медийный текст
глубина локализации
переводческая трансформация
media text
localisation depth
translation transformation
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