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Sociocultural Communicative Type “Maryivanna” in Pedagogical Discourse: Features of Destructive Behaviour
Nadezhda Nickolaevna Panchenko
Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University
May 31, 2022
The aim of the research is to characterize the precedent for pedagogical discourse type “Maryivanna” distinguished by socially significant features and recognizable by the native speakers of the Russian language by the specific characteristics of communicative behaviour. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that this type has not previously become a subject of study; the communicative personality of a teacher has not been considered from the standpoint of the theory of destructive communication. As a result, the “portrait” of the typified personality “Maryivanna” is presented, the signs of her destructive communicative behaviour are highlighted, and the conclusion is made about the prevalence of negative attitude towards the type on the part of the society.
Key words and phrases:
коммуникативная личность
педагогический дискурс
communicative personality
pedagogical discourse
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