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Translation specificity in the field of craft tourism: Communicative and functional approach (based on the Russian and English languages)
Said Zaurovich Mamedov
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas branch
December 24, 2024
The study is aimed at determining the relevance of using the tactics of reproducing stylistic characteristics of the text, tactics of pragmatic adaptation, as well as the tactics of correct information processing within the framework of the strategy of communicatively equivalent translation when translating texts in the field of craft-tourism. The examples of translations of texts of the above-mentioned type with subsequent analysis confirming the applicability of the above-mentioned strategy and tactics aimed at its implementation in translating texts in the field of craft-tourism from Russian into English and Italian are discussed in the article. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time, based on the material of the Russian, Italian and English languages, the principle of translating within the framework of communicative situations in the craft-tourism industry from the point of view of a communicative and functional approach to translation, taking into account pragmatic factors such as the goals pursued by communicants and their national and cultural characteristics, as well as the peculiarities of the terminology used in the above-mentioned field is described. A set of translation tactics used for implementing the chosen strategy in each communicative situation, in particular, the tactics of pragmatic adaptation and the tactics of correct information processing within the framework of a strategy of communicatively-equivalent translation for confirming its applicability (based on the material of the Russian and English languages) is also proposed. The result shows the following: due to the necessity not only to translate a text of the mentioned type from one language to another, but also to adapt it to a foreign recipient (in this case, a foreign tourist), based on the national and cultural characteristics, as well as the norms of terminology formation in Russian and English, the above-mentioned translation tactics within the framework of the strategy of communicatively-equivalent translation are considered to be applicable.
Key words and phrases:
стратегии перевода
переводческие тактики
тактика прагматической адаптации
тактика правильного оформления информации
translation strategies
translation tactics
tactics of pragmatic adaptation
tactics of correct information processing
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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