Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2025. Volume 18. Issue 1
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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A usual metaphor as a means of representing the regulative concept ABNEIGUNG in modern German

Izabella Viktorovna Korogodina
Irkutsk State Medical University

Submitted: January 13, 2025
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the content of the value component of the regulative concept ABNEIGING (ANTIPATHY), expressed by the usual metaphors representing the conceptual metaphor ‘Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen’ (Antipathy is a natural organism). The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that, for the first time, the value characteristics of the regulative concept ABNEIGUNG are described on the basis of the German language and linguistic metaphors that verbalize the conceptual metaphor ‘Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen’ are classified according to the level of linguistic hierarchy and stylistic significance. The article examines the physiological and emotional components of the emotion “antipathy”, justifies the choice of its mental representation – a regulative concept related to universal, cultural, nonparametric emotional regulative concepts. Linguistic metaphors explicating the conceptual metaphor ‘Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen’ are analyzed. As a result, it is determined that the distinctive characteristic of the regulative concept ABNEIGUNG is its pronounced value component, represented by rationalistic assessments – utilitarian (useful – harmful, correct – incorrect) and teleological (effective – ineffective). Based on the analysis of linguistic metaphors explicating the conceptual metaphor ‘Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen’, it has been established that they are metaphors-words, metaphors-phrases, metaphors-sentences, according to the type of stylistic significance – customary metaphors.
Key words and phrases:
антипатия (Abneigung)
концепт-регулятив ABNEIGUNG
частнооценочные значения
концептуальная метафора Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen
узуальная метафора
antipathy (Abneigung)
regulative concept ABNEIGUNG
individual evaluative meanings
conceptual metaphor ‘Abneigung ist ein Naturwesen’
usual metaphor
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