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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. P. 116-120.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Economic Sciences
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Cherkasov Mikhail Nikolaevich
MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Abstract. The main components of manufacturing enterprises innovation process are discussed in this article. Rather significant obstacles to this process intensifying are indicated. The need for state regulation and thoughtful innovation state strategy in the area of innovative technologies mastering is emphasized. When realizing the mechanism of innovative development state governance one can provide the substantial ascent of enterprises innovation activity level and create the powerful catalyst of socio-economic growth, the state competitiveness level and economic security perfection.
Key words and phrases: инновации, инновационные технологии, инновационная деятельность, сфера инноваций, инновационная инфраструктура, инновационный процесс, государственное регулирование, innovations, innovative technologies, innovation activity, area of innovations, innovativ
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