Golaido Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Bondarchuk Marina Mikhailovna, Gryaznova Elena Valentinovna, Fedorova Natal'ya Evgen'evna
Moscow State University of Design and Technology
Abstract. In the article the concept "irregularity of yarn" is considered. The authors give the main reasons of the occurrence of the irregularity of yarn and the negative effects of this phenomenon, which manifest in further processing in weaving and knitting manufactures. The irregularity of yarn leads to the unevenness of the thickness of finished cloths and their premature wear. Tissues and knitted fabric, especially with a distinct pattern, quickly lose their original form, and the product becomes of little use for exploitation. On the basis of the conducted research the generalized classification of the irregularity of spinning products according to their properties and structure is made.
Key words and phrases: неровнота, пряжа, вид неровноты, классификация неровноты, структурная неровнота, вытягивание, неравномерность, irregularity, yarn, type of irregularity, irregularity classification, structural irregularity, stretching, unevenness
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