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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 1. P. 39-48.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Technical Sciences
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Dement'ev Il'ya Igorevich, Ustinov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Atamasov Vladimir Dmitrievich, Golovanova Vasilina Valer'evna, Izotov Sergei Nikolaevich, Kislitskii Mikhail Ivanovich
Arsenal Machine-Building Plant Open JSC, St. Petersburg

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Office "Arsenal"" named after M. V. Frunze

Abstract. In the article a new three-dimensional mathematical model describing the deflected mode of the composite orthogonally anisotropic detail elastic section of spacecraft is presented. The developed system of partial differential equations taking into account the deformation of transverse shifts arising when the deflected mode of the composite construction changes is designed for the forecasting of the shapes and parameters of the oscillations of bulky thin-walled detail elastic sections, which are subjected to the exposure of mechanical and temperature loads at the stage of the flight operation of spacecraft.
Key words and phrases: космический аппарат, композиционный материал, крупногабаритный композитный выносной упругий элемент конструкции, управление космическим аппаратом, локальная система гашения колебаний, форма и параметры колебаний, математическая модель напряженно-деформированного состояния упругого тела, spacecraft, composite material, bulky composite detail elastic section of construction, control of spacecraft, local damping system, shape and parameters of vibrations, mathematical model of deflected mode of elastic body
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