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Nikulushkin Konstantin Vladimirovich
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
In this article the artistic images of A. D. Kantemir’s I st satire assuming cultural ambivalence in the dynamics of the Russian Enlightenment are studied by the method of hermeneutical analysis. The Western European adopted forms changed national aesthetic consciousness defining new parameters in the traditional coordinates of the Russian mentality. Spiritual image ontology was adjusted by the gnoseology of rational knowledge. The dissonance, resulting from it in the Orthodox worldview, led, at times, to tearing away the European scientific paradigm. In the satire Kantemir reflects the attitude to the ideas of the Enlightenment in the difficult post-Peter time of "boyar reign". The study also touches upon aesthetic, historical and linguistic aspects related to disclosing classicism ideas in the field of the Russian literature of the XVIII century.
Key words and phrases:
генезис эстетической формы, амбивалентность, просветительская онтология, выразительность интеллектуального акта, аксиология формы, рационализм, категориальный аппарат, aesthetic form genesis, ambivalence, educational ontology, intellectual act expressiveness, form axiology, rationalism, categorical apparatus
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