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Dmitrieva Anna Alekseevna, Shukurova Aisulu Erkinovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Palace and Estate Museum "Gatchina"
The article discusses the history of the collection of the Dutch painting of the XVII century in the Palace and Estate Museum "Gatchina". The relevance of the paper is stipulated by the introduction of theoretical material that hasn’t been previously studied and the works of the Dutch art into scientific use. The authors’ main aim is to determine the importance of Gatchina Palace museum collections among the other Russian expositions of the Dutch painting. The achievement of this goal is related to the solution of the following tasks: to study the history of Gatchina collection on the basis of written sources, as well as to conduct the compositional analysis of a number of the canvases of the Dutch paintings of the XVII century.
Key words and phrases:
голландская живопись XVII в, Гатчинский дворец, музей, коллекционирование, Николас Берхем, Томас Вейк, Арт ван дер Нер, the Dutch painting of the XVII century, Gatchina Palace, museum, collecting, Nicolaes Berchem, Thomas Wijk, Aert van der Neer
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