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Bannikov Andrei Valer'evich
Saint Petersburg State University
In the III century the main body of the regular navy of the period of the Principate ceased to exist. In the IV century the Romans sometimes built large squadrons, but the attempts to keep such units on a regular basis were not taken. Military shipbuilding during this period experienced clear decline. The lack of experienced engineers and skilled ships crews was the reason of the fact that the Romans could only create very small vessels of the simplest structure.
Key words and phrases:
Поздняя Римская империя, флот, флотилии, эскадры, корабли, Рейн, Дунай, либурны, лусории, скафы, Late Roman Empire, fleet, flotilla, squadron, ships, the Rhine, the Danube, liburnians, lusoriae, scafae
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