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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art.
Issues of Theory and Practice
. Tambov: Gramota, 2009. № 3. P. 19-23.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Culturology
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Moochamediuly Arystanbek
Kazakh National Academy of Arts
Rector of Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Kazakhstan

Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the experience of the intercivilizational contacts of the epoch of Great Silk Road. It gives methodological substantiations for solving the contradiction between the processes of globalization and the preservation of national cultures. The problem of overcoming the stagnation of art criticism idea and the definition of new cultural reference points of modern Kazakhstan which historically occupies the central part of Great Silk Road is considered. Practical steps for the creation of the scientific base for the development of Kazakh modern music are introduced.
Key words and phrases: Великий шелковый путь, кросскультурные коммуникации, музыкальная культура Казахстана, глобализация, сохранение традиционного наследия, Great Silk Road, cross-cultural communications, musical culture of Kazakhstan, globalization, preservation of traditional heritage
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