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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art.
Issues of Theory and Practice
. Tambov: Gramota, 2009. № 3. P. 219-222.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Law Sciences
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Sharonov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Volgograd State University
Department of Civil Law and Process

Abstract. In the article the protection means of the rights of the participants of concert services are determined and investigated. The basic accent is made on the services of private security activity as the most effective means of the protection of citizens' rights in the considered sphere.
Key words and phrases: участники концертных услуг, средство охраны, государственная охрана, ведомственная охрана, договор на оказание услуг частной охранной деятельности, participants of concert services, means of protection, state protection, departmental protection, contract of private security services
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