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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 6. Part 1. P. 13-16.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Law Sciences
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Adygezalova Gyul'naz El'darovna
Kuban' State University

Abstract. The author researches the practical significance of American sociological jurisprudence ideas on the role of court practice in law formation process, and reveals the fundamental regulation of the sociological-legal theory of the USA: judges should not just automatically follow normative-legal acts and current legal precedents, they should also create legal doctrine and practice evaluating the conditions prevailing in society and existing needs basing on their own experience, on the ideas of justice, social utility and their own understanding of the foundations, spirit of law.
Key words and phrases: социологическая юриспруденция, судебный прецедент, судебная практика, высшие суды, правовая доктрина, судебное правотворчество, sociological jurisprudence, judicial precedent, court practice, superior courts, legal doctrine, judicial legislation
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