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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art.
Issues of Theory and Practice
. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 8. Part 1. P. 230-233.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Culturology
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Chudova Tat'yana Ivanovna
Syktyvkar State University

Abstract. The author considers wild plants in the nutrition structure of Komi (Zyrians). Wild herbs and berries provide the vitamin component of food ration introducing variety in daily menu. Mushrooms included in food products were not previously considered as human food, and mushroom vocabulary shows that. Wild herbs are gradually replaced by vegetables from food products. The increased consumption of wild plants is observed from north to south.
Key words and phrases: коми (зыряне), традиционная система питания, дикоросы, Komi (Zyrians), traditional system of nutrition, wild plants
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