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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 10. Part 1. P. 130-133.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Makarova Anna Aleksandrovna
Bryansk State University named after I. G. Petrovskii

Abstract. This article reveals the process of justice commissariats creation, their development and role in new judicial system formation at the local leve basing on the documentary sources of Oryol and Bryansk regions. The study of Oryol province justice commissariats and their activity revealed that during the period of their existence the articulate structure of justice institutions was never established due to various political, social, and economic factors.
Key words and phrases: комиссариаты юстиции, губернский и уездные комиссары юстиции, органы юстиции, Военно-Революционный Комитет, отделы юстиции, судебно-следственные органы, народные суды, революционные трибуналы, justice commissariats, province and district justice commissar
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