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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 2. Part 1. P. 99-101.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Kulik Aleksandr Viktorovich
Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar, Ukraine

Abstract. Athenagoras Athenian’s, Eusebius Pamphili’s, Clement’s of Alexandria, Origen’s, Tertullian’s, Saint Augustine’s ideas of order are systematized. It is argued that these thinkers postulate the world order in all its manifestations. It is proved that as to the interpretation of the notion "order" the early Christian thought representatives are conceptually close to Platonism supporters. It is grounded that the person’s life order was considered as a necessary task for the Christian by the early Christian thought representatives.
Key words and phrases: порядок, христианство, патристика, хаос, история философии, order, Christianity, patristics, chaos, history of philosophy
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