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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 11. Part 1. P. 95-98.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Ladonina Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute of Humanities and Social Studies of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Abstract. The article analyzes changes in the sphere of education in the Caucasus in the 60s of the XIX century. These years are marked by the revival of education, which is associated with the activity of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich’s vicegerent. Yet the basic task - establishing "national school" - was solved not by the state bodies but by the institutions of the religious affairs department. The author shows new forms of organizing education in Ossetia: mountain, parochial, women’s schools, a non-classical progymnasium. Their origin and functioning are examined in the context of state educational policy.
Key words and phrases: Осетия, образовательная политика, горские школы, Общество восстановления православного христианства на Кавказе, приходские школы, женские школы, реальная прогимназия, Ossetia, educational policy, mountain schools, Society for Restoration of Orthodoxy in the Caucasus, parochial schools, women’s schools, non-classical progymnasium
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