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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 1. P. 150-152.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Metel' Ol'ga Vadimovna
Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Abstract. This article is an attempt of the formation of a research model related to the study of events of the spiritual crisis of French modernists. On the basis of the study of A. Luazi’s, A. Utan’s, P. Al’farik’s and some other French Catholic thinkers’ biographies the author tries to identify causes of their spiritual crisis, show stages of its development and single out options of its end. The model presented by the researcher consists of the following elements: doubt in truth of Catholic faith, an attempt to resolve it, loss of faith and break with the Church or preservation of only external connection with it.
Key words and phrases: католическая Церковь, католицизм во Франции, модернизм, кризис веры, внутренняя секуляризация католицизма, А. Луази, Э. Ренан, Catholic Church, Catholicism in France, modernism, crisis of faith, internal secularization of Catholicism, A. Luazi, E. Renan
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  1. Metel' O. V. Bremya vybora, ili Konflikt nauki i religii v sud'bakh katolicheskikh intellektualov vtoroi poloviny XIX - nachala KhKh v. // Religiovedenie. 2013. № 1. S. 144-148.
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  7. Loisy A. Choses pass?es. P.: ?mile Nourry, 1913. 398 p.
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