Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2018. № 3. P. 96-100.
Sivertsev Evgeniy Yur’evich
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 20.03.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the phenomenon of escapism discovered by theoreticians of literature. Art critics characterize escapism as an image of fantastic reality corresponding to the inner needs of the man, but unattainable in the objective world. The author makes the assumption that the named phenomenon is peculiar not only to certain genres of art, but characterizes human existence as a whole. The notions of the real world and the illusory world are not correlated with the rules of verification and with logic, but with the features of the psycho-emotional sphere of the man. To substantiate this thesis, the methodology proposed in the works of the European existentialists of the XX century is used.
Key words and phrases: эскапизм, реальность, иллюзия, верификация, оценивающие высказывания, экзистенция, жизненная форма, языковая игра, фундаментальное настроение, escapism, reality, illusion, verification, evaluating statements, existence, life form, language game, fundamental mood
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