Shalaeva Marina Vladislavovna, Adametskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
Tyumen Industrial University (Branch) in Nizhnevartovsk
Nizhnevartovsk State University
Submitted: 23.07.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the evolution of the views on the problem of creativity subject in connection with certain types of culture: classical, non-classical, and post-non-classical, each of which has its own special paradigm. In each of the selected types of culture the authors identify and show appropriate features of scientific-philosophical ideas about a man as a bearer of cognitive and creative-transformative potential. At the same time, the authors’ attention is directed to the consideration of the gender aspect of the problem that becomes particularly relevant in the conditions of modern culture.
Key words and phrases: философия творчества, субъект творчества, культурная парадигма, классическая культура, неклассическая культура, постнеклассическая культура, гендерный аспект творчества, philosophy of creativity, subject of creativity, cultural paradigm, classical culture, non-classical culture, post-non-classical culture, gender aspect of creativity
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