Petri El'vira Korneevna
Arzamas College of Music
Submitted: 15.07.2018
Abstract. In the article, the content of the German song "Schlaraffenland" is analyzed. The origin of the work - medieval fabliau - is specified, its variants are considered, and changes in the process of historical evolution are noted. Interpretation of content is related to the cultural code, it differs in the French and German art. In Germany, under the influence of Protestant ethics, the attitude towards "Schlaraffenland" is negative. As an example, the analysis of Schumann’s song "Vom Schlaraffenland" and the song of the Germans from Russia "Schlaraffenland" is presented. The author draws a conclusion that it is necessary to know the context of the song existence and the cultural code for understanding the plot.
Key words and phrases: "Шлараффия", утопия, сюжет, интерпретация, картина мира, культурный код, "Schlaraffenland", utopia, plot, interpretation, worldview, cultural code
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