Sabirov Askadula Galimzyanovich, Sabirova Lilya Andreevna
Yelabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 04.07.2019
Abstract. The article discovers the essence of philosophical ideas of the Tatar philosopher M. Muhammadyar. The paper reveals the objective-idealistic and utopian basis of his philosophy, describes the originality of his ontological, gnoseological, social and anthropological conceptions, shows the innovative nature of his ideas in the context of cultural and historical space of the medieval society, examines positive (integrity, social and ethical orientation) and negative (imitativeness, utopianism) aspects of his philosophy, emphasizes the importance and progressiveness of his axiological and ethical conceptions. The authors conclude that M. Muhammadyar’s philosophy forms an integral element of the Tatar cultural heritage and influences spiritual development of the modern Tatar society.
Key words and phrases: М. Мухаммадьяр, философия, идея, сущность, своеобразие, идеализм, утопизм, M. Muhammadyar, philosophy, idea, essence, originality, idealism, utopianism
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