Titova Ekaterina Igorevna
Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 22.06.2019
Abstract. The article reveals the content of the notion "Russian person’s economic mentality". The Russian person’s economic mentality is considered actively in socio-philosophical literature, but it is rarely studied in a separate context. The author formulates the definition, investigates the essence and originality of the Russian person’s economic mentality manifestation, reveals and examines its positive and negative features. Recommendations on the development of positive features, neutralization of negative features, as well as the acquisition of the Russian person’s new necessary positive features are given.
Key words and phrases: экономическая ментальность, русский человек, сущность, своеобразие, проявление, economic mentality, Russian person, essence, originality, manifestation
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