Chudina-Shmidt Natal'ya Vital'evna
Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Branch) in the Republic of Crimea
Submitted: 12.07.2019
Abstract. The article provides a social and philosophical analysis of the source of non-standard, marginal manifestations of the modern world, which are usually called extreme ones, identifies their basic element - extreme. The author considers the attributes of extreme, which can be actually expressed through the related notions "boundary" and "limit" within the categorial oppositions: "nomos" -"anomie", "norm"- "pathology", "death" - "life". The analysis allows the author to conclude that extreme occupies a certain place in individual and social existence serving as an attribute of development and promoting the transition of the system to a qualitatively new level.
Key words and phrases: экстрим, экстремальность, атрибут, концепт, общество, extreme, extremity, attribute, concept, society
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