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Archive of Scientific Articles

SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2023. № 6.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
The Russian musical art of the early 20th century: The alternative
Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
345-352 Study of Art
The “lightness of being” in the socio-cultural context of the pre-Soviet and Soviet eras
Kozlov Sergey Alekseevich
353-361 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Russia in the 20th century: The results of the 10th International Scientific Forum “Dialogue of Arts and Art Paradigms” of the International Center of Complex Artistic Research of the Saratov State Conservatory
Barabash Oksana Sergeevna
362-375 Philosophical Sciences
Genesis of socialist realism: A historical pattern or a historical accident in the artistic and cultural space of the USSR?
Gontcharova Valeriya Andreevna, Orlov Igor Ivanovich
376-381 Philosophical Sciences
V. G. Vasilevsky’s contribution to the study of Tacitus’ “Germania” in Russian classics
Starostin Dmitrii Nikolaevich, Kuleshova Elena Vladimirovna
382-388 Study of Art
Jacques Champion de Chambonnières and French harpsichord school of the 17th century
Beletskaya Olga Alexandrovna
389-394 Study of Art
History of the Czechoslovak Corps in the regional dimension: Vasilchenko M. A. The Czechoslovak Corps in the Struggle for the Volga Region (May-November 1918). Saratov: Tekhno-Dekor, 2021. 172 p.
Morzheedov Vladislav Gennadievich
395-397 Study of Art
Comprehension of death in Ernest Becker’s cultural anthropology
Shapovalov Igor Sergeevich
398-409 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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