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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. P. 16-18.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Sociological Sciences
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Boldina Marina Yur'evna
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Branch) in Volgograd

Abstract. This article analyzes the everyday habits of Volgograd urban agglomeration residents in order to identify the specific ecological culture features of local community. The author theoretically and empirically proves the connection between "community" and environmental culture. The methods of the research are literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The research results showed the high level of resources consumption rationality, but the low level of residents’ environmental responsibility and enthusiasm.
Key words and phrases: экологическая культура, экологическое сознание, экологическое поведение, бытовые привычки, анкетный опрос, environmental culture, environmental responsibility, ecological behaviour, everyday habits, questionnaire survey
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