Sartaeva Lyudmila Ivanovna
Kuban State University (Branch) in Slavyansk-on-Kuban
Abstract. The article reflects the results of the study, the object of which was the material included in the electronic corpus of Kuban dialect culture. The author considers texts from the subcorpus "Spiritual Culture" that captured folk ideas about the characters of "lower" mythology. The analysis of the notes made during ethno-linguistic expeditions reveals the elements of archaic belief in the minds of the dialect speakers - the representatives of Kuban traditional culture.
Key words and phrases: корпус диалектной культуры Кубани, диалектоносители, архаические представления, двоеверие, "низшая" мифология, corpus of Kuban dialect culture, dialect speakers, archaic ideas, belief in two different religions, "lower" mythology
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