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Transformations of the grammatical basis of the sentence as a means of expressing connotative meanings of an utterance Melekhova Liubov Aleksandrovna, Sergievskaya Liubov Alekseevna
| 2997-3003 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Rendering the characteristic ‘злой’ (evil; angry) into German (by the example of translations of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s prose) Chirkova Elena Nikolayevna
| 2990-2996 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Role of narrative in modern Russian drama Abasheva Marina Petrovna, Spirina Kristina Stanislavovna
| 2983-2989 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Representation of constants of the liminal space “hotel” in accentual nominations of small poetic form Royko Oksana Valentinovna
| 2976-2982 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Contemporary German political cartoons (based on the cartoons by Klaus Stuttmann) Guz Maria Nikolaevna, Pigina Natalia Vladimirovna
| 2967-2975 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Ways of conveying non-equivalent lexis when translating A. S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” from Russian into English Pushkina Anna Vladimirovna, Krivoshlykova Liudmila Vladimirovna
| 2957-2966 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Features of the functioning of the transport terminological system in modern English-language Internet news resources Matveicheva Yuliya Olegovna
| 2952-2956 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Features of the functioning of allegory in the works of 20th-century Russian monastic literature Smolina Andzhella Nikolaevna, Kudriavtceva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 2934-2945 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
English place names with sylvanic components as representatives of social-economic development in medieval England (based on the Anglo-Saxon Charters and the Domesday Book) Abramova Elena Ivanovna
| 2926-2933 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
“Traces” of Shakespeare in Yu. Dombrovsky’s essay “And I Could...” Kablukov Valerii Vitalevich
| 2921-2925 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
“The spirit world is not a lie”: “The Daughter of Shaofu Cui Bestows a Poem upon Lu Chong” (from “In Search of the Supernatural”, chapter 16) Stroganova Nina Andreevna
| 2914-2920 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Artistic features of couplets in the works of Chuvash poets Sofronova Irina Vladimirovna
| 2908-2913 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Structural and semantic characteristics of idioms in English sports discourse (based on rugby match reports) Kandrashkina Oksana Olegovna
| 2901-2907 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Features of the romantic works by Alexander Shiryaevets Manukovskaya Tatiana Vasilievna, Biryukova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Komarova Marina Mikhailovna
| 2895-2900 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Phraseological units with the component “mountain” in Polish and Norwegian Anisimova Aleksandra Olegovna, Soldatova Daria Nikolaevna
| 2888-2894 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
“Good style” and “new artisticity” in the magazine polemics of the 1860s-1870s Pecherskaya Tatyana Ivanovna
| 2881-2887 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Modifications of the German proverb “Not macht erfinderisch” in the economic media discourse of Germany Shubina Elvira Leonidovna, Pugacheva Tatyana Andreevna
| 2873-2880 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Original and translation of W. E. Henley’s poem “The Past Was Goodly Once”: A comparative analysis Bolshakova Iustina Denisovna, Vlavatskaya Marina Vitalyevna
| 2862-2872 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Influence of value orientations on a taboo system formation (based on the British feature film “Finding Your Feet”) Gazizov Rafael Arkadjevich, Salimova Guzaliya Nazifovna
| 2855-2861 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Metaphorical realization of the image of music in V. P. Astafyev’s short story “A Fairy Tale Far and Near” Demidova Tatyana Alexandrovna, Novikova Anastasia Viktorovna
| 2848-2854 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Affirmative text as a tool of simoron: System-forming features and genres Dmitrieva Olga Aleksandrovna, Gulinov Dmitry Yurievich
| 2841-2847 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Markers of synergetics in modern poetic discourse (by the example of I. Zhdanov’s lyrical poetry) Akopova Yuliya Alekseevna
| 2836-2840 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Russian and English folk riddles with a zero denotation Faizullina Nailya Ivanovna, Hang Siwen, Gilyazieva Guzel Zofarovna
| 2831-2835 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Analytic forms expressing evidential meanings in the Ingush verb system Khadzieva Madinat Magomedovna
| 2826-2830 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
English-Russian parallel corpus as a tool for contextual analysis of the lexical unit “kindness” Voichenko Natalia Vladimirovna
| 2817-2825 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Category of seemingness as a means of verbalizing a logically vague proposition in Herbert G. Wells’s novel “The Time Machine” Karpukhina Tamara Petrovna
| 2805-2816 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Representation of material values in Russian and English linguocultures in a paradigmatic aspect (based on publicistic texts of the early 21st century) Karamova Aigul Ayratovna, Chiglintseva Tatyana Aleksandrovna
| 2794-2804 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The functioning of causal constructions in Church-religious texts Yan Xiaoling
| 2787-2793 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The theme of childhood in the polyphony of the author and the hero based on the novel by T. Hardy "Jude the Inconspicuous" Nurieva Nailya Sungatovna
| 2782-2786 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Motif of the way in the novels by Jack Kerouac Malinovskaya Ekaterina Andreevna
| 2774-2781 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Novella genre in contemporary Tatar literature (based on the creative work of G. Gilmanov) Sharipova Chulpan Ramzilevna
| 2768-2773 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The structure of French-language media text as a trigger for the use of political terminology in the speech of young adolescent children Vdovichenko Elizaveta Anatol'evna
| 2763-2767 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Axiological and cultural codes of verbal semantics in the context of machine translation (based on the verbs of the Russian, Tatar and English languages) Aydarova Alsou Mirzayanovna, Bilyalova Albina Anvarovna, Zelenina Tamara Ivanovna
| 2758-2762 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Systematization of English legal pseudo-international vocabulary in translation into Russian Kuregyan Amalia Levikovna, Pertsevaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Kuzmina Aleksandra Petrovna
| 2752-2757 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Legal factors as the foundation for a model of fake news linguistic analysis Lyashenko Darya Igorevna
| 2744-2751 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Linguistic modeling of the discursive practice of “cancel culture” (based on definitions in English online dictionaries) Dubinina Irina Ivanovna
| 2735-2743 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Pushkinian tradition, myth, and text in Russian poetry in the second half of the 20th century Kruglov Roman Gennad’evich
| 2728-2734 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Aspects of constructing a terminological model in English aerospace engineering and space exploration lexicon Bukeeva Maria Evgenievna
| 2723-2727 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The reformation of the Crimean Tatar Arabic alphabet in the late 19th – early 20th century Koroglu Lenura Ablyamitovna
| 2710-2716 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Animal names in the Arabic-Tatar dictionary "Al-Mufid" by Tagir Ilyasi Galimova Olga Nikolaevna, Safarov Rinat Tagirovich
| 2704-2709 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Coptic Hymnography: a collection of Antiphonaries and a Hymn to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel Frangulian Lilia Rubenovna
| 2697-2703 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Correlation of the concepts DISEASE and CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT (CHD) in language consciousness of teenagers after heart surgery Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Rabkina Nadezda Vladimirovna, Startseva Tatyana Valerievna
| 2686-2696 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Linguistic and stylistic features of Russian-language comics and ways of its translation into English Androsova Olga Evgenevna, Sudovchikhina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Galyukshova Darya Alexandrovna
| 2677-2685 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Tempo variation in regional speech (based on northern and southern English dialects) Demina Malvina Aleksandrovna, Shishova Polina Kirillovna
| 2671-2676 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
“Flush: A Biography” by Virginia Woolf: Fiction or Non-Fiction? Safyanova Irina Vadimovna, Atlas Anna Zalmanovna
| 2665-2670 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The metaphorical image of Irkutsk as a means of creating a positive image of the city Tretiakova Evgenia Valerievna
| 2658-2664 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Methods of speech manipulation of factual and logical levels in information and analytical texts of English-language media Paramonova Marina Ilyinichna
| 2650-2657 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Subject-object approach to interdiscourse in the coordinates of the literary practice of parrhesia (Charles Dickens’s novel “Bleak House”) Ryabova Irina Yurievna
| 2640-2649 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Linguistic means of “new ethical” principles representation in modern German poetic discourse Datsko Darya Alexandrovna
| 2633-2639 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Extralinguistic content of semantics in German verbs of touch Khantimirov Spartak Mubarakshevich
| 2625-2632 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The concept DOCTOR in the language consciousness of adolescents with CHD after heart surgery and their conventionally healthy peers Olenev Stanislav Vladimirovich, Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Rabkina Nadezda Vladimirovna
| 2618-2624 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
In Search of Alaska" by J. Green: The poetics of the crisis novel Baranova Kseniia Mikhailovna, Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna
| 2612-2617 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
G. D. Grebenstchikoff’s pedagogical strategies in the story “Hitching Wagon to a Star” and its self-translation Yarkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 2606-2611 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Psycholinguistics / ed. by V. V. Krasnykh, A. I. Izotov. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2023. 232 p.: Book review Izotov Andrey Ivanovich, Izotova Anna Alexandrovna
| 2603-2605 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Modeling of cognitive-pragmatic situations within the framework of the syntactic concept of CONDITIONALITY (based on the material of the German language) Burdaeva Tatiana Valeryevna
| 2596-2602 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The theme of “memento mori" in Russian literature of the 19th century (N. V. Gogol and L. N. Tolstoy) Silina Lyudmila Alekseevna
| 2591-2595 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Post mortem: The phenomenon of the image of the living dead in modernist poetry (V. I. Narbut, B. Yu. Poplavsky, B. Brecht, G. G. Maliev) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 2583-2590 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
The archetypal plot of "descent into hell" in the novels of M. A. Bulgakov Kokhanova Valentina Aleksandrovna
| 2577-2582 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Modern Iron orthography as a “window” to the past and future of the Ossetic language Kudzoeva Anjela Fedorovna
| 2572-2576 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Frame structure of fictional narrative: A linguo-pragmatic aspect (based on V. V. Orlov’s novel “The Apothecary”) Dzyubenko Anna Igorevna
| 2565-2571 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 8. |
Artificially generated academic text (а linguopragmatic aspect) Cherkasova Marina Nikolaevna, Taktarova Anna Valer’evna
| 2551-2557 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Trend to democratization as a prerequisite of economical expression of meaning and its manifestation in texts of journalistic and official business style Elatik Ahmed Atieah
| 2545-2550 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Functional specifics of English interjections: Sociocultural aspect (based on the series “Downtown Abbey”) Panina Natalya Valerevna, Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna, Kopshukova Ekaterina Valerevna
| 2536-2544 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The national specificity of paroemias with temporal meaning in the Chuvash language Semenova Galina Nikolaevna, Yakimova Nadezhda Ivanovna, Rodionov Vitaly Grigorievich, Skvortsova Natalia Rudolfovna
| 2531-2535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Ergonymicon as the most important component of the linguistic landscape of a modern multiethnic city (on the example of Ufa) Kiseleva Larisa Ayratovna, Khisamutdiniva Dilyara Rishatovna
| 2524-2530 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The conceptual opposition of "truth – lie" in the Chuvash and Russian language worldviews Borisova Lyudmila Valentinovna, Ivanova Alena Mihailovna, Chueva Elvira Vitalievna
| 2518-2523 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Linguistic compression at the level of word formation in English economic discourse Glukhov Gennadiy Vasilyevich
| 2512-2517 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Substantive sentences as a means used by British politicians to express their identity judgments (based on the transcripts of the British Parliament meetings for 2020) Kukshinova Elena Nikolayevna
| 2502-2511 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Communicative imposition: a systematic review Kozhukhova Irina Vladimirovna
| 2494-2501 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Lexical features of the Malkin dialect of the Kabardian language Khezheva Zalina Rashadovna
| 2488-2493 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Modeling of the implicative semantics of landscape nominations in a sentence (based on the material of the German language) Bespalova Ekaterina Viktorovna
| 2481-2487 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Features of Chinese economic terms and their translation into Russian Tomilova Aleksandra Igorevna, Tvorogova Elizaveta Igorevna
| 2471-2480 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Features of the functioning of the English-language loan word “to go” in modern German Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
| 2465-2470 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
English euphemisms as the means of manipulation in the press Kutinova Elena Viktorovna
| 2459-2464 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Comparison of multilevel feature spaces of R. Bradbury's novels "Dandelion Wine" and "Farewell Summer" Bordiukova Alena Vladimirovna
| 2452-2458 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The phenomenon of linguistic creativity and its implementation in the media discourse Novosad Ksenija Yuryevna, Yurina Elena Andreevna
| 2445-2451 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Plot collisions of Akhmet Umit's detective novel "The People" (2006) Repenkova Mariya Mihaylovna
| 2439-2444 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Yesenin studies in China since the 1980s: translation problems and research issues Wang Congcong
| 2433-2438 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Anatomy of the sonnet "Don Juan" by N. S. Gumilev Pogrebnaya Yana Vsevolodovna
| 2422-2432 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The role of musical ecphrasis in the works of A. I. Kuprin in the late 80s - early 90s of the 19th century Darenskaya Natalia Alexandrovna
| 2415-2421 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Chronotope of the border in the story of A. N. Tolstoy "The Viper" Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 2409-2414 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Concept SOLDIER in Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews Yerzheninova Snezhana Vasilyevna, Tolokonnikova Olga Alexandrovna
| 2402-2408 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Scientific review of the academic publication: Zevakhina T. S. Linguosemiotic analysis of Russian artistic discourse. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2023. 72 p. Izotov Andrey Ivanovich, Izotova Anna Alexandrovna
| 2399-2401 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Shorts, reels and clip as a subvidema of Internet, film and media discourse Anisimov Vladislav Evgenevich, Anisimova Ekatherina Dmitrievna
| 2386-2398 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Scientific review of the book by V. I. Korovin “The life and literary fate of Ivan Krylov”. Moscow: Litfakt, 2024. 672 p. Skibin Sergey Mikhailovich
| 2383-2385 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Linguistics and psychoanalysis: Discourse and metadiscourse Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Chizhova Anastasia Olegovna
| 2375-2382 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Transcoding of an informative map of textual landscape models in Ch. Bronte’s Jane Eyre in English and Russian Ogneva Elena Anatolievna, Pupynina Viktoria Dmitrievna
| 2368-2374 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Axiological potential of the nomination провинциалишка (provincialette): word-formation and pragmatic aspects Bychkova Valentina Sergeevna
| 2354-2360 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Value orientations of the English-language sanctions discourse through the prism of new language units Krivoruchko Irina Sergeevna, Baste Zara Yusufovna
| 2348-2353 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Representation of myth-creating in the form of author’s language cognition in the poem of D. Constantine “Orphic” Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
| 2341-2347 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Comparative specificity of the original and translations of W. E. Henley's poem “Invictus” Bolshakova Iustina Denisovna, Vlavatskaya Marina Vitalyevna
| 2332-2340 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Modern Pashto – linguistic situation and the extent of study: Theoretical review Aail Noor Ahmad, Androsova Svetlana Viktorovna
| 2325-2331 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The dialectical principles of composition in M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” Tsirulev Alexander Fedorovich
| 2315-2324 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Concept HEALTH in linguistic consciousness of 8-11-year-old children Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Rabkina Nadezda Vladimirovna, Kartavtseva Antonina Pavlovna, Kolomiets Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
| 2308-2314 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The category of seemingness and its functioning in Herbert G. Wells’s novel “The Time Machine” Karpukhina Tamara Petrovna
| 2295-2307 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Linguopragmatic approach to linguostylistic ways of organizing English microtexts in fashion discourse Kopshukova Ekaterina Valerevna, Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna, Panina Natalya Valerevna
| 2286-2294 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Linguistic characteristics of false statements (based on the material of American political discourse) Baykova Alexandra Vasilyevna, Bukharov Valery Mikhailovich
| 2278-2285 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The manipulative potential of zoonyms as explicators of the animalistic code of culture (based on the material of the German language 2020-2024) Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
| 2270-2277 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Peculiarities of children’s comments on French-language political media texts with the “Diamond” structure Vdovichenko Elizaveta Anatol’evna
| 2264-2269 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
N. V. Gogol's novel "The Overcoat" and Lao She's novel "Rickshaw": typological parallels Amineva Venera Rudalevna, Chen Chen
| 2258-2263 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Old Tatar heritage in the Tepekey and Kurmantau sub-dialects of the Tatar language (phonetic and morphological features) Bulatova Minnira Rakhimovna
| 2252-2257 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The "new sincerity" in the proverbial phraseological paradigm of the new and the old Nikitina Tatiana Gennadievna
| 2246-2251 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Translation transformations in Russian translation studies: A theoretical and analytical review from the middle of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century Lekomtseva Irina Alekseevna, Kuraleva Tatiana Vladimirovna
| 2238-2245 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Rhythmic and sound organization as the principle of structural integrity of I. Gogolev's poem "The Glade of Poetry" Efremova Ekaterina Mikhailovna
| 2233-2237 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Attributes of generated text in academic discourse: the problem of identification Cherkasova Marina Nikolaevna, Taktarova Anna Valer’evna
| 2226-2232 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Mediator as an elite linguistic personality Kinderknekht Anna Sergeevna
| 2219-2225 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Reflection of traditional European fairy tales in children's stories by Roald Dahl Savitskij Vladimir Mikhailovich, Cherkassova Elena Valeryevna
| 2210-2218 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The transformation of female images in the dramaturgy of the 20th century by the example of A. Simukov's plays Orlova Vasilissa Vladislavovna
| 2202-2209 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The topology-imagery of lexical basic and metaphorical meanings: the cases of Words of the Year in English, Chinese, and Russian Jia Junwen
| 2190-2201 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Semantic features of the dialect vocabulary of the olonkho ‘Дуолан Баай Тойон, Арҕас Баай Хотун’ by M. E. Novikov – Melekh Mekheele Nikolaev Egor Revolievic
| 2182-2189 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Don Quixote" by M. de Cervantes as a code for reading E. Sacheri's novel "The Question in his Eyes" Varyoshin Nikita Vladimirovich
| 2169-2181 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Conveying the augmentative semantics of nouns in literary translation (based on the Russian-German Subcorpus of Russian National Corpus) Parina Irina Sergeevna
| 2163-2168 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The terrible as a sign of the void in the Z. N. Gippius dilogy "The Devil's Doll" and "Roman Tsarevich" Ivanova Irina Nikolaevna, Kuznecov Artyom Vladimirovich
| 2158-2162 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The specifics of the interpretation of Pushkin’s work in symbolism (V. Bryusov) and conceptualism (D. A. Prigov) Zhilene Ekaterina Sergeevna
| 2148-2157 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Participles as a means of representing taxis (based on the material of the Tatar language) Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 2136-2140 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Systematization of English pseudo-internationalisms of the official business style when translated into Russian Kuregyan Amalia Levikovna, Pertsevaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Kuzmina Aleksandra Petrovna
| 2130-2135 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The axiological field of the German-speaking tourist discourse Primak Svetlana Sergeyevna
| 2123-2129 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Graph-phonemic aspect of the transfer of stylistically archaic synonyms in computer-game localization (based on the material of Russian and English languages) Shageeva Anna Alekseevna, Anufriev Kirill Vladimirovich
| 2111-2117 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
The author's neologisms of W. Gibson's science fiction novel "Mona Lisa Overdrive": Features of word formation and translation from English into Russian Iaroshenko Petr Nicolaevich
| 2105-2110 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Collocations in A. P. Chekhov’s play “The Seagull” and ways of their translation into English Rudenko Tatiana Ivanovna
| 2099-2104 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 7. |
Feelings and sensitivity in medieval Italian visions (based on the poetry of the turn of the 13th-14th centuries) Kedrova Mariia Alexandrovna
| 2092-2097 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of the formation of modern stock exchange slang (based on the material of the English and Russian languages) Mashkova Natalia Alekseevna
| 2086-2091 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of representation of the genre tradition of the Bildungsroman in the Russian prose of the late 1920s Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Ovsyannihova Ekaterina Pavlovna
| 2079-2085 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The techniques of language play in the ergonyms of the Samara region from the point of view of the pragmatics of the auxiliary parts of speech Khokhlova Anna Alekseevna
| 2071-2078 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of transformations of the Chilean toponymicon at the present stage Fediukina Elena Sergeevna
| 2064-2070 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Modeling of the implicative semantics of landscape naming units in a phrase (based on the German language) Bespalova Ekaterina Viktorovna
| 2057-2063 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Factors of non-linearity in the collection of stories “Severance” by R. O. Butler Simonova Elena Petrovna
| 2050-2056 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The sound-symbolic potential of vocabulary in the work of E. D. Luchezarnova Naumova Elena Vladimirovna, Shkarin Dmitry Leonidovich
| 2036-2044 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The structure of the semantic space of verbal vocabulary in R. Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451” (based on the material of the novel in English) Zhdanova Yulia Vadimovna
| 2027-2035 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Functional and semantic specificity of the elements of the “poverty” microfield in the Russian language Sun Fengping
| 2020-2026 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of the lexical composition of the national variants of the Spanish language of Latin America Tarnaeva Larisa Petrovna, Nikulnikova Nadezhda Yuryevna
| 2012-2019 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Visual perception and its representation via the modality of seemingness in the novel “The Invisible Man” by H. G. Wells Evseeva Elizaveta Iurevna
| 1999-2011 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Language tools with an intensifying function in V. M. Shukshin’s novella “Snowball Berry Red” Loginova Elena Yurievna
| 1992-1998 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Explanatory function of titles in educational discourse (by the material of English textbooks on economic law) Isaeva Olga Nikolaevna, Krivchenko Irina Borisovna
| 1985-1991 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Overstatement as a communicative category of British linguoculture (based on the novels by S. Kinsella “Christmas Shopaholic”, “Burnout” and by I. Knight “Darling”) Vlasova Ekaterina Viktorovna
| 1979-1984 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Phraseological units and other stable expressions of the Kabardino-Circassian language with the zoonymic component "хьэ" (dog) Sherieva Nina Gumarovna
| 1973-1978 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The creative personality of the Udmurt front-line soldier and writer Philip Kedrov Zaitseva Tatyana Ivanovna, Petrova Elena Nikiforovna, Kamitova Alevtina Vasilyevna
| 1965-1972 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Portrait in the book “Journey to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery...” by S. P. Shevyrev Wang You Juan
| 1958-1964 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Movement verbs in the aspect of interpretation of the category of relations in the cultural spaces of the Italian and English languages Savvateeva Irina Anatolevna
| 1950-1957 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Translation of popular science videos from English into Russian: Dubbing and subtitles Bogdanov Kirill Romanovich, Zamaraeva Galina Nikolaevna, Kolycheva Anna Igorevna
| 1943-1949 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
A love story in V. Pelevin’s “Nika” (mystification techniques) Zhang Yu
| 1936-1942 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Functioning peculiarities of constructions with the modal meaning of conditionality in “Russkaya Pravda” Tkachenko Arina Igorevna, Maltseva Anastasiia Ilinichna
| 1931-1935 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Phonetic processes in consonant clusters (based on the Ossetian language) Dzakhova Veronika Tambievna, Makarenko Mariya Dmitriyevna
| 1925-1930 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Image of the metaphysical vampire in the artistic space of the short story “A Psychopathic Ghoul” by Yu. V. Mamleev Yakovlev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Karpenko Anastasia Vladimirovna
| 1919-1924 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Problem of the formation of a professional language style (based on Aviation English) Lysenko Sergey Vladimirovich
| 1914-1918 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Elements of the metamodern category "depth" in H. Mantel's novel "Bring Up the Bodies" Merculova Mayya Gennadivena, Lavrenteva Irina Vladimirovna
| 1908-1913 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Artistic interpretation of the destinies of people of art in T. Minnullin's drama "Galiyabanu – My Beloved" Zakirzyanov Al'fat Magsumzyanovich, Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
| 1903-1907 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The nominative field of the concept of a FRAUDSTER in the Russian language picture of the world Usacheva Olga Alexandrovna, Chernyavskaya Nadezhda Anatolievna, Temnikova Natalia Yurievna
| 1897-1902 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The speech act of appeal as a component of English-language political discourse (based on Ursula von der Leyen’s special address, Davos, 2023) Korzova Elena Nickolaevna
| 1891-1896 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The problem of modifying rumors: From the traditional texture to the emergence of new digital genres Prokhorova Olga Nikolaevna, Gafurova Valeria Alekseevna
| 1880-1890 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Italics as a means of actualizing statements in M. Tsvetaeva's poetry Kulsarina Irena Galinurovna, Khisamova Galiya Gilmullovna
| 1874-1879 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of modifications of phraseological units in modern English-, German-, French- and Spanish-language versions of the Bible: linguistic and cultural aspect Mikhailova Evgenia Vladimirovna, Gulevets Natalia Aleksandrovna
| 1866-1873 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Linguistic specifics of the category of interpretation in English-language news media texts Syresina Irina Olegovna
| 1859-1865 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Features of the hybridization of the vocabulary of the digital educational environment in Germany Kamenskii Aleksandr Alekseewich
| 1854-1858 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Analysis of the effectiveness of ML algorithms for emotion recognition, taking into account prosodic and spectral features Zavrumov Zaur Aslanovich, Goncharova Oksana Vladimirovna, Levit Alina Aleksandrovna
| 1846-1853 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The poetic technique of Yukari-Kotoba in the Japanese literary and oral tradition Sadokova Anastasiya Rurikovna
| 1841-1845 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The structural organization of multicomponent terms of the interdisciplinary discourse of English-language dental implantology Abregova Alla Vladimirovna
| 1835-1840 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Polymarker contexts with the particle “still”: semantics and pragmatics Loshanina Maria Nikolaevna
| 1828-1834 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Creativity of Precedents: from Word to Text. The Boundaries of Actualization (on the Material of English and Russian Languages) Sidorova Natalia Anatolievna, Kurochkina Elena Vladimirovna, Khromochkina Olga Vasiljevna
| 1821-1827 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Verbalization of the information structure of English-language business memoirs Efremov Bogdan Vyacheslavovich, Panfilova Serafima Sergeyevna
| 1815-1820 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Prosodic markers of the state of "joy" (using the example of linguistic realizations of Kabardian Bilinguals in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region) Frolova Anastasia Vadimovna
| 1809-1814 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
The Yukaghir tale of the little moose hunter: Semantics of the image (in comparison with the Yakut fairy tale) Prokopeva Praskovya Egorovna
| 1803-1808 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Intersection peculiarities of professionally significant concepts in the language consciousness of cardiologists Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Potapova Natalia Vadimovna
| 1794-1802 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Contextual euphemisms as a linguistic means of manipulative influence in texts of characteristics (based on the material of the German language) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 1773-1780 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 6. |
Skoptsy and skopchestvo in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Idiot” Karpacheva Tatiana Sergeevna
| 1763-1771 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The motif of “death agony” in Joseph Brodsky’s “Stanzas” Baranova Tatiana Nikolaevna
| 1756-1762 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Identification of the pragmatic potential of definiteness means in German political discourse Zavyalova Alena Victorovna
| 1748-1755 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Cluster analysis of linguistic profiles of hidden communities Mamaev Ivan Dmitrievich
| 1739-1747 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The space of word families with the base words MOUSE and RAT by the beginning of the 21st century Belyaeva Marina Yurievna
| 1732-1738 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Linguistic representation of the category of opposition in folk and literary versions of the tale of Snow White Solovyeva Nataliya Vladimirovna
| 1722-1731 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The story “The Difficult, Full of Adversities and Dangers Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student” by L. I. Davydychev in a modern film interpretation Norina Natalia Viktorovna
| 1713-1721 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Typology of military metaphors in the English-language COVID-19 discourse Dadueva Alexandra Sokratovna
| 1705-1712 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The influence of Sasha Cherny on the satirical poetry of Leonid Zavalnyuk Gavrilenko Viktoriya Dmitrievna
| 1699-1704 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The strategy of negative politeness in the judicial discourse of the USA and Canada (based on the proceedings of the Supreme Court of the USA and the Supreme Court of Canada) Dmitrieva Elena Aleksandrovna
| 1692-1698 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Malaconyms in the Tatar language: formation and development Galimova Olga Nikolaevna
| 1683-1691 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The potential of linguosynergetic discourse analysis in the study of the modus category of evidentiality (based on the material of the English language) Kozlovsky Dmitry Valentinovich, Ivanova Svetlana Viktorovna
| 1675-1682 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The specifics of the narrator in F. Sologub’s novel “The Petty Demon” Zharkov Mikhail Aleksandrovich
| 1669-1674 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Articulation and acoustic characteristics of unstressed and stressed vowels in place of the spelling "a" in the speech of native speakers of different phonovariants of the Russian language Goncharova Oksana Vladimirovna
| 1661-1668 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Heroes of everyday life, sinners and sheriffs. Figurative nominations of a person as a means of implementing a manipulative nominative strategy in media discourse (based on the material of the German language 2020-2023) Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
| 1654-1660 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Present tense forms in Russian and English as a means of expressing the simultaneity category Antropova Anastasia Evgenievna
| 1647-1653 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
I in the role of the Other: The doctrine of metempsychosis in Ch.-L. Montesquieu’s novel “True Story” Vasilyeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
| 1640-1646 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The dark side of genius: Researching Nabokov’s short stories in China Tian Jianing
| 1626-1632 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The problem of self-presentation of the author of a poetic text (based on the creative work of V. V. Mayakovsky) Khalatyan Alisa Armenovna
| 1618-1625 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Political media discourse in Russian, European and Chinese linguistics: A theoretical and analytical review of current trends Matytcina Marina Stanislavovna, Gong Siyu
| 1611-1617 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Irony and its role in political communication (based on the British television series “Yes, Minister!”) Kudryavtsev Andrey Aleksandrovich
| 1604-1610 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Identification of “toxicity” in social networks based on the semantic proximity criterion Kurganskaia Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Stepanova Natalia Valentinovna
| 1596-1603 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
ONE’S OWN – ALIEN dichotomy: Value determinants of semantics (based on Russian and English languages) Muravleva Valeriya Romanovna, Romanov Aleksandr Sergeevich, Klimenko Mikhail Borisovich
| 1590-1595 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The image of the Far Eastern city in the literature of the eastern frontier of the second half of the 19th century Vasilyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 1584-1589 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Dialectisms in the modern regional dialect of the village of Usmanka, Chebulinsky District, Kemerovo Region Kositsina Yulia Vladimirovna
| 1577-1583 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The main features of English academic and professional medical discourses Al-Lami Hussein Mohammed Breesam
| 1572-1576 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Interpretation of the category of the fantastic in the short stories of Dino Buzzati Ushakova Alexandra Nikolaevna
| 1565-1571 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Methods of verbalization of value attitudes of pedagogical discourse (based on professional standards in Russia, Germany, and the UK) Toikina Olga Wladimirovna
| 1558-1564 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Metaphorical images of movement in a liquid medium in the Scots dialect of English Nadeina Luiza Vasilievna, Kolbysheva Yuliya Vladimirovna, Pozdeeva Galina Petrovna
| 1551-1557 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Linguistic and cultural aspects of the semantics of dialect vocabulary (based on island German dialects in Siberia) Moskvina Tatiana Nikolajevna
| 1544-1550 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Systematization of phraseological units of English-language legal discourse Strekalova Ksenia Valerievna
| 1536-1543 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Translation strategies for preserving implicit axiological meanings of a literary work (based on South Korean poems and their English translations) Timko Natalia Valeriyevna
| 1522-1528 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The manifestation of emotions in the audio description of German-language animated films for children Anishchenko Alla Valerevna, Melikyan Maria Vitalevna
| 1516-1521 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Issues of national literary development studies and its conceptual and terminological apparatus Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Emelyanova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Savirova Marina Petrovna
| 1503-1507 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Parameterization of communication content in business discourse (based on the material of the Russian and English languages) Kovalenko Natalia Yurevna
| 1490-1502 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Structural and grammatical modifications of proverbs in German journalistic discourse Shitikova Anzhelika Vladimirovna
| 1484-1489 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
“The Twa Corbies”: The reception of the Scottish folk ballad in Russian and Ossetian literature (A. S. Pushkin, G. M. Tsagolov) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 1477-1483 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The specifics of translating German nominalized infinitives into Russian (based on the Russian National Corpus of parallel German-Russian texts) Panfilova Elena Gennadjevna
| 1471-1476 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Specifics of the language implementation of the genre of top-managers’ message in the annual report (based on the Russian language) Kopus Tatiana Leonidovna
| 1463-1470 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
А stuffy person (buzzkill): Features of communicative behavior Panchenko Nadezhda Nickolaevna
| 1458-1462 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
A. F. Pisemsky’s late comedies in the dialogue with the Russian comedy tradition of the 18th century Aleksandrova Irina Viktorovna, Kazaryan Nadezhda Sergeevna
| 1451-1457 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The system of values of the Russian image of the world in the psycholinguistic aspect (based on the results of a free associative experiment) Kazachenko Oksana Vasilyevna
| 1443-1450 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Representation of locus image in a tourist advertising narrative Menshikova Ekaterina Evgenevna
| 1437-1442 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Functional semantics of emotive units in A. P. Chekhov’s and I. A. Bunin’s prose: The general and the specific (based on the material of the microfield “Grief”) Kiseleva Larisa Ayratovna, Todosienko Zarrina Vladislavovna
| 1431-1436 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The linguoconcept of PRIVACY in J. Franzen’s essay “The Imperial Bedroom” (1998) Kim Yulia Vitalievna
| 1425-1430 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Axiological features of the concepts of ШIУ (GOOD) and БЗЭДЖАГЪ (EVIL) in the Adyghe linguoculture Bogdanova Elena Aleksandrovna, Dzhandar Betti Mahmudovna, Khachmafova Zaineta Ruslanovna
| 1419-1424 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Transformations of borrowings: The main conceptual and terminological apparatus Sokolova Alina Yurievna
| 1404-1411 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Forms of free verse in the work of Zarina Kanukova (based on the materials of the collection " Хэку / Homeland") Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna
| 1398-1403 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Representation of indirect evidentiality through the evasion strategy in the English, Russian, and Chuvash languages Demyanova Tatyana Valentinovna, Sofronova Irina Vladimirovna
| 1391-1397 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Metaphorization of determinative verbal composites with parametric components “hoch” and “nieder” in German Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Belenkova Yulia Sergeevna
| 1385-1390 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
GI’s professional world image through creolised texts (as exemplified in English) Romanov Alexander Sergeevich, Klimenko Mikhail Borisovich, Prokhorov Sergey Sergeevich
| 1378-1384 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Socio-psychological portrait of a group of Soviet military sailors in K. G. Paustovsky’s works about Sevastopol Galyas Irina Anatolyevna, Rudenko Zhanetta Anatolyevna
| 1369-1377 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
Functional semantics of the author’s editing of comments in English-language Internet communication Spiridonova Valentina Aleksandrovna, Varlakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Goncharova Maria Vyacheslavovna
| 1363-1368 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 5. |
The phenomenon of artistic whistling in traditional Chinese culture and its connection with classical Chinese literature Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 1351-1362 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The linguistic personality of a translator and the pragmatic variability of translation (based on the translations of Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice”) Rakhmatullina Dilyara Ravil'evna, Bezmenova Larisa Eduardovna, Mangushev Sergei Vladimirovich
| 1343-1350 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Lexicographic representation of the lexeme ‘абсурд’ (absurd) Dzhur Elena Vladimirovna
| 1338-1342 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Symbiosis of the “poetic” and ethical principles in Leo Tolstoy’s autobiographical trilogy Tsirulev Alexander Fedorovich
| 1324-1329 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Features of verbal and cogitative activity in children aged 5-7 in the digital age Pustovoitova Olga Vasilevna
| 1315-1323 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Linguostylistic features of fan fiction (based on the English-language fandom “Pushkin”) Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna, Kuharuk Maksim Ruslanovich
| 1310-1314 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Pragmatic potential of recurrent vocabulary in media texts (based on the news messages about Russia in German-language media) Ivanchenko Tatiana Anatolevna
| 1304-1309 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Gender stereotypes in Spanish-language women’s advertising: A translation aspect Toporkova Yulia Alexandrovna
| 1298-1303 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Concepts of hermeticism and gnosticism in contemporary science fiction Kazakova Irina Borisovna
| 1292-1297 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Using machine learning for the topic annotation of oral speech corpus texts Pogodaeva Elena Nikolaevna
| 1286-1291 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Auguste Brizeux as a type of romantic singer of local culture Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
| 1279-1285 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Use of lexical means for expressing a literary image (based on the novel “In Search of the First Land” by E. D. Aypin) Dolzhenko Nataliia Grigorievna, Glukhova Svetlana Dmitrievna
| 1273-1278 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The text-forming potential of discourse markers in scientific communication Danilevskaya Varvara Andreevna
| 1265-1272 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Stage nature of Raymond Carver’s short stories Kharrasova Elvira Alfredovna, Torres Ramirez Jose Valentin
| 1258-1264 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The evolution of the entrepreneur’s image in Jordan Belfort’s autobiographical novel “The Wolf of Wall Street” Savinich Sergei Sergeyevich, Plakhin Nikita Sergeevich
| 1252-1257 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Types of metaphors in economic discourse (based on the representation of enterprise activities in Russian, English, German, and French) Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna
| 1244-1251 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Adjectives with the semantics of precedence in English and Russian Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 1237-1243 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Semantics and pragmatics of expressions with the component ‘белое пальто’ (fig. ‘superior attitude’) based on internet publications Bashkirtseva Oksana Aleksandrovna, Dedkovskaya Dar'ya Mikhailovna
| 1230-1236 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Overcoming poetic conceptualism (“Sunny Morning” by Timur Kibirov) Zhilene Ekaterina Sergeevna
| 1223-1229 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Versification as a genre-forming factor in the sonnet sequence “Faithful to Love” by M. Bemurzov Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna
| 1217-1222 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Transformation of precedent movie phrases in comic creolized internet memes (using the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” as an example of the source of meme origin) Trofimchuk Polina Ilyinichna
| 1207-1216 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Linguistic means of creating a negative image of fossil energy sources in the modern German media discourse Varlakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Goncharova Maria Vyacheslavovna, Spiridonova Valentina Aleksandrovna
| 1192-1198 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Features of the functioning of deverbal nouns with the prefix 'пред-' (based on the Russian National Corpus) Sukhorukova Yuliya Aleksandrovna
| 1185-1191 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Lexico-semantic objectification of the linguocultural opposition “intelligence – stupidity/madness” in Spanish phraseological units Gulevets Natalia Aleksandrovna, Nekrasova Mariya Yurievna
| 1178-1184 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Verbalization of the emotional persuasive strategy in the English-language publishing hypertext Panfilova Serafima Sergeyevna
| 1172-1177 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Discourse “hypostases” of Jacques Lacan: French linguistic culture Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Skvortsov Konstantin Viktorovich
| 1163-1171 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Linguistic profiles of hidden communities: A morphosyntactic aspect Mamaev Ivan Dmitrievich
| 1155-1162 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The image of a medical nurse in Ivan Shmelyov’s story “Blood Sin” Sotkov Viktor Aleksandrovich
| 1149-1154 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Emphatic inversion in the English language: A theoretical review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 1137-1148 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Pu Songling. Liao Zhai Zhi Yi (Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio): Complete Collection in 12 Juan: in 7 vols. / translated from Chinese by Academician V. M. Alekseev and Professor A. G. Storozhuk. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2022. Vol. 1. 568 p., ill.: Book re Zakharova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 1135-1136 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Features of the functioning of peripheral punctuation marks in the epistolary texts by semiliterate authors Bageeva Olga Olegovna
| 1128-1134 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) in German linguoculture Khlopova Anna Igorevna
| 1123-1127 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Protest slogans in French: Lexico-syntactic and semantic aspects Abramova Elena Konstantinovna
| 1114-1122 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Representation of the MUSIC concept in the linguistic consciousness of young people from different professional groups (according to the analysis in the information systems “Semograph” and “SciVi”) Verszynina Mariya Gennadjevna, Belova Larisa Alexandrovna
| 1106-1113 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Minimal semantic description of meaning in relation to abstract vocabulary using the example of the German lexeme „Rechtsstaat“ Stepanova Maria Alexeyevna, Savankova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
| 1099-1105 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Ethnocultural and linguo-pragmatic potential of phraseological units as means of national identification of Austrians Chukshis Vadim Andreevich
| 1086-1090 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Peculiarities of conveying logical inferences when translating an English simple sentence into Russian Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna, Panina Natalya Valerevna, Kopshukova Ekaterina Valerevna
| 1079-1085 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The English-language linguocultural scenario “Marketing”: Structural and semantic features of linguistic units Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna, Pyrkina Natalia Alexandrovna, Sergeeva Margarita Viktorovna
| 1071-1078 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Ivan Turgenev’s novella “First Love”: On the borders of idyll Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 1065-1070 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
“With righteous Word sear hearts of men...”: On the 225th anniversary of A. S. Pushkin’s birth Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
| 1056-1064 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Dependence of the cognitive attributes of the HEART concept in the language consciousness of a person on their professional employment (by the example of cardiologists) Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Startseva Tatyana Valerievna, Potapova Natalya Vadimovna
| 1050-1055 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Grammaticalization of pronouns ‘you’ and ‘Sie’ in English and German Avagyan Asmik Armenovna
| 1044-1049 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Linguo-pragmatic characteristics of bilingualism in Acadian media discourse Mordvinova Albina Rishatovna, Sadykova Aida Gumerovna
| 1038-1043 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Semantic-syntactic properties of the deverbal relative ‘исходя из’ (‘based on’) Zarubina Elena Sergeevna
| 1032-1037 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Metaphor as a productive means of verbalizing emotions in the political discourse of Germany Zorina Anastasia Valeryevna
| 1026-1031 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
The doctor’s image in the reception of Russian criticism and literary studies in the 20th and 21st centuries Trostina Marina Aleksandrovna, Shishkanova Ksenia Nikolaevna
| 1019-1025 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Media image of a veterinary doctor in Russian mass media (based on the data from the Russian National Corpus) Abrosimova Ekaterina Alekseevna, Kravchenko Yulia Dmitrievna
| 1012-1018 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Features of the translation of an English poetic text into Russian in the context of its equivalence (based on “Up in the Air” published by “Brown Watson”) Sibiryakov Andrey Viktorovich, Laur Anna Dmitrievna
| 1005-1011 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 4. |
Forms of the PR biography in the context of the genre system Kovtunenko Inna Viktorovna, Bondarenko Yuriy Borisovich
| 999-1004 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Reception of Russian village prose in China in the 1980s Song Bijun
| 994-998 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Linguistic units with the meaning of space, weight, and cost measures as a fragment of the linguistic worldview of the Crimean Tatars Ganieva Emine Suleymanovna, Mazinov Ahtem Seit-Ametovich
| 988-993 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Function of Chinese characters in the system of images of D. I. Stakheev’s poem “Ambassade” Zhai Li
| 980-987 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Scenario metonymy of motion verbs in the Russian language Ilyukhina Nadezhda Alekseevna
| 973-979 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The verbal image of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama: Self-presentation and media perspective Karaulshchikova Yuliya Vladimirovna, Tsarkova Olga Alexandrovna
| 965-972 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
“Writer’s Diary” for 1881 by Fyodor Dostoevsky in the German translations made at different times by Less Kaerrick Lilenko Irina Juriewna
| 957-964 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Post-editing of English to Russian machine translation: Issues, methods, and optimization Khromova Anna Andreevna, Lukmanova Renata Razifovna
| 948-956 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Gender specificity in the Moldavian variant of the Romanian language as a modern trend in its development Malysheva Elizaveta Yurievna
| 941-947 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Migrant-phobic discourse of ethnic virtual communities on the social network “VKontakte” Makhmutov Zufar Aleksandrovich
| 935-940 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Metaphorical representation of the WOMAN concept in the male worldview (based on Russian aphorisms of the 19th-21st centuries) Chupryakova Ol'ga Anatol'evna, Safonova Svetlana Sergeevna, Rakhimova Dinara Irekovna
| 930-934 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
“African Pushkin”: The starting point of the reception of Russian literature by writers in francophone Africa Ibrahima Gaye
| 924-929 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Structural-semantic features of figurative expressions characterizing Mount Elbrus in the Karachay-Balkar language Khubolov Sakhadin Magametovich, Tekuev Mussa Maskhutovich, Akhmatova Mariam Akhmatovna
| 918-923 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Realities in the artistic world of William Morris's late novels: classification features and translation possibilities into Russian Aristov Alexei Yur'evich, Aristova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 912-917 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Generation of XML Moodle format files based on data from a balanced linguistic corpus Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich
| 906-911 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Mount Tsukuba cult: Specifics of the ritual and ancient Japanese poetry Sadokova Anastsiya Rurikovna
| 900-905 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The problem of artistic synthesis in Bashkir prose in the second half of the 20th century: M. Karim's novella "A Long, Long Childhood" Gareeva Gulfira Nigamatovna, Shaydullina Alsu Mishatovna
| 892-899 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Graphic elements as a means to implement emotivity and genre intertextuality (based on D. Tartt’s novel “The Goldfinch”) Smirnova Anna Georgievna
| 885-891 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The bibliographic index monograph: Chudakov A. P. A. P. Chekhov in Lifetime Criticism. 1882-1904: in 2 vols. Moscow: Theater Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin. Vol. 1, 2022. 520 p.: ill. Vol. 2, 2023. 500 p.: ill.: Book review Skibina Olga Mikhailovna
| 882-884 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The linguistic means of creating the image of a country in English-language popular scientific discourse (based on the book “Gerald & Lee Durrell in Russia”) Barsukova Elena Alexandrovna
| 876-881 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Denotative and significative meanings of deverbal syntactic derivatives Dolzhenko Nataliia Grigorievna
| 871-875 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Specifics of autointerpretation in the novel “The Teenager Savenko, or Self-Portrait of a Bandit in Adolescence” by E. Limonov Osmukhina Olga Yurievna
| 865-870 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Strategies of Ambiguity / ed. by Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker. N. Y. – L., 2023. 374 p.: Book review Semyonova Yulia Vladimirovna
| 862-864 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Parameterization as a way to implement a prototypical model of Russian and English folk riddles Faizullina Nailya Ivanovna, Hang Siwen
| 857-861 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Polycode of English texts of medical education: Pragmatic and linguocultural aspects Torubarova Irina Ivanovna, Stebletsova Anna Olegovna
| 848-856 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Linguistic methods of explicating precedent phenomena: Preservation and transmission of cultural information (based on "Of Human Bondage" by the English-language author S. Maugham) Davydova Anna Robertovna, Sarkisyan Mariana Robertovna
| 842-847 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Female characters of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Storm” in Geng Jizhi’s translation reception Modina Galina Ivanovna, Shen Mengqi
| 834-841 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Historical-biographical novel by Zulfu Livaneli "On the Back of the Tiger: Tyranny and Freedom" (2022) Repenkova Mariya Mihaylovna
| 822-827 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Typological similarities in the lyrical works “The Prisoner to the Butterfly That Flew into His Dungeon” by V. A. Zhukovsky and “The Prisoner of Chillon” by G. G. Byron Oksenchuk Vera Nikolaevna
| 816-821 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Understanding of F. Sologub’s prose in Chinese Russian philology Osipova Ol’ga Ivanovna, Hu Yingnan
| 809-815 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Language game in mental spaces of children's literature works Vaganova Irina Yuryevna
| 802-808 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
E. Dmitrieva. “The second volume of ‘Dead Souls’: Intentions and speculations”. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023. 464 p.: Book review Skibin Sergey Mikhailovich
| 799-801 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Linguistic markers of the precedent status of proper names in the recipient text Titova Anna Sergeevna, Cheresyuk Polina Andreevna
| 792-798 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The macro-concept LIGHT in the novel “The Boy and the Darkness” by S. V. Lukyanenko Kamenskaya Irina Borisovna
| 785-791 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Intertextual methods of artistic cognition (on the material of the lyrical cycle “Sibyls” by R. Fainlight) Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
| 775-784 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The functioning of phraseological units in texts of court decisions in criminal cases (on the material of the German language) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 768-774 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Characteristics of the initiation novel in the biographical graphic novel by Pierre Kristen and Sebastian Verdie "Orwell" Prudius Irina Gennadievna, Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna
| 762-767 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Traditional perception of the dog according to Russian paremiology Cheremnykh Yuliya Aleksandrovna, Shenkman Valentina Il’inichna
| 753-761 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Patriotic rhetoric as a macro-strategy in Chinese mass media discourse in the English language Nikolaeva Olga Vasilyevna
| 747-752 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Ways of conveying subjective modality in the process of translating the particle ‘же’ into English Kralina Yana Sergeevna, Rumiantseva Elena Vladimirovna, Smolina Olga Vladimirovna
| 741-746 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Types of kinship and their categorization in different languacultures (based on the Russian, Kabardian and English languages) Murzakanova Milana Yurievna
| 735-740 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
“The Luzhin Defense” by V. Nabokov in the context of Bildungsroman traditions Nikolaev Nikolay Ippolitovich, Dulova Svetlana Alekseevna
| 727-734 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Structural-semantic links of skaldic kennings compared with phraseological units using the lexico-semantic group “Fire” Levitan Alexander Glebovich, Nechaeva Polina Vasilyevna, Soldatova Daria Nikolaevna
| 720-726 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Textmental categories of the Gospel parable (based on German and Russian) Alekseeva Yelena Mikhailovna
| 713-719 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Temporal images in the travels of “mass sentimentalism”: From personal to idyllic Kublitskaya Ol’ga Viktorovna
| 707-712 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Compressive word formation in English legal discourse: Structural and semantic characteristics of linguistic units Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna
| 699-706 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
The category of seemingness and its representation in H. G. Wells’s short story “The Door in the Wall” Karpukhina Tamara Petrovna
| 682-691 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Othello and his “tragic flaw” Kovalevskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
| 675-681 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
“Being... is in fact nothing”: Genre-semantic accents in I. Brodsky’s great poem “Butterfly” Baranova Tatiana Nikolaevna
| 663-674 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 3. |
Argumentative explication of the text of parliamentary speeches at the micro level (based on the French language) Gavrishina Irina Nikolaevna
| 655-661 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Metaphorical term formation in technical discourse (based on Russian, Bashkir, and English) Bilalova Dina Nurimanovna
| 648-654 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Myth-Novel" by G. Swift: Genesis and reception of fenland mythology Varyoshin Nikita Vladimirovich
| 641-647 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Linguistic-pragmatic characterization of annotations of massive open online courses (based on the German language) Katalkina Natalia Anatolyevna, Ripacheva Elena Anatolyevna
| 626-634 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Representation of figurative meanings of the lexemes ‘булка’ / ‘Brötchen’ in a bilingual Russian-German linguistic-cultural dictionary Blokhina Elena Nikolaevna
| 616-625 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Linguistic creativity as the basis for formation of polysynthetic nominations in English language media discourse Zakharov Oleg Igorevich
| 607-615 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Features of the terminological composition in english-language navigation discourse Tarnaeva Larisa Petrovna, Malinina Svetlana Mikhailovna
| 601-606 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Composition of the socio-political vocabulary of the Ingush language Barahoeva Nina Mustafaevna, Galaeva Zharaidat Batirovna
| 597-600 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
The issue of memory and its interpretation specifics in the novels of A. Teppeev Sarbasheva Alena Mustafaevna
| 592-596 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Systematization of English terminological abbreviations in the field of transport logistics Karavayskaya Olga Sergeevna
| 587-591 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Implementation features of indirect politeness strategies within the communicative strategies of political media discourse (based on Markus Söder’s appearance on the talk show “Markus Lanz”) Arkhipova Daria Igorevna
| 579-586 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Hybrid discourse: Constitutive features of geographic essays Balandina Ekaterina Sergeevna
| 573-578 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Frame structure of allusive anthroponym as a literary concept (on the material of Donna Tartt’s novel “The Secret History”) Tomberg Olga Vitalievna, Ananyina Marina Aleksandrovna
| 564-572 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
The concept of SLACKTIVISM and its implementation in network discursive practices (based on the Russian, English, and French languages) Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna
| 557-563 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Structure of the media concept DIGITAL ECONOMY in the discourse of English-language media Kalugina Olga Anatolevna
| 551-556 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Visualization of precedent situations in an advertising poster (using the example of an Uber advertising campaign in France) Anisimov Vladislav Evgen’evich, Anisimova Ekatherina Dmitrievna, Nebyvaeva Natalia Sergeevna
| 541-550 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Conceptual strategies of post (social) realism (A. Turgenev’s novel “So that God tears you to pieces from the inside!”) Bibergan Ekaterina Sergeevna, Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna
| 533-540 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Features of the “Onegin text” reception in the literary process of the 21st century Gudkova Svetlana Petrovna, Rauzhina Anastasia Mikhailovna
| 527-532 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Rhizome as a mechanism of manipulation in German-language journalistic text Chetyrkina Inna Valerjevna
| 520-526 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Features of the structure and linguistic realization of the categorial situation of necessity in German instructional texts with a specific action subject – an animal Boguslavskaya Irina Vilenovna
| 513-519 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Completive (finalizing) mode of verbal action in the Kabardian-Circassian language Dzuganova Rita Khabalovna
| 508-512 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Glory to you, my hard life!": Life and creative peripetias of the fate of the neo-peasant writer P. I. Karpov Zhilina Maria Alexandrovna
| 503-507 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Expression of the category of precedence by prepositions and conjunctions in the English language Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Savinov Savva Sergeevich
| 496-502 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Diary texts of V. D. Kasyanov in the aspect of diachronic study of word collocations Kudryavceva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 490-495 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Textemic analysis of special texts on winemaking Sibiryakov Andrey Viktorovich, Timokhina Arina Vladimirovna
| 483-489 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
“Your 18th Century. Your 19th Century. The Verge of the Ages” by N. Ya. Eidelman. Saint Petersburg: Azbuka; Azbuka-Attikus, 2023. 800 p. (Non-Fiction. Big Books): Book review Skibin Sergey Mikhailovich
| 480-482 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Biographical myth about M. Gorky and artistic reality: The dramatic trilogy “Three versions of one fate. Plays” by N. Pributkovskaya Urtmintseva Marina Genrichovna
| 474-479 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Modal potential of synthetic and analytical forms of the future tense in German and Russian Averina Anna Viktorovna
| 466-473 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Problems in translating political jokes from German into Russian Shcherbina Sergey Yuerevich
| 460-465 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Syntactic means of expressiveness (based on the titles of Udmurt journalistic texts) Kondrateva Natalia Vladimirovna, Chernysheva Larisa Mikhailovna
| 454-459 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
English imperative sentences in the functional-communicative and the translatological aspect Brykina Svetlana Viktorovna, Sudovchikhina Luidmila Alexandrovna
| 448-453 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Cultural code and its image component (by the example of the image of nature in English films) Pankratova Svetlana Anatolyevna
| 443-447 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Specifics of using pronouns in Tatar-language and English-language advertising slogans Fakhretdinova Gulnaz Nurkhametovna
| 438-442 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Rendering of artistic imagery in poetic translation (based on the poetry of R. Burns) Alekseeva Olga Pavlovna
| 433-437 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Cinematic quality as a feature of poetics in Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels Orlova Tatiana Sergeevna
| 425-432 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Linguo-cognitive mechanisms of metaphorization in COVID-19 discourse (based on Russian-language media) Dadueva Alexandra Sokratovna, Khakhalova Svetlana Alexeyevna
| 419-424 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Realization of poetic discourse in the recreative phase of translation (based on an English translation of Sergei Gontsov’s poem “In a red tower-room”) Guseva Elena Nikolayevna
| 412-418 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Female ethnotype in the lyrical songs of ‘Shijing’ (11th-6th centuries BC) and in the narrative prose of medieval China Zakharova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 407-411 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Representation of A. Blok’s creative work in video poetry Zaitseva Tatiana Borisovna, Tsurkan Veronika Valentinovna, Veseleva Alena Olegovna
| 401-406 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Transformation and synthesis of mythological plots and images in the modern Chuvash dramatic fairy tale Perepelkina Elena Petrovna, Yakimova Ekaterina Romanovna
| 395-400 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Heart motifs in the creative work of Joseph Brodsky Baranova Tatyana Nikolaevna
| 389-394 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Images of cities in the creative work of the Indian poet Kunwar Narain (1927-2017) Strelkova Guzel Vladimirovna, Guria Anastasia Georgievna
| 377-388 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Color conceptual sphere in English, French and Russian: A linguocultural analysis of phraseological units with a color feature Glebova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Bgantseva Irina Vladimirovna, Ionkina Ekaterina Yuryevna
| 369-376 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Semantic variation of the gustatory attribute ‘гуащIэ’ (sour) in the Kabardian language Chilova Tamara Aleksandrovna
| 363-368 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Dedication as a way of ontologization of the heterogeneity of modern English-language scientific discourse Efimova Nadezhda Nikolayevna, Violina Marina Igorevna
| 354-362 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
The functional and pragmatic aspect of the use of paraphonation tools in expressing the emotional state of a character in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” Levina Ella Mikhailovna, Polovneva Marina Vladimirovna, Yakimova Ekaterina Mikhailovna
| 347-353 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Transformation of literary and folklore genre structures in the literary fairy tale “Ivan the Fool” by Leo Tolstoy (1885-1886) Sizova Irina Igorevna
| 339-346 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Words with complex stems as members of a word family in German (by the example of the word family with the base word “lieben”) Krupnova Nataliya Aleksandrovna
| 333-338 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Verbs ‘работать’ (to work) and ‘делать’ (to do) in N. S. Dashevskaya’s individual style: A pragmasemantic aspect Golosova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 326-332 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Realization of diminutive meanings by verbs with the suffix -el(n) in modern German Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 319-325 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Micro-field “Alcohol” of the lexico-semantic field “Food” in the novel “The Rebel Angels” by Robertson Davies Kurenkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Strekaleva Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 311-318 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Deconstruction of V. Mayakovsky’s satirical play “The Bedbug” in a romantic-utopian and a postmodern version in Chinese reception Liu Chao, Kuzmishcheva Natalya Mikhailovna
| 291-299 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Psychologism in the novellas by D. H. Lawrence and Tennessee Williams: A comparative aspect Nikolaeva Marina Nikolaevna, Fedorenko Olga Yaroslavovna
| 281-290 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
A model of a systematic description of argot units incorporated into the fabric of a literary text (based on the novel “Sang dessus dessous” by Claude Izner) Vysotskaya Anna Sergeevna
| 273-280 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
A terminological frame-network model of the conceptual and semantic organization of notions of computational linguistics Prokhorova Olga Nikolaevna, Polshchykova Olga Nikolaevna
| 265-272 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 2. |
Metamorphoses of “Deng Xiaoping’s Cat” (based on Spanish-language journalism) Murzin Yuriy Petrovich
| 256-263 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Linguistic expression of gender status in German: Pros and cons Belova Valentina Fedorovna, Lebedenko Galina Aleksandrovna, Shavkun Natalia Sergeevna
| 248-255 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Functioning of English participles in publicistic texts Anosova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
| 242-247 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Metonymy in the media space of the Arab political discourse Okil Izildin
| 237-241 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Social problems in M. Gorky’s essays on cinema in a historical context Plotnikova Anastasia Gennadievna
| 230-236 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Specific features of modern youth jargon (based on Internet sources) Karamova Aigul Airatovna, Smetanina Anastasia Yurievna
| 223-229 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Pre-revolutionary women’s literature in Russia and China Fang Tian
| 216-222 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Artistic interpretation of male and female images in V. I. Mishanina’s play “Barefoot through the Clouds” Nikolaeva Elina Evgenievna
| 210-215 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Argumentative structure of the text of parliamentary speeches (based on the French language) Gavrishina Irina Nikolaevna
| 193-198 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Structural and pragmatic features of the film poster (based on the material of the French film discourse) Anisimov Vladislav Evgen’evich
| 184-192 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Folklore symbolism of I. Bunin’s short story “The Raven” Liu Minjie
| 177-183 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Synthesis of European and national traditions in the poetry of Dina Mamchuyeva Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna
| 171-176 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Image of Soviet childhood as a condition for the hero’s self-identification in L. Rubinstein’s mature poems Bibergan Ekaterina Sergeevna, Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Ryabchikova Anna Vladimirovna
| 161-170 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Synthesis of genre traditions in Yuz Aleshkovsky’s novel “Kangaroo” Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Maksinyaev Rishat Ildarovich
| 154-160 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Prosodic cues of emotionality in football commentaries: Pitch (based on Chinese) Liu Hong, Androsova Svetlana Viktorovna
| 147-153 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Linguistic and socio-cultural distinctness of the dialect phraseology of Swiss German Kopchuk Lyubov Borisovna
| 139-146 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Algorithms for searching phraseological units in a linguistic corpus with morphological markup (Indo-European languages) Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich
| 132-138 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Thanatological images and motifs in A. K. Tolstoy’s and J. W. von Goethe’s creative work (based on the ballads “The Blind Man” and “The Singer”) Korbankova Darya Sergeevna
| 126-131 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Representation of female identity in German neoparemias with a gender marker Vlavatskaya Marina Vitalyevna, Osolodchenko Marina Nikolaevna
| 116-125 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Prospects of using a linguistic corpus in terms of investigating the phraseological stock of a national language Selifonova Elena Dmitrievna, Sleptsova Larisa Arkadyevna, Zalipaeva Zhanna Pavlovna
| 110-115 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
The monograph “A. P. Chekhov and Crimea” by A. G. Golovacheva. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Moscow: Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, 2022. 200 p.: illustrated: Book review Skibina Olga Mikhailovna
| 107-109 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Issues of reflecting historical events in the plot and the figurative system of a literary work Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Isaev Yury Nikolaevich, Yadranskaya Inessa Vladimirovna
| 101-106 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Linguoculturemes, intercultural transfer and transcultural modeling (based on the Russian and French languages) Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Bezkorovaynaya Galina Tigranovna
| 91-100 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Linguistic features of socio-political discourse: Based on a comparison of the political speeches of British and American politicians Chernyshova Larisa Anatol’evna, Chernikova Elena Olegovna
| 85-90 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Translation commentary to Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Resurrection”: Based on the Chinese translation by Ru Long Zhang Yang, Nikonova Natalia Egorovna
| 77-84 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Etymology and semantics of the color term ‘red’ (красный, 红) in Russian and Chinese Lyulina Anastasiya Gennadievna, Wang Xuejiao
| 72-76 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Professional linguistic personality of servicemen of the United States Armed Forces (based on the texts of American military bloggers) Golubenko Elena Alexandrovna
| 66-71 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Manipulative potential of verbal representations in American political discourse Stepanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
| 52-57 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Linguistic objectification of the critical format of English-language scientific discourse Mironova Marina Yurievna
| 45-51 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Functional role of a boundary in the genre tradition of the Bildungsroman (based on 1910s-1920s modernist prose) Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Ovsyannikova Ekaterina Pavlovna
| 40-44 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Decomposition structure of Chinese characters Guruleva Tatiana Leonidovna, Abdrakhmanova Alina Railevna
| 31-39 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
The “Pochos” phenomenon in the context of the “us – them” dichotomy (based on the Mexican segment of social networks) Davtiants Irina Igorevna
| 24-30 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Explicit and implicit semantics of the term “genre” in legal-linguistic discourse Ziyangirova Ekaterina Leonidovna
| 18-23 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Influence of the Portuguese language on the verb system of Macau Creole Portuguese: Semantics and functioning of the Macanese participle in comparison with the Portuguese participle Khutoretskaya Olga Aleksandrovna, Ravvina Iuliia Stanislavovna
| 12-17 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Returning to Wales: Lynette Roberts’s poetry in the 1940s Shipilova Natalia Vitalyevna
| 6-11 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
Problematic and thematic uniqueness of A. Voznesensky’s "final" book of poems "T’mat’" (2008) Gudkova Svetlana Petrovna, Khozyaikina Anastasiya Vladimirovna
| 1-5 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2024. № 1. |
The strategy of topic introduction by presenting a causative event in analytical newspaper articles (by the example of an upcoming event) Rakhimova Anna Leonidovna, Chvalun Roza Vladimirovna, Kizilova Natalia Igorevna
| 3099-3105 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Axiological potential of the English words of the year 2022 Samoylova Antonina Vadimovna, Shershneva Natalia Borisovna
| 3092-3098 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Verbal empathy in the functional and pragmatic focus (on the material of the French language) Ben Shushan Anna Alexandrovna
| 3085-3091 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Substandard in Russian-language translations at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries Achkasov Andrei Valentinovich
| 3078-3084 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Psycholinguistic aspect of analyzing the language personality of an English leader Evtushenko Oksana Aleksandrovna, Ionkina Ekaterina Yur’evna, Shestakova Olga Aleksandrovna
| 3057-3062 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Harlequinade grotesque in D. H. Lawrence’s novel “Mr. Noon” Kosareva Anna Aleksandrovna
| 3050-3056 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Analogues of the passive voice and ergativity in the Chinese and Russian languages (taking into account the experience of communication in the Guoyu linguistic environment) Kurdyumov Vladimir Anatolievich
| 3041-3049 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Lu Xun and Hu Shih: Two outlooks on the development of modern Chinese literature Zakharova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 3035-3040 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Military metaphor in English-language popular science discourse on cybersecurity: Semantic, cognitive and pragmatic aspects Savchenko Anna Aleksandrovna
| 3028-3034 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The theory of elliptic sentences in domestic Russian philology: A systematic review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 3019-3027 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Transition of qualitative semantics into quantitative meaning in the Kabardian language (an introduction to the subject) Bizhoev Boris Chamalovich, Khezheva Maryana Rashadovna
| 3013-3018 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Similes in A. S. Pushkin’s poetry and prose: Structure, semantics, functions Mamedov Akhmed Alipashevich, Ladatko Anastasiya Olegovna
| 3007-3012 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The creative work of Irène Némirovsky in the evaluation of Soviet critics of the 1920s-1940s Balaban Alina Ivanovna
| 3002-3006 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Features of using absolute participle constructions in the Italian language of the XVI century (by the example of F. Guicciardini’s treatise “The History of Italy”) Furtsev Roman Vitaljevic
| 2996-3001 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Thematic groups of Russian euphemisms about alcohol consumption Zhang Xiaofei
| 2990-2995 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Pragmatic adaptation in film translation (based on the material of Q. Tarantino’s feature film “Pulp Fiction”) Shcherbakova Valeria Sergeevna, Androsova Olga Evgenevna
| 2984-2989 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Features of the formation of proper names and the ways of their rendering into the Russian language (based on the material of the children’s tale “Adventures of Cipollino” by G. Rodari) Shapovalova Elena Olegovna
| 2979-2983 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The path-road to the stars: On the specifics of transformation of the folklore magical fairy-tale tradition in A. Belyaev’s novel “Kets Star” Ponomareva Darya Vasilyevna
| 2972-2978 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The image of the father in the creative work of Jonas Hassen Khemiri Morkina Marta Aleksandrovna
| 2964-2971 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The role of postpositions in the construction of divisible sentences in the modern Erzya language Vodyasova Lyubov Petrovna
| 2957-2963 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Generation of meaning in synergistic literary discourse (by the example of V. Pelevin’s short story “The Water Tower”) Akopova Yuliya Alekseevna
| 2952-2956 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Lexico-semantic features of narrative psychologisation in G. Flynn’s novel “Gone Girl” Ramantova Olga Vyacheslavovna
| 2942-2951 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Typology and stylistic functions of intertextual inclusions in the Russian children’s novella of the 1920s (based on the work “The Republic of ShKID” by L. Panteleyev and G. Belykh) Lubkina Olga Andreevna
| 2931-2941 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Anglicisms of the thematic group “Fashion” in the Spanish media discourse Ivlieva Elena Alexeevna
| 2926-2930 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Representation of a military term and its translation equivalents in English-Russian online dictionaries Balkanov Ilya Vladimirovich, Lupanova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna
| 2918-2925 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Linguopragmatic aspects of translating Kate DiCamillo’s stylistic dominants from English into Russian Sessorova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 2912-2917 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Artistic specifics of the lyric poetry of the Cossack poet N. A. Kelin Gizhe Elena Dmitrievna
| 2907-2911 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
S. Johnson in Russia: Reception issues Reinhold Natalya Igorevna
| 2899-2906 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Metaphorical worldview of students as a means of conceptualising the specifics of education in the postmodern era (based on the material of an associative experiment) Ignatieva Anastasia Sergeyevna
| 2893-2898 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
A set of tactics of the British pre-election discourse from the perspective of a self-presentation strategy Akhmadeev Igor Ramzesovich
| 2888-2892 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Images of nature in the lyric poetry of Badrutdin Magomedov Alkhlavova Inna Khumkerkhanovna
| 2882-2887 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Substantivisation of participles as a way for the formation of naming units for persons alternative to suffixation (based on the material of the German language) Melgunova Anna Vladislavovna
| 2876-2881 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
A. B. Yaroslavsky’s creative work during the revolutionary transformations of 1917: From the poetic feuilleton to the origins of the poetry of biocosmism Slivko Stanislav Vadimovich
| 2869-2875 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Pragmalinguistic approach to the description of lecturers’ speech behaviour in the genre of popular science discourse “video lecture” in German and English Lesnyak Marina Valerievna
| 2862-2868 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Structural-semantic models of simple repetitions in English colloquial speech Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 2856-2861 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Reflection on the ethical aspects of the adoption of an analytical philosophical concept in the novel “The Tunnel” by W. Gass Nikulina Alla Konstantinovna
| 2849-2855 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
“Witches” and “valkyries” of the guardian of antiquities: On the typification of female images in the duology by Yu. Dombrovsky Kablukov Valerii Vital’evich
| 2842-2848 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Tuvan language: The problems of speech culture and digital vitality (based on the material of online discussions) Dongak Chechena Borisovna
| 2837-2841 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
“The Hermit. A Pendant to Werther’s Sorrows” by J. M. R. Lenz: An early attempt at therapeutic writing Gladilin Nikita Valer’evich
| 2829-2836 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The range of themes in Vladislav Avdeev’s early creative work Emelianov Igor Stepanovich
| 2822-2828 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The search for new rhythmic and sound forms of Russian versification in the modernist era: From pre-symbolism to constructivism Makarova Svetlana Anatol’evna
| 2806-2821 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Images of Russians in Bazar Baradin’s works Isakov Aleksandr Viktorovich, Dampilova Lyudmila Sanzhiboyevna
| 2800-2805 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The place of religion in the life and creative work of the British poet, prose writer and literary critic of the early XX century Edward Thomas Talyzina Elena Viktorovna
| 2794-2799 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Informational matraquage and infobesity: Discourse realities of the modern media space Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Shcherbakov Andrey Vladimirovich
| 2783-2793 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
General language and special norms in media texts (by the example of coordinating a toponym and the appellative ‘Republic’ in the names of states) Butorina Elena Petrovna
| 2777-2782 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Russian-Chinese idioms in political texts: A corpus-based functional and social aspects investigation Jia Junwen
| 2767-2776 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Derivational and dynamic aspectivity of the terminological cluster “Technics and Technology” Novoseletskaya Daria Ilyinichna
| 2759-2766 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Human appearance through the lens of zoomorphic metaphors in Russian and Chinese Gavrilyuk Marina Aleksandrovna
| 2752-2758 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Voice onset time in plosive occlusives in the oral speech of monolinguals in Russia Vikhrova Anastasia Yurjevna, Lypkan Tatiana Vitaljevna
| 2741-2751 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The POWER concept in the mythological culture of the English national identity (based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s novel “The Lord of the Rings”) Bugrova Svetlana Evgenjevna, Kurysheva Valentina Ilynichna
| 2735-2740 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Language units of subject semantics as an actualizer of the verbal and cogitative category of situationality in the Russian and English languages Skoromolova Yuliya Vladimirovna
| 2729-2734 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Mekhtiev V. G., Pasevich Z. V., Struk A. A. Criticism and journalism of the Russian émigré community in China: A joint monograph / V. G. Mekhtiev, Z. V. Pasevich, A. A. Struk. Khabarovsk: Publishing House of the Pacific State University, 2020. 88 p.: Book review Sysoeva Olga Alekseevna
| 2726-2728 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Shaping perception and evaluation of sports events in the English-language sports discourse through conceptual metaphors Argounov Vasily Vasilievych
| 2719-2725 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Collecting language material as one of the stages in the study of the argotic component of a literary text (based on the material of modern French criminal prose) Vysotskaya Anna Sergeevna
| 2712-2718 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The archetypical nature of the oral prose of the Buryats (by the example of shamanic dreams) Danchinova Maria Danilovna
| 2707-2711 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Documentary fiction novellas by G. A. Khodyrev in the series “Our Heroes” of Udmurt book publishing Zaitseva Tatyana Ivanovna, Maksimova Olga Mikhailovna
| 2701-2706 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Functional homonymy and punctuation problems in the modern Ossetian language Kudzoeva Anjela Fedorovna, Malieva Zalina Nokhovna
| 2696-2700 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Conceptual component of the COURT concept Oskina Svetlana Dmitrievna, Shatskaya Zhanna Yuryevna
| 2689-2695 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The educational function of art in English journalism and literature in the first half of the XVIII century Simkina Olga Mikhailovna, Merkulova Mayya Gennadievna
| 2683-2688 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Precedent toponyms in the advertising tourism discourse of Germany Tretiakova Evgenia Valeryevna, Sharmanova Oksana Sergeevna
| 2677-2682 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
The role of a non-lexicographic situation in the development of the functional theory of lexicography (as exemplified by specialized dictionaries in the situation of teaching military English) Balkanov Ilya Vladimirovich, Muravleva Valeriya Romanovna
| 2670-2676 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Genre originality of A. Akhmetgalieva’s short stories Sharipova Chulpan Ramzilevna
| 2664-2669 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Features of the translation of advertising slogans from French into Russian (based on the material of F. Beigbeder’s novel “99 Francs”) Abramova Elena Konstantinovna
| 2657-2663 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 9. |
Sound-symbolic figurative parallelism in the folklore text Dobrova Svetlana Ivanovna
| 2648-2655 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Speech portrait of a blogger-narrator of “true crime story” (linguistic and stylistic aspect) Kozheko Anna Vladimirovna, Mamedova Zumrud Ilnurovna
| 2643-2647 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
The somatic code “head” in Chinese phraseology Sidorova Ayta Anatolievna, Filippova Sargylana Vasilievna
| 2838-2642 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Summarized lexicographic definition as an important component of an experimental study Daidaeva Marina Viktorovna
| 2633-2637 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguistic features of English-language negotiations in the conditions of hostage-taking (based on the material of the film “The Negotiator”) Shikhalkina Tat’yana Grigor’evna
| 2624-2632 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
The demonic theme in the anonymous English poem “Richard Coer de Lyon” of the late 14th century: Origins and functions Semenov Vadim Borisovich
| 2615-2623 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Comparative analysis of Russian-language and French-language advertising slogans in the context of their communicative and pragmatic features Bolotina Natalia Ivanovna
| 2609-2614 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Language, society and the state in the changing world / edited by Stanley D. Brunn, Roland Kehrein, Switzerland. 398 Pp. ISBN 978-3-031-18146-7: Book review Milyaeva Larisa Vyacheslavovna, Kushnarev Andrej Nikolaevich
| 2606-2608 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Feminitives in the usage of new media Butorina Elena Petrovna
| 2600-2506 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
A new project of a semantic classification of the verbal vocabulary of the Russian language Kostitsina Raisa Vladimirovna
| 2592-2599 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Genre nature of the master class Bezukladnikova Sofiya Sergeevna
| 2583-2591 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Metaphoric models representing the LOVE concept in the English and Spanish song discourse Dubrovskaya Veronica Vladimirovna, Kabanova Irina Nikolaevna, Romashkina Tatyana Sergeevna
| 2577-2582 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Moral values of the people in the novella “The red island floated on the ocean” by the modern Bashkir prose writer Munir Kunafin Khaliullina Albina Gabitovna, Galina Galima Galimyanovna
| 2571-2576 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
The most frequent translation transformations in the rendering of onomastic realia (by the example of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels) Rokhlina Arina Igorevna
| 2565-2570 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Ways of conveying cultural and aesthetic value when translating “The Ballad of the Salt-Water” by F. G. Lorca into Russian Pushkina Anna Vladimirovna, Krivoshlykova Liudmila Vladimirovna
| 2558-2564 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Language implementation of persuasiveness in political discourse (by the example of parliamentary debates in the German Bundestag) Printsipalova Olga Vyatscheslavovna
| 2551-2557 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Lach (= Czech-Silesian = Ostrava) language in a practical textbook and in an author’s travelogue text: Vocabulary Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2536-2543 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguocultural concepts as a tool of speech manipulation of consciousness in modern German-language political discourse Chabannaya Anastasiya Gennadyevna
| 2530-2535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Artistic interpretations of Genghis Khan’s image in the English-language literature of the XX and XXI centuries Egorova Olga Gennadievna, Belyakov Dmitry Aleksandrovich
| 2524-2529 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
The mythology of the Far Eastern frontier in S. V. Maksimov’s book “In the East. A Trip to the Amur (in 1860-1861)” Vasilyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 2518-2523 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
The Bildungsroman “Waterland”: Graham Swift as a follower of Charles Dickens Varyoshin Nikita Vladimirovich
| 2511-2517 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Correlation between religious and military vocabulary in the Armenian text: A quantitative approach Andreev Sergey Nickolayevich
| 2504-2510 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Synonymy in the English terminology of human viral diseases Khanina Kseniia Andreevna
| 2496-2503 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
W. von Humboldt’s language antinomies in the aspect of translation (based on the material of the originals and translations of E. A. Poe’s short stories) Gazizov Rafael Arkadjevich, Morozkina Evgeniya Aleksandrovna
| 2490-2495 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Neologisms of the coronavirus pandemic era: The lexeme корона (corona) as a productive element of coroneologisms Semerdzhidi Valentina Nikolaevna
| 2484-2489 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguistic representation of the emotional state of the subject in Russian and English phraseology Kulichenko Yulia Nikolaevna, Korolevskaya Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Belonozhko Nadezhda Dmitrievna
| 2478-2483 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Features of English-language argotisms in the speech of modern French youth (on the material of the “Glossary of French Rap Verlan” by V. M. Debov) Kudriavtseva Natalia Anatolievna
| 2473-2477 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Article in thetic German sentences Averina Anna Viktorovna
| 2467-2472 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Ways of conveying the imagery of phraseological units with the meaning of “laziness” (based on the material of the Russian and Kabardian languages) Sherieva Nina Gumarovna
| 2462-2466 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Intertextuality as a device of poetics in Ilgiz Zainiev’s tragedy “Madina” Makarova Venera Faizievna
| 2456-2461 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Prescriptive and descriptive translation of idiomatic expressions from Russian into English Zhirova Irene Grigorjevna
| 2450-2455 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Actualization of the English lexeme “food” as a key cognitive unit of a gastronomic discourse in the Russian linguistic digital space of Internet communication Dediukhina Anna Gennadievna
| 2443-2449 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Functioning of the Mari language in the school education system in the past and the present Kondrashkina Elena Alekseevna
| 2437-2442 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Semantic universals in the evolution of colour terms in the Proto-Slavic and Proto-Turkic languages Kozhemyakova Ekaterina Arkadevna, Isaev Yury Nikolaevich, Gubanov Aleksey Rafailovich, Petukhova Mariia Evgenevna
| 2432-2436 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Reduplicated constructions with the verb буол- ‘to be, to become’ in the Yakut language: Structure and semantics Samsonova Ekaterina Maksimovna
| 2425-2431 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Figurative-semantic and structural features of the German phraseological units and composite idioms with the zoonym components “Hund” (dog) and “Katze” (cat) Briskina Elena Viktorovna
| 2416-2424 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguocultural features of the anthems of Germany’s states Blokhina Elena Nikolaevna
| 2407-2415 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
E. F. Rosen as an employee of the “Moskovsky vestnik” magazine and a promoter of Russian literature in the Ostsee region Kuts Nikolai Victorovich
| 2401-2406 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Mixanthropic characters and their role in the graphic novel ‘Angel Catbird’ by M. Atwood Isaeva Anna Nikolaevna
| 2395-2400 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Morphological and syntactic features of Bashkir advertising texts (based on the material of periodicals) Ganieva Zulfiya Yurisovna, Abdullina Gulfira Rifovna
| 2389-2394 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Morality as a subject: Variability of evaluativeness and transformation of meanings (based on the material of the electronic corpus of the German language DWDS-Korpus) Khakhalova Svetlana Alexeyevna, Nevolina Ksenia Viktorovna
| 2382-2388 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Features of the adaptive translation of aerospace texts from English into Russian Novoselov Ilya Viktorovich, Ulitkin Ilya Alekseevich
| 2374-2381 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguistic means expressing the acceleration and slowing down of time in various types of literary speech (based on the novels by Anglo-American authors) Demina Elena Anatolyevna
| 2369-2373 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Discrediting strategy as a tool of anti-Russian propaganda in the speeches of German politicians Churikov Mikhail Petrovich
| 2361-2367 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Urzha A. V. The foreground and background in the narrative text: Narratology, linguistics, cognitive studies, translation studies. Moscow: FLINTA, 2022. 288 p.: Book review Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2358-2360 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
English textbook as a creolised hypertext: Structure and pragmatics Shamshina Antonina Igorevna
| 2350-2357 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Discursive personality of a politician in the genre of American political debates: Intertextual references as a means of actualising discrediting tactics Stepanova Nataliia Valentinovna
| 2344-2349 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Linguistic examination of texts publicly justifying terrorism and/or extremism Korolkova Anzhelika Viktorovna, Alekseeva Maria Igorevna
| 2339-2343 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Stylistic features of fear-mongering in the literature of the horror genre and ways of their translation into Russian (by the example of S. King’s works in English and Russian) Aleksanyan Anna Robertovna
| 2333-2338 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Modern women’s poetry of St. Petersburg: The creative work of T. S. Tsarkova Wang Chunhui
| 2327-2332 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 8. |
Nikolaev S. L. ‘The Tale of Igor’s Campaign’: Reconstruction of the poetic text. Moscow – St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2020. 640 p.: Book review Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2324-2326 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Abstractness and concreteness of the meaning of a word as a lexico-semantic category Gutarova Aleksandra Viktorovna
| 2305-2310 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Planning and implementation of the administrative node of the institutional virtual learning environment of a linguistic university Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich
| 2299-2304 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Paroemias about women in the system of kinship relations in the Russian and Uzbek languages Fatkullina Fluza Gabdullinovna, Dubrovskaya Kristina Andreevna
| 2293-2298 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Teachers’ critical remarks in Chinese and Russian classroom discourse Xia Yuehong, Zhou Qing
| 2287-2292 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Phraseological units – “false friends” in German and Russian: Types, causes and probability of occurrence Pivovarova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
| 2279-2286 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Legitimization of Russian political discourse (on the material of President Vladimir Putin’s television speech) Chen Siqi
| 2271-2278 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The reader’s strategies for overcoming cognitive dissonance in the perception of characters’ images in the novel “Apollo Bezobrazov” by B. Yu. Poplavsky Turanova Anastasiya Yurievna
| 2266-2270 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Genre classification of the English-language electronic hypertext as an object of linguosemiotic research Stroykov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna
| 2260-2265 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Psychomechanics of the French fashion discourse Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Buzinova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Ivanova Valeria Romanovna
| 2249-2259 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Using the apparatus of situational semantics for modeling the process of speech generation Savitskij Vladimir Mikhailovich, Cherkassova Elena Valeryevna
| 2242-2248 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Trends in the Chinese word-formation process in the field of terminology Prosvirkina Irina Ivanovna, Bekzhanova Milana Kelisovna, Izbasova Zhaniya Aubakarovna
| 2235-2241 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The communicative category of reliability in the oral popular science discourse Mochalova Daria Anatolyevna, Evtushenko Tatiana Gennadievna
| 2229-2234 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Linguistic terminology through the eyes of a naive linguist (on the material of the language of crosswords) Kravchenko Mikhail Aleksandrovitch, Kravchenko Oxana Victorovna
| 2222-2228 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Frame modeling of the HEALTHY LIFESTYLE domain in the Arabic media discourse Kodzova Zuriet Nurbievna
| 2214-2221 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Linguo-axiological foundations of conceptual opposition (by the example of the dichotomy CREATION/DESTRUCTION) Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
| 2205-2213 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Synaesthetic metaphors in J. Harris’s novel ‘Blueeyedboy’ Gatsura Natalia Igorevna, Akaeva Eleonora Vyacheslavovna, Vinokurova Tatiana Nikolaevna
| 2197-2204 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Phonetic criteria of insincerity Agafonova Marina Pavlovna, Kulygina Allegra Leonardovna
| 2192-2196 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Character type of a fool as a cultural phenomenon in German jokes Shcherbina Sergei Juryevich
| 2186-2191 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Functional features of the proverb OHNE FLEIß KEIN PREIS in the German-language electronic communication system Shitikova Anzhelika Vladimirovna
| 2179-2185 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Language actualization of the deep semantics of German ethnonym-based adjectives Shevyakova Kira Viktorovna
| 2173-2178 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
German discourse markers in texts of various functional styles Serebrova Olesia Felixovna
| 2166-2172 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Expressive modification of terms in modern legislative discourse (by the example of the German Criminal Code) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Belenkova Yulia Sergeevna
| 2159-2165 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Linguistic means of categoricity expression in modern English-language scientific prose Makhmutova Alsu Nigmatyanovna, Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 2151-2158 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Individual author’s neologisms in the works of Bernardine Evaristo as a linguocultural phenomenon Dubovitskaya Maria Anatolievna
| 2145-2150 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Syntactic functions of the infinitive in the modern Erzya language Vodyasova Lyubov Petrovna
| 2138-2144 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Dialectisms and archaisms in the hunting vocabulary of the Yakut language (based on the material of G. F. Sivtsev’s “A Short Dictionary of the Yakut Language”) Borisova Yuliya Mikhailovna, Skryabina Alevtina Afanasievna
| 2131-2137 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Classification of mental verbs in the Russian dialects of the Amur region Fang Haixu, Sadchenko Valentina Tarasovna
| 2124-2130 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Features of using constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in federal, regional and city newspapers Nemich Natalia Nikolaevna
| 2117-2123 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The image of America and Americans in J. B. Priestley’s journalistic writings Chernova Iuliia Vladimirovna, Egorova Olga Gennadievna
| 2111-2115 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth” as a model of dehumanization and secularization of the Late Renaissance Strelnikova Larisa Yurievna, Chernova Lyubov Viktorovna, Tarasova Irina Igorevna
| 2104-2110 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Musicality of Edward Albee’s plays (by the example of the play “Three Tall Women”) Smetanina Natalia Alexandrovna
| 2097-2103 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Ayşe Şasa’s Turkish dystopia Repenkova Mariya Mihaylovna
| 2092-2096 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Russian classical literature in the novel “The Noise of Time” by Julian Barnes: Strategies of representation Nikolitch Militsa
| 2087-2091 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The problem of memory in the novel “Moon Tiger” by Penelope Lively Ivanova Daria Dmitrievna, Vafina Alsu Khadievna
| 2081-2086 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Intercultural dialogue: Who is the hero of our time in Moscow, Minsk and Delhi? Zelezinskaya Natalia Stanislavovna, Nikola Marina Ivanovna, Shishkova Irina Alekseevna
| 2074-2080 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Contradiction as a fundamental property of Ch. Sorel’s characters in the novel “The Comical History of Francion” (1623-1633) Ermilova Kira Evgen’evna
| 2068-2073 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The space-time organisation of R. Töpffer’s novella “The Great St Bernard” Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 2063-2067 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
A stranger among their own: The representation of the image of the Other in the Ossetian poetry of the late 19th century – the early 20th century (G. M. Tsagolov, D. A. Gatuev) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 2056-2062 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Aposiopesis in the Russian and Bashkir poetry of the XX century (by the example of the lyric poetry by S. Yesenin and R. Garipov) Kulsarina Irena Galinurovna, Permyakova Larisa Anatolyevna
| 2049-2055 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Philosophical and aesthetic introspection in M. Akhmedov’s poetry (on the materials of the book “On the Edge of the Century”) Gadzhilova Shanisat Magomedovna
| 2043-2048 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Artistic contexts of the Moksha-Russian language “switching” of Raisa Orlova Arzamazov Aleksey Andreevich
| 2037-2042 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Epigraphs in the Russian memoir texts of the second half of the XVIII century – the early XIX century Farafonova Oksana Anatolievna
| 2030-2036 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Virgin Soil” in China: Translations and significance Wu Xiaoting
| 2023-2029 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The self-concept of the protagonist and the author’s intention (by the example of V. Pelevin’s short story “Nika”) Miller Ludmila Vladimirovna
| 2018-2022 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
“I served my native word as best I could...”: Motherland and foreign land in the sonnets by poets of the Russian Far Eastern émigré community Koval’chuk Irina Ur’evna
| 2013-2017 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
Early “program” texts by Lev Rubinstein Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Zhilеnе Ekaterina Sergeevna, Ryabchikova Anna Vladimirovna
| 2006-2012 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The image of the railway in the creative work of Igor Melamed Berestnev Ruslan Balabekovich
| 2001-2005 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 7. |
The concept of the informative code of linguocognitive connectors in the discourse model Ogneva Elena Anatolievna
| 1987-1992 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Levels of conceptual correspondence between the concept and the concept scenario (based on the experimental material obtained from adolescents with normal and impaired hearing) Kolodina Nina Ivanovna, Pobeda Anastasiya Yur'evna
| 1975-1986 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Specificity of using linguistic means to form the image of aircraft enterprises Chernyshova Larisa Anatol'evna, Chernikova Elena Olegovna
| 1965-1974 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Semantic analysis of the somatism “head” in the phraseology of the Canadian French, French and English languages Teganyuk Valeriya Viktorovna, Konovalova Elena Nikolaevna
| 1960-1964 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Expressive language means in the speech of the Japanese and Russian heads of state (based on addresses to the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic) Rufova Elena Stepanovna, Migalkina Marina Albertovna
| 1955-1959 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Comparative analysis of the concepts ИСТОРИЯ/HISTORY on the material of lexicographic discourse Peredrienko Tatiana Yurievna, Balandina Ekaterina Sergeevna, Chernysheva Anastasia Mikhailovna
| 1944-1954 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Trends in the translation of terms in the field of information technology: A comparative analysis of English-Russian translation dictionaries of different periods (1990 and 2011) Makhmutova Alsu Nigmatyanovna, Yurova Maria Alexandrovna
| 1937-1943 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The parametric worldview in American and Russian cultures in translation of the names for linear measures: The cognitive and pragmatic aspects Kulgavova Larisa Vladimirovna
| 1930-1936 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The problem of interpretation of occasional proper names in T. S. Eliot’s cycle of poems “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” and T. Pratchett’s novel “The Unadulterated Cat” and the peculiarities of their rendering in Russian translations Vorobets Tatyana Alekseevna, Gerdt Elena Valerievna, Lobkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 1920-1929 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Semantic differential as a method for studying the image of the Sun in the linguistic consciousness of Chinese and Russian youth Wang Zhiqiang
| 1913-1919 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Actualization of the connotative component in the structure of a word when creating a humorous effect in an utterance Cherkasova Elena Valeryevna
| 1907-1912 |
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2023. № 6. |
Communicative-pragmatic potential of precedence in a humorous text Tuova Ruzana Khamedovna
| 1901-1906 |
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2023. № 6. |
The pragmalinguistic aspect of a politician’s speech activity by the example of media statements with a humorous effect Taktarova Anna Valer'evna, Cherkasova Marina Nikolaevna
| 1894-1900 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Linguo-semiotic portrait of the Königsberg hermit: Immanuel Kant Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich
| 1884-1893 |
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2023. № 6. |
Conceptual organization of technical knowledge as a result of the cognitive semiosis evolution Novoseletskaya Daria Ilyinichna
| 1876-1883 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Simple sentence as a means of logical inference representation (on the material of the English language) Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna, Cherkunova Marina Vladimirovna, Starostina Julia Sergeevna
| 1869-1875 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Manipulative concepts and their representation in Joe Biden’s official speeches in 2022-2023 Vlavatskaya Marina Vitalyevna, Porechnaya Olga Georgievna
| 1862-1868 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Language transformations in the reflection of digital media reality Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Il’ina Irina Evgen’evna
| 1855-1861 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The modality of certainty as a modus category of the communicative level (on the material of the English language) Shakirova Rezeda Dilshatovna, Shcherbakova Irina Alexandrovna
| 1849-1854 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Frame analysis of the semantics of German verbs of hearing Khantimirov Spartak Mubarakshevich
| 1843-1848 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Sports terminology in the popular science text (on the material of the German language) Filippov Konstantin Anatolievich, Filippova Nina Borisovna
| 1837-1842 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Varieties of a German joke about women as a media text Ukhova Anna Sergeyevna
| 1829-1836 |
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2023. № 6. |
Functions of precedent phenomena in German-language fictional discourse Silaeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna
| 1822-1828 |
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2023. № 6. |
Features of euphemization in modern ecological discourse (by the example of the German language) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 1815-1821 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Formation of the semantic paradigm of the lexeme ‘Tugend’ in modern German Lazareva Tatiana Andreevna
| 1808-1814 |
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2023. № 6. |
Comparative phraseological units of the German language with a zoonym component (semantic and linguocultural aspects) Ivanchenko Tatiana Anatolevna
| 1801-1807 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Verbal markers of threat in public statements of the English-speaking segment of the social network Twitter Deeney Irina Anatolyevna, Reshetnyak Daria Alexandrovna, Drozdova Ekaterina Alexandrovna
| 1795-1800 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Pronunciation and identity: Vowel and consonant tendencies in Northern English dialects Demina Malvina Aleksandrovna
| 1788-1794 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Structural and semantic characteristics of compound words in legal discourse (based on the material of the English language) Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna
| 1781-1787 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Structural-semantic characteristics of derivative verbs of motion in the German language Akhmetova Leysan Atlasovna, Shaimardanova Milyausha Ravilevna
| 1773-1780 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Corpus analysis of modal words with the meaning of uncertainty in the English language Astakhova Tatyana Nikolaevna
| 1767-1772 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Translanguaging as a daily practice (based on the material of Russian-Tatar-Udmurt multilingualism) Kondrat'eva Natal'ya Vladimirovna, Il'ina Nataliya Vladimirovna
| 1762-1766 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Comparison of conflicting speech behaviour in a literary text and its film adaptation: The lexico-stylistic aspect Jazokova Julia
| 1755-1761 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Phonostylistic argumentation techniques in audio advertising Fedotova Nina Leonidovna, Yerzheninova Snezhana Vasilievna
| 1749-1754 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Speech tactics of compliment in the Russian media dialogue (against the background of the Chinese language) Sboeva Daria Aleksandrovna
| 1741-1748 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Non-finite verb taxic forms as a means of simultaneity expression in the Russian language Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Makhmutova Alsu Nigmatyanovna
| 1736-1740 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Semantics of the actional verbs accompanying words with the root -дом- in F. A. Vigdorova’s idiolect (by the example of 1950s-1960s prose) Kulicheva Evgeniya Viacheslavovna
| 1728-1735 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Etymology: Proceedings of the 5th international scientific conference (Yekaterinburg, September 7-11, 2022). Yekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2022. 292 p.: Book review Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 1725-1727 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The magic of the word of Oskar Loerke: In search of the authenticity of an artistic statement Melnikova Irina Markovna
| 1719-1723 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Interpretation of the image of dance in F. Nietzsche’s creative work Solonovich Anna Olegovna
| 1712-1718 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Francis of Assisi: The object of medievalist studies and a literary character Samarina Marina Sergeyevna
| 1707-1711 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Subjective narrative in J. Franzen’s novel “Freedom” (2010) in the light of the paradigm of post-postmodernism Kim Yulia Vitalievna
| 1702-1706 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Distinctive characteristics of poetry translation in the context of gender differences (based on the works by R. Burns) Bakhnova Yuliya Anatolievna
| 1695-1701 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Formation of drama genres in the context of genre-mode consciousness development among the first Chuvash writers Rodionov Vitaly Grigorievich, Kirillova Irina Yurievna
| 1689-1694 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The theme of loneliness in Tufan Minnullin’s trilogy Zakirzyanov Al’fat Magsumzyanovich, Fatkhtdinov Fail Kamilovich, Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
| 1683-1688 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The range of problems in the story “Behind Us Is Moscow” by the Bashkir prose writer Munir Kunafin Galina Galima Galimyanovna, Khaliullina Albina Gabitovna
| 1678-1682 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Specificity of the anti-utopian tradition interpretation in the novella “Nikolai Nikolaevich” by Yuz Aleshkovsky Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Maksinyaev Rishat Ildarovich
| 1672-1677 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Speech portrait of M. Gorky: Stylistic features of written communication in his correspondence with V. Posse (1898-1901) Karakhanyan Narine Joraevna
| 1665-1671 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Artistic features of I. Lisnyanskaya’s “final” book of poems “Echo” (2005) Gudkova Svetlana Petrovna, Khozyaikina Anastasiya Vladimirovna
| 1659-1664 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Literary portraits of M. A. Vrubel and M. A. Bulgakov in the creative work of K. G. Paustovsky Galyas Irina Anatolyevna, Rudenko Zhanetta Anatolyevna
| 1651-1658 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
The great potential of a small poem by J. Brodsky (“The Jewish cemetery near Leningrad...”) Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Baranova Tatiana Nikolaevna
| 1645-1650 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 6. |
Building a linguistic corpus based on natural language processing tools: Planning software solutions Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich
| 1616-1620 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Studying the evolution of the linguoculturological concept BALANCE based on the universal and culture-specific collocations frequency analysis with the “balance” component in Russian and Anglo-American discourse Shubina Anna Olegovna
| 1608-1615 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Russian connotative mythonyms in the mirror of Chinese culture Zhang Hongying, Wang Kai
| 1602-1607 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Punctuation grammar in the translation of a French poetic text Sveshnikova Marina Ilinichna, Sernova Elena Igorevna
| 1597-1601 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Translation of subject-naming units into English in A. P. Chekhov’s play “The Seagull” Rudenko Tatiana Ivanovna
| 1591-1596 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Role of lexical and syntactic expressive means in the interpretation of the image of mountains from Russian into English in the story “Monte Verità” by Daphne du Maurier Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 1585-1590 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Valence and collocability in the structure of English-language and Russian-language multi-component attributive phrases Zagrayevskaya Tatiana Borisovna, Dubovsky Max Dmitrievich, Zagrayevskaya Stanislava Mikhailovna
| 1579-1584 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Types of lacunarity in the translation of A. P. Chekhov’s works into Chinese by modern Chinese translators Du Xin
| 1573-1578 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Frame-based representation of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept in the English-language discursive practice Yudina Natalya Vladimirovna, Kalugina Olga Anatolevna
| 1565-1572 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Value dominants of South Korean linguoculture and their linguistic representation Timko Natal’ya Valer’evna
| 1559-1564 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Educational migrant discourse in Russia: Trends, communication strategies, social risks Lysova Olga Vasilievna, Abdullina Amina Shakiryanovna, Lysov Oleg Igorevich
| 1553-1558 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Motivation as a property of physics symbols Danilina Natalia Ivanovna, Danilin Vitaliy Alexandrovich
| 1546-1552 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
French language of digital communication: Conditions of formation and main characteristics Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Kopelnik Vladislava Igorevna, Chebotareva Galina Nikolaevna
| 1541-1545 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Algorithm for the systematisation of synonyms in French youth argot (on the material of rap works) Fanaryuk Ksenia Anatolyevna, Kuzmina Olga Alekseevna
| 1536-1540 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Paroemias as a source of exemplification in the Spanish grammatical tradition of the XVI-XVIII centuries Terentieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna, Bakanova Anna Valentinovna
| 1529-1535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Ethnocultural distinctness of Swiss phraseological units Chukshis Vadim Andreevich
| 1525-1528 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
The typical argument ‘Jörg Haider is a right-wing populist’ in the system of discursive construction of the identity of Austrians by the German mass media (on the material of the publications of the newspaper ‘Der Tagesspiegel’ in February 2000) Spasskaya Anna Sergeevna
| 1515-1524 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Mechanisms of conceptualisation of aspectual-temporal meanings of grammatical constructions Skvortsova Natalia Sergeyevna
| 1505-1514 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Role of the communicants in determining the parameters of the ecology of communication (on the material of the English-language literary discourse) Samigullina Anna Sergeevna, Korzun Anna Viktorovna
| 1496-1504 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Strategies and tactics of speech influence in the discourse of English-language TED Talks public lectures Romanovskaia Lidiia Valentinovna, Zhernova Anna Vladimirovna
| 1489-1495 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Linguistic features of the German terminological system of marketing Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 1482-1488 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
The phonetic system of the English language in aeronautical radiotelephony communications Lysenko Sergey Vladimirovich
| 1477-1481 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Persuasive potential of the linguistic means for advocating migration policy in the programme of the ‘Alternative for Germany’ party Katalkina Natalia Anatolyevna, Karyakina Julia Nikolaevna, Ripacheva Elena Anatolyevna
| 1470-1476 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Features of expression of the semantics of futurality by the non-finite forms of the English verb Kazionova Elena Nikolayevna, Pavlova Olga Aleksandrovna
| 1465-1469 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Characteristics of communicative manipulation on the material of English TV series Ilyukhin Nikita Igorevich
| 1458-1464 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Genre and composition features of the texts of German-language online travel guides Bespalova Svetlana Vasilevna, Kuznetsova Lydmila Nikolaevna
| 1451-1457 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Internet meme as a tool for expressing public opinion of Germans in relation to vaccination against Covid-19 in Germany Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
| 1444-1450 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Representation of the concept MOSQUITO in the Even language picture of the world Kuzmina Raisa Petrovna
| 1440-1443 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Predicative conjugation of non-verbs in the central dialect of the Moksha language Ivanova Galina Sofronovna, Butylov Nikolay Vasilievich, Saigutina Kristina Ivanovna
| 1434-1439 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Complex verbs with the multiple action suffix -хь in the Kabardian-Circassian language Dzuganova Rita Khabalovna
| 1429-1433 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Terms for dance movements of Bashkir folk dances Вaibulov Ilnar Irnazarovich
| 1424-1428 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Soft and hard variants of the institutionality of service communication Yang Can
| 1416-1423 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Formation of political euphemisms: Stages, methods, dynamics Wu Yucongzi
| 1411-1415 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Features of Phonetic Assimilation of Arabisms in the Russian Language Svetlova Rozaliia Mansurovna, Ibragimova Leisan Galiahmatovna, Lisina Gulnara Monirovna
| 1406-1410 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Linguo-axiological aspect of studying the correlation between dialect derivatives with the suffix -уш/а and the value paradigm of the Orthodox spirituality space Katyshev Pavel Alekseevich, Lushpey Anastasia Alexandrovna
| 1400-1405 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Terminological systems of the sublanguage of medicine: A structural-typological aspect Kazarina Svetlana Georgievna, Gulyaeva Tatyana Urevna
| 1395-1399 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Poetic texts as a fragment of geologist’s speech portrait of the second part of the XX century Ivanova Nadezhda Alekseyevna
| 1389-1394 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Nouns with the suffix -ость in the translation of the Corpus Areopagiticum by Moses Gumilevsky (the XVIII century) Volskaya Anastasia Sergeevna, Nikolaeva Nataliya Gennadyevna
| 1384-1388 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Role of gastronomic and culinary metaphors in the works of XX-century Russian literature (by the example of the novella “Hostess” by I. Grekova) Al-Haideri Basim Hasan Khrebit
| 1378-1383 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
The Slavic world in the present and the past. In memory of Vladimir Pavlovich Gudkov: A collection of articles / ed. by E. I. Yakushkina. M.: MAKS Press, 2022. 224 p.: Book review Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 1375-1377 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Representation of the “failed initiation” in postmodern literature in the novel “Brazil” by J. Updike Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna, Mogish Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
| 1371-1374 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Implementation of Aristotle’s principles of dramatic genre in Sophocles’ tragedy “Antigone” Cherkasova Elena Valeryevna
| 1365-1370 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Techniques of violating the literary and cultural code of Christmas in Victorian England in J. K. Jerome’s short prose (on the material of the work ‘Told After Supper’) Vorobets Tatyana Alekseevna, Gerdt Elena Valerievna, Lobkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 1358-1364 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Specifics of the idyllic chronotope in H. L. Wagner’s drama ‘The Child Murderess’ Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 1351-1357 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Individual and history in the novel “The Great Bloodline” by the Buryat writer D. Erdyneev Serebryakova Zоуа Alexandrovna, Chimitova Irina Zorigtoevna
| 1346-1350 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
“Eternal images” in I. S. Turgenev’s writings: On the material of the story “A Lear of the Steppes” Hao Jingjing
| 1340-1345 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Essay genre on the pages of ‘Tomskie gubernskie vedomosti’ (Tomsk Provincial Gazette) Tarasova Maria Vladimirovna
| 1334-1339 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
“Karamzin canon” in “Letters of a Russian Officer” by F. N. Glinka Konstantinova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 1328-1333 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Transhumanism in the European literature of the 19th century: Dostoyevsky and Balzac Kovalevskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
| 1320-1327 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
The role of allusive microplots in the structure in characters' images of F. M. Dostoevsky's early works Knyazeva Lyudmila Andreevna
| 1311-1319 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 5. |
Phonetic interference in the speech of the Vietnamese studying Russian Novospasskaya Natalia Viktorovna, Phan Nguyen Hanh
| 1299-1304 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Semantic organisation of thesauri of Russian-speaking and English-speaking photographers Mikhaylova Margarita Andreevna, Ilduganova Gulnara Minshakirovna, Vakhitova Ruzilia Irekovna
| 1294-1298 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Gender identity and issues of political correctness in Chinese linguoculture against the background of the English and Russian languages Kozhemyakina Valeria Alekseevna
| 1287-1293 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Conveying implicit meanings in the translation of Louise Glück’s poetry (on the material of the collection ‘The Wild Iris’) Ivanova Svetlana Anatolievna, Makhmudova Khilola Erkin kizi
| 1280-1286 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Means of feedback expression in the German language Shurupova Tatiana Yurievna
| 1274-1279 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Specific nature of the communication strategies of military-political discourse in the information environment (on the material of the English and Russian languages) Fedotov Ilia Igorevich, Kovalev Leonid Nikolaevich
| 1264-1273 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Linguosemiotics of philosophical discourse: The linguistic personality of Baruch Spinoza Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich
| 1255-1263 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Linguo-rhetorical reconstruction of the elocutive strategy of text formation in media texts of turbulent times Morina (Golyshkina) Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
| 1248-1254 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Anti-value categories of English-language neologisms of the business discursive sphere Krivoruchko Irina Sergeevna
| 1242-1247 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Degree of agnonymity of the word медиация ‘mediation’ in the linguistic consciousness of modern students Kinderknekht Anna Sergeevna
| 1236-1241 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Semiosis in a literary text: Authenticity and irreality Dzyubenko Anna Igorevna
| 1229-1235 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Complex anaphor as a structural element of speech and textual strategies (on the material of the German language) Danilova Elena Romanovna
| 1222-1228 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Features characterising the lexical units of the terminological system of the special field “Hydrotechnical construction” or “Hydrotechnical engineering” Galankina Inna Ivanovna, Perfilieva Natalia Vladimirovna
| 1216-1221 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Discursive markers of the category of addressing in English-language news media texts Syresina Irina Olegovna, Korzova Elena Nikolaevna, Goldman Anna Vladimirovna
| 1209-1215 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Verbalisation and structural representation of the phenomenon of “Sustained Development” (on the material of “The Independent” newspaper reports) Sarkisyan Mariana Robertovna, Davydova Anna Robertovna
| 1201-1208 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Colour signs-symbols in the artistic discourse as components of the cultural semiosphere (on the material of the ethnic literature of the 20th-century USA) Polshchykova Olga Nikolayevna, Polshchykova Alisa Konstantinovna
| 1194-1200 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Functional-semantic and pragmatic specifics of instructional texts in the German language Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 1187-1193 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Realisation of the concessive construction ‘zwar …, aber …’ in oral doctor-patient communication Osipenko Tatiana Aleksandrovna
| 1181-1186 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Speech tactics and techniques for the implementation of the strategy of information reveal in the German-language political interview (on the material of the programme “Markus Lanz”) Lezhnina Anna Sergeevna
| 1174-1180 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Micro-field “Wines” of the lexico-semantic field “Food” in E. Hemingway’s work “A Moveable Feast” Kurenkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Strekaleva Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 1167-1173 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Status of the verb ‘mögen’ and its grammatical form ‘möchte’ in German Egorova Olga Michailovna
| 1162-1166 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Manipulation of the interlocutor in business communication situations (based on the material of German cinema) Gazizov Rafael Arkadjevich, Dilmukhametova Arina Valerjevna
| 1156-1161 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Structural-semantic ways of gender labelling of legal terms in the United Kingdom and the United States of America Volgina Elena Valerievna, Lazovskaya Natalya Vladimirovna
| 1150-1155 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Features of neologisms translation in the economic discourse of the English language Vasbieva Dinara Giniyatullovna
| 1145-1149 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Structural and semantic features of linguistic units of the English-language linguocultural scenario “Products” Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna, Pyrkina Natalia Alexandrovna
| 1140-1144 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Euphemisms in the ecological discourse of the modern English language Basinskaya Maria Vladimirovna
| 1134-1139 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Modern Crimean Tatar literary language: Problems of orthology Emirova Adile Memedovna
| 1128-1133 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Karachay-Balkar microtoponyms with the colourative къызыл ‘red’ Khubolov Sakhadin Magametovich, Tekuev Mussa Maskhutovich, Miziev Akhmat Magometovich
| 1122-1127 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Pragmalinguistic and syntactic features of interjections in the Kabardian-Circassian language Afaunova Andgela Anatolevna
| 1117-1121 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Semantic and functional features of diminutive word formation in women’s speech Yang Lei
| 1110-1116 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Diffusiveness of the attributive and statal semantics of the predicative Toporkov Piotr Yevgenyevich
| 1105-1109 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Functional-semantic status of the verbal prefix пред- in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language (in the comparative aspect of corpus and psycholinguistic research) Serysheva Yuliya Vacheslavovna, Sukhorukova Yuliya Aleksandrovna
| 1098-1104 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Gender specifics of the MILITARY MAN associative field in the non-professional Russian linguistic consciousness Prokudina Irina Sergeevna, Kuks Anna Victorovna
| 1089-1097 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Internet slang in virtual communication as a linguistic phenomenon Guo Jingyi
| 1082-1088 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Semantic field “Anti-politeness” and its manifestation in online communication Wang Yue, Goncharova Liubov Markovna
| 1076-1081 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Abakumova O. B. Linguoculturological aspects of translation (based on the material of the Russian and English languages). Oryol: Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev; Kartush, 2022. 120 p.: Book Review Izotova Anna Alexandrovna
| 1073-1075 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Poetry as the overcoming of death in the essayistics of F. Werfel and E. Canetti Shastina Elena Michailovna, Seibel Nataliya Eduardovna
| 1067-1071 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
“Female initiation” in G. Martin’s novel “A Game of Thrones” Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna, Safronova Arina Igorevna
| 1062-1066 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Specifics of realisation of the motif “apotheosis” in E. O’Neill’s play “The Emperor Jones” Fedorenko Olga Yaroslavovna
| 1056-1061 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Artistic originality of M. Ravenhill’s monodrama “The Experiment” Tropina Natalia Alekseevna
| 1050-1055 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Intermedial markers in the transformation of characters’ images (on the material of T. L. Peacock’s novel “Gryll Grange”) Merkulova Mayya Gennadievna, Pudova Olga Alexandrovna
| 1044-1049 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
N. Abgaryan’s novel “Three Apples Fell from the Sky”: An attempt at discourse analysis Kuchukova Zukhra Akhmetovna, Dalieva Eset Khusejnovna, Dolgieva Madina Borisovna
| 1038-1043 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Genres of Denis Diderot’s literary works: Essays, dialogues, tales, literary essays Gerasimova Svetlana Anatolievna
| 1028-1037 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Synthesis of Eastern and Chuvash poetic traditions in the poetry of Peder Yakkusen Sofronova Irina Vladimirovna, Vladimirova Olga Gennadiyevna
| 1022-1027 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Female characters in V. M. Shukshin’s prose Shao Sijia
| 1016-1021 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Image of Chinese poetry in V. Pereleshin’s translations Jia Yongning
| 1008-1015 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Image of Marianne Coulagot in the context of the theme of Russia in V. P. Aksyonov’s novel “The Burn” Ulyanova Anna Vladimirovna
| 1000-1007 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Literary representation of an autistic teenager’s consciousness in the modern national prose for teenagers Svitenko Natalya Viatcheslavovna
| 996-999 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
“A disoriented individual”, or “A hero of his time” in the literature of the late XX century Klimova Tamara Yurievna
| 989-995 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Perception in V. Nabokov’s short prose (on the material of the stories “The Return of Chorb” and “The Potato Elf”) Bazhanova Elena Anatolevna
| 983-988 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 4. |
Features of the Naming Units of Tactile and Visual Acts, Realized under the Influence of Highly Intense Emotional Condition, in Stage Remarks (on the material of the English language) Bezrukov Vadim Arkadyevich
| 961-968 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Comparison of Metonymic Motivation in the Russian-Language and the Chinese-Language Commercial Ergonyms Wu Juan, Liu Lifen
| 956-960 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Metaphor as a Tool of Media Rhetoric in the Chinese-Language and English-Language Mass Media of China (on the Material of 环球时报 and The Global Times) Nikolaeva Olga Vasilievna, Bai Xue
| 950-955 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Common and Culture-Specific Linguocultural Features of Paroemias with the Components Naming Tools of a Blacksmith, a Joiner and a Carpenter in Russian and Chinese Liu Yue
| 943-949 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Peculiarities of Translating “Foreign Realia” from English into Russian in the Text of the Story “Don’t Look Now” by Daphne du Maurier Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 937-942 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Grammaticalization of the Nouns ‘Side’ and ‘Stelle’ into Prepositions in English and German Avagyan Asmik Armenovna
| 932-936 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Political Discourse as a Meta-Discourse in the Taxonomy of Discursive Practices (Linguistic Aspect) Tumanova Ekaterina Olegovna
| 925-931 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Studying the Conceptual Sphere of the Russian Language through the Search for a Universal Basis for Its Formation Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna, Romanova Yuliya Gennadyevna, Mikhailov Vladimir Vladimirovich
| 918-924 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Images of Specific Realities as a Means of Representing the Concept (by the Example of the Concept КРУГ (CIRCLE) in the Russian Linguistic World View) Reznikova Ekaterina Valerjevna
| 913-917 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Deviations from the Language Norm: Linguo-Ecological Aspect (by the Material of the German-Language Microblog) Kolesnik Tatiana Ivanovna
| 907-912 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Specifics of Representation of Conceptual Opposition in the Aspect of Political Discourse Consideration (by the Example of the Dichotomy СОЗИДАНИЕ/CREATION ‒ РАЗРУШЕНИЕ/DESTRUCTION in the Russian and English Languages) Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
| 901-906 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Small Plot-Containing Discursive Forms of Digital Communication: Definition and Characteristics Voyakina Elena Yurievna
| 893-900 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Constructive and Destructive Strategies and Tactics of Protestant Discourse Balakin Sergey Vladimirovich, Moskvina Yuliya Alexandrovna
| 887-892 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
National and Cultural Specificity of the AMI/FRIEND Concept in French: Objectified and Subjectified Content Sukhorukova Yulia Sergeevna
| 881-886 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Explicit and Implicit Self-Presentation in the German Scientific Texts Yakovleva Tatyana Anatolyevna
| 874-880 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Discourse Markers and Speech Strategies (on the Material of the German Language) Serebrova Olesia Felixovna
| 867-873 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Text Model of Massive Open Online Courses in German Katalkina Natalia Anatolyevna, Ripacheva Elena Anatolyevna, Korablyova Svetlana Albertovna, Zelinskaya Julia Alexandrovna
| 860-866 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Reflection of National and Regional Identity in the German-Language Advertising Text Guz Maria Nikolaevna, Pigina Natalia Vladimirovna
| 852-859 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Ways of Adding New Words and Phrases to the Vocabulary of the Fashion Sphere in the English Language Anikeeva Tatiana Radievna
| 846-851 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Analogy as the Mechanism of Creating Occasionalisms in Value Judgements of the Modern German Language Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
| 840-845 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Lexical Means of Expressing the Category of Space in the Ingush Language Ausheva Elza Alikhanovna
| 835-839 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Semantic Status of Predicatives in the Phraseological System of Language Toporkov Piotr Yevgenyevich
| 830-834 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Means of Elocution for Creating Images of the New Testament in the Speech Genre “Interpretation of the Gospel”: Theolinguistic Aspect Smirnov Evgeny Sergeevich, Kolobaev Pavel Alekseevich
| 819-829 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Function Neologism "Если говорить…" (If We Talk…): Morphological Status and Communicative-Pragmatic Potential Semenova Inna Vladimirovna
| 814-818 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Rare Lexical Units with the Meaning of a Person in the Records of the Kazan Region of the XVI-XVII Centuries Nikolaeva Nataliya Gennadyevna, Khusainova Rimma Raisovna
| 809-813 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Metaphorical Concept of WATER in the Advertising Tourist Narrative (by the Example of Lake Baikal) Menshikova Ekaterina Evgenevna
| 802-808 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Expression of the Category of Simultaneity by Participles in the Russian Language Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 796-801 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Lexicographic Portrait of the Word Дядя (Uncle) in Secondary Naming Koss Evgeniya Valerievna
| 789-795 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Morphogenesis of Macroand Microcosm Figurative Parallelism in Russian Folk Riddles Dobrova Svetlana Ivanovna
| 780-788 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Theory of Mundane Linguistics: Systematic Review of the Current Research Direction Kravchenko Mikhail Aleksandrovitch
| 773-779 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Linguistic Manipulative Influence: A Theoretical Review Agadzhanyan Ruben Vladimirovich
| 765-772 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Symbolic Images of the Epoch of Changes in the Poetry of A. Blok and Xu Zhimo: Typological Parallels Lu Zing
| 760-763 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Multiculturalism of the Initiation Novel in Modern US Literature: The Hero’s Journey Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna
| 754-759 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Problem of “German Guilt” in the Military Prose of H. G. Konsalik and E. M. Remarque Frolov Dmitry Mikhailovich
| 748-753 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
"We Will Not Leave the Memory of the People, / Descendants Will Remember Us…": The Theme of Memory in the Lyric Poetry of the Pridnestrovian War Veteran Poet Igor Ilyin Pazina Natalia Vasilyevna
| 742-747 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Author’s Strategy of G. Flynn’s Detective Novels (by the Material of the Novel “Sharp Objects”) Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Bogatova Maria Andreevna
| 737-741 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
“The Serious Writer” John B. Priestley: Strategies for Creative Success as a Writer Makarenko Larisa Victorovna
| 731-736 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Romanticism: The Typology of Artistic Bi-Worldness Models (on the Material of Foreign Literature of the XIX Century) Berberova Liana Burkhanovna, Kuchukova Zukhra Akhmetovna, Mankieva Eset Khamzatovna
| 725-730 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Rhyme in Adyghe Versification: The Specifics of “Double Rhyming” and the Development of End Rhyme Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna
| 719-724 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Range of Problems and Poetics of the Novella "Man and Stone" by A. Teppeev Sarbasheva Alena Mustafaevna
| 713-718 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Expansion of the Typology of the Bashkir Novel in the 1960s-1980s Gareeva Gulfira Nigamatovna
| 707-712 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Niennism as an Attempt at Alternative Conceptualization of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Works in Russia Shustova Ellina Viktorovna
| 701-706 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
History of Translations of My Past and Thoughts by A. I. Herzen in China Ji Panxin
| 693-700 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Functions of the Trickster Archetype in the Novella “The Jester” by Yu. P. Vyazemsky Svitenko Natalya Viatcheslavovna
| 688-692 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Geopoetics of Siberia in S. I. Kartsevsky's Prose of the Early XX Century Pershina Alyona Igorevna
| 681-687 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
“Provincial Literature” in a Situation of Cultural Transition Nikonova Tamara Alexandrovna, Ternova Tatiana Anatolyevna
| 675-680 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
Translation Practices of Ivan Bunin (the Short Story “The Magi”) Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Liu Minjie
| 670-674 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
“Researcher’s World. Z. S. Paperny. A. P. Chudakov”. M.: Publishing Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities, 2022. 409 p.: Opinion Paper Skibina Olga Mikhailovna
| 667-669 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 3. |
The Superlative Degree of Adjectives and Adverbs as a Means of Representing the Centre and the Periphery of the Comparability Functional-Semantic Field in the German, English and Russian Languages (by the Material of Meteorological Texts) Shatalova Alena Vladimirovna
| 630-639 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Implementation of Pragmatic Adaptation Strategy in the Translation of Children’s Fiction from English into Russian (Based on the Works of Kate DiCamillo) Sessorova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 624-629 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Lexicographic Typology of Terminological Dictionaries: A Cognitive Vector of Development (on the Basis of Terminological Dictionaries of the Russian, English and French Languages in the Subject Area “Military Aviation”) Maksimova Irina Vassilyevna, Shpal’chenko Elina Petrovna
| 615-623 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Comparison of the Text “The Scythe” by R. Bradbury with Its Two Russian Versions Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 609-614 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Visual Metaphor in Satirical Polycode Texts of Internet Communication: By the Example of Cartoons and Demotivators about Anti-Russian Sanctions Zhang Boya, Katyshev Pavel Alekseevich
| 602-608 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Use of Pakistani English Address Forms in an Academic Setting: University Teachers to Non-Teaching Staff Muhammad Arif Soomro
| 597-601 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Problem of Using Experimental Methods in Cognitive Linguistics Los’ Alexandra L’vovna
| 590-596 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Results and Prospects of Internet-Based Linguistic Analysis (by the Material of the French Language) Borodulina Natalia Yurievna
| 584-589 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Syntactic Features of Coronavirus Discourse in the Russian Press Mohammed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Abu Elela
| 577-583 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Role of a Dialect as a Means of the Swiss Linguistic Personality Identification Chukshis Vadim Andreevich
| 572-576 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
George Orwell’s Newspeak in the Modern Translations of the Dystopian Novel “1984” (Approaches Used by R. V. Grishchenkov and I. N. Mizinina) Samokhin Ivan Sergeyevich, Sokolova Natalia Leonidovna, Glushchenko Artyom Olegovich
| 567-571 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Specific Features of Psychotherapeutic Discourse in I. Yalom’s Works Ryzhenkova Anna Alexandrovna
| 560-566 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Peculiarities of the Image Constituent in the Modern Media Discourse (by the Example of the English Comedy “The Joneses”) Pankratova Svetlana Anatolyevna
| 555-559 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Language Manifestation of the MIGRATION/МИГРАЦИЯ Concept in the Modern German Language Doynikova Marina Igorevna
| 550-554 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Semantic-Distributive Analysis of English-Language Borrowings in the Norwegian Economic Discourse (by the Material of Internet Texts on Crisis Management) Borovikova Irina Vyacheslavovna
| 542-549 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Structural and Semantic Characteristics of Nominative Units of the English Language Linguocultural Scenario “Brands” Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna
| 536-541 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Category of Tense in the Crimean Tatar Language: The Universal and Ethno-Cultural Emirova Adile Memedovna, Ganieva Emine Suleymanovna, Mazinov Ahtem Seit-Ametovich
| 530-535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Karachay-Balkar Toponyms with the Colour Appellative Къара “Black” Tekuev Mussa Maskhutovich, Khubolov Sakhadin Magametovich, Miziev Akhmat Magometovich
| 524-529 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Structural and Semantic Characteristics of Imperative Sentences in the Ingush Language Ozdoeva Eset Gerikhanovna, Dudurgova Eset Magametovna, Alieva Piatimat Magametovna
| 518-523 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Phonetic Features of the Suntar Dialect of the Yakut Language (Based on the Material of the 2022 Dialectological Expedition) Nikolaev Egor Revolievic
| 512-517 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Features of Complex Sentences in Chinese Russian-Learners’ Interlanguage Zheng Qianmin, Shaklein Victor Mikhailovich
| 507-511 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The System of Nominations Representing the Perceptual World View by the Material of Visual Perception in the Texts of Bylichkas (Folkloric Accounts) and Byvalschinas (Urban Legends) Khmyrova Anna Aleksandrovna
| 501-506 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Speech Genre “Interpretation of the Epistles of the Apostles” in the Television Communicative Sphere: Embodiment Features (Theolinguistic Analysis) Smirnov Evgeny Sergeevich, Smolina Andzhella Nikolaevna
| 488-500 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Formula of Personal Toponymic Space in D. Danilov’s Novel “Sasha, Hello!” Royko Oksana Valentinovna
| 482-487 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Word Usage of the XIX Century in the Aspect of Its Historical Dynamics (by the Example of the Diary Entries of Archpriest V. D. Kasyanov) Kudryavceva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 477-481 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Poverty Theme Formation in the Artistic Space of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Works Klyushina Alena Mikhailovna
| 472-476 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Characteristics of Interpretations and Transformations in the Variants of “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda” by A. S. Pushkin Ivanyan Elena Pavlovna
| 467-471 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Revolutionary Ideas of 1917-1918 as a Catalyst for Changing the Language of Publicistics Gao Liya
| 461-466 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The System of Substantive and Formal Linguistic Characteristics of the English Literary Text (Based on William Morris’s Novel “The Well at the World’s End”) Starodubtseva Elena Alexeevna
| 453-460 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Intermediality as a Component of the Transitive Worldview in Contemporary Russian-Language Prose Nabiullina Adelya Nailevna
| 448-452 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
“A Hero of His Time”: On Characteristics of Yuri Zhivago’s Image Molodtsov Aleksey Borisovich
| 440-447 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Postmodern Tendencies in Percival Everett’s Novel “Percival Everett by Virgil Russell” Shchepacheva Inna Vladimirovna
| 434-439 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Pragmatic Functions of Remarks in Mark Ravenhill’s Dramaturgy (Based on the Plays “Over There” and “Ghost Story”) Tropina Natalia Alekseevna
| 428-433 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Motif Analysis of the Drama “The Child Killer” by H. L. Wagner Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 422-427 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Pedagogical Image of I. Ya. Yakovlev in the Works “Taer” by K. Petrov and “Childhood” by M. Trubina Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Yadranskaya Inessa Vladimirovna
| 417-421 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Typology of Children’s Images in Modern Buryat Children’s Literature Isakov Aleksandr Viktorovich, Serebryakova Zoya Aleksandrovna
| 412-416 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Reception of Svetlana Aleksievich’s Creative Work in China (Problems of Translation and Research) Zhou Lulu
| 405-411 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Reception of the Image of Olenka in the Story “The Darling” by A. P. Chekhov in China Cui Yunyun
| 399-404 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Problematics and Poetics of A. Mariengof’s Creative Work for Children (“Dachshund-Blot”, “The Prankster Ball”, “Bobka-Athlete”) Ternova Tatiana Anatolyevna
| 392-398 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Artistic Originality of O. E. Mandelstam’s Lyrics (Based on Pre-Revolutionary Poems) Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna, Kuharuk Maksim Ruslanovich
| 386-391 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Religious Constants as an Ethnic Image Codifier in Russian Literature of the XIX Century Sarbash Lyudmila Nikolaevna
| 379-385 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Specifics of the Chronotope in the Novel “Two Captains” by V. Kaverin Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Ovsyannikova Ekaterina Pavlovna
| 374-378 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Teen Problem of Maturation in the Story “When We Are Left Alone” by T. Mikheeva Oktyabrskaya Olga Svyatoslavovna
| 368-373 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Fantastic Elements in LitRPG Novels (“The Rule of the Clans” by Dema Mikhailov, “Play to Live. Disruption” by D. Rus, “The Way of the Shaman. The Beginning of the Way” by V. Makhanenko) Lisitsyna Elena Yurievna
| 360-367 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
The Mortal Motives of the Poem “I Do Not Ask for Immortality from Death...” by J. Brodsky Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Baranova Tatiana Nikolaevna
| 353-359 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Literary Facets of the Anniversary Celebrant: Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of A. I. Demchenko (Demchenko A. I. Two “Suns” of World Literature: Monograph. M.: Ru-Science, 2021: Opinion Paper) Kozlov Sergey Alekseevich
| 351-352 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 2. |
Structural and compositional features of parallel fragments in Du Fu’s poems “Night in the Chambers” and “I Heard That the Imperial Troops Had Returned the Territories Located North and South of the Yellow River” Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich, Shtennikova Dar’ya Vital’evna
| 4421-4432 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The GI ethos as a part of the US cultural code (as exemplified by precedent texts of the military sublanguage) Romanov Alexander Sergeevich, Dmitry Vladimirovich Balaganov, Muravleva Valeria Romanovna
| 4413-4420 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Intertextual and interdiscursive nature of well wishes with the component ‘желаю’ (I wish) Kremshokalova Marina Chaflenovna, Bizheva Zara Chagimuratovna, Gelyastanova Asiyat Lvovna
| 4402-4406 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Theonymic vocabulary of the Ossetian language Takazov Fedar Magometovich
| 4396-4401 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Quantifier signs in the pandemic discourse (based on English-language publications on the coronavirus epidemic) Lavrukhina Anastacia Vitalievna
| 4389-4395 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Comparative characteristics of the Kubachi and Itsari lects of the Dargin area: Phonetic data Mutalov Rasul Osmanovich
| 4383-4388 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Nart epic in Ossetian children’s drama: Specificity of inter-genre interaction Britaeva Angela Borisovna
| 4371-4376 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Lexico-semantic explication of the notional component of the conceptual triad MERCY – INDIFFERENCE – CRUELTY in Russian and English Klepalchenko Igor Alekseevich, Osadchaia Olga Nikolaevna
| 4364-4370 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Consideration of extralinguistic factors in interpreting (by the example of a speech by the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron in French and its translation into Russian) Spynu Larisa Mikhailovna
| 4359-4363 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Culture and linguoculture codes: A theoretical review Savitskij Vladimir Mikhailovich, Cherkassova Elena Valeryevna
| 4351-4358 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Linguistic means of stereotyping Russia and Russians in German mass media texts Shamanskaya Maria Anatolyevna, Sharmanova Oksana Sergeevna
| 4344-4350 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Remythologization in the 20th and the 21st century and its role in understanding the nature of modern myth (based on news texts in the English-language media) Kuligina Ekaterina Alekseevna
| 4337-4343 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Collocability of the word будущее (the future) as a linguocognitive tool for studying the figurative semantics of a poetic concept Khalikova Natalia Vladimirovna, Shatalova Olga Viktorovna
| 4330-4336 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Onomasiological characteristics of zoonyms in New Zealand lexical substandard Trifanova Svetlana Sergeevna, Titova Olya Zokirovna
| 4324-4329 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The precedent name “A. S. Makarenko” as a value unit of F. A. Vigdorova’s anthroponymicon (based on the material of the trilogy “This Is My Home”, “Road to Life”, “Chernigovka”) Kulicheva Evgeniya Viacheslavovna
| 4317-4323 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
System of discursive concepts of Taiwanese reality. Creating a short glossary Kurdyumov Vladimir Anatolievich
| 4305-4316 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Identification of possible translation solutions based on comparative stylistic studies (using the material of English and Russian parallel newspaper texts) Abdulmanova Adelia Khamitovna, Vyunova Ekaterina Kirillovna, Lekomtseva Irina Alekseevna
| 4297-4304 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Precedent names of Soviet politicians in the poetic texts of T. Yu. Kibirov Reznikov Daniil Romanovich, Parshina Olga Dmitrievna
| 4289-4296 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Ways of implicit expression of the emotion of discontent and the speech act of accusation in the English-language advertising discourse in the context of brand confrontation Shuyskaya Yuliya Viktorovna, Drozdova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 4283-4288 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Representation of the legal concept of PROBATION in English legal terminology Druzhininskaya Olga Vasil’evna, Titova Olya Zokirovna
| 4277-4282 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Formation of newly scripted Yukaghir literature in the context of the literary process of Yakutia in the 1930s Okhlopkova Zhanna Valerievna
| 4271-4276 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
“Native Land” by A. I. Sofronov and “River” by A. E. Kulakovsky: Literary translations in the formation of Yakut poetry Romanova Lidia Nikolaevna
| 4262-4270 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Semantics of phraseological units as an object of psycholinguistic description (by the example of set expressions from ancient Greek myths with a proper name component) Rudakova Alexandra Vladimirovna
| 4255-4261 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The cognitive strategy of laudation in the advertising tourism narrative Men’shikova Ekaterina Evgen’evna
| 4248-4254 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Typological parallels in the aesthetics of Ivan Goncharov and Søren Kierkegaard Ivanova Irina Nikolaevna, Kuznecov Artyom Vladimirovich
| 4241-4247 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The mystery of (non)Russian names in the novel “Futility: A Novel on Russian Themes” by William Gerhardie Koroleva Svetlana Borisovna, Kovaleva Marina Yurievna
| 4233-4240 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Pre-metric units of length in the works of Russian and German writers and their translation Gataullina Veronika Lyubimovna, Nikolaeva Nataliya Gennadyevna
| 4226-4232 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Linguistic features of representation of the value orientations of Russian and American youth in social networks Patrusheva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Kamensky Mikhail Vasilevich, Kalinovskaya Elena Aleksandrovna
| 4220-4225 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Haptemic attraction in the textual informative code of a cognitive script (based on the material of the novels “Inferno” by D. Brown and “Black Water Lilies” by M. Bussi) Ogneva Elena Anatolievna, Beketova Alina Olegovna
| 4213-4219 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Poetics of everyday life in the creative work of S. Dovlatov Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 4208-4212 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Deviant female images in Charles Dickens’ novel “Great Expectations” (based on the example of the first meeting with Miss Havisham and Estella) He Jiafu
| 4203-4207 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The semantics of unity in the ethnopolitical media discourse (based on the material of the official Telegram channels of government bodies and civil servants of the Russian Federation) Golikov Leonid Mikhailovich
| 4197-4202 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Contrast and contradiction and the ways of their expression in English and Bulgarian proverbs Ershova Nadezhda Borisovna
| 4189-4196 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The novel “Valkyrie, or The One I’m Always Waiting For” by M. V. Semyonova as a folklorized quest Akhmedzianova Almira Rashidovna
| 4183-4188 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Methods of artistic cognition of American postmodern poets Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
| 4172-4182 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Russian urbanonymy and its lexicographic representation: Problems and prospects Razumov Roman Viktorovich
| 4166-4171 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The ЦIЫХУХЪУ (MAN) concept in the Adyghe linguistic worldview Kodzokova Zareta Valerievna
| 4160-4165 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Axiological conflict as a potential trigger for the discourse practice of cancel culture (based on the updated dictionary entries “woman” / “man” in the Cambridge Dictionary (2022)) Dubinina Irina Ivanovna
| 4153-4159 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Intermedial techniques of representing an artist’s image in the stories “Glittering Pie” by H. Miller and “A Working Day” by Ch. Bukowski Markovnenkov Dmitry Victorovich
| 4145-4152 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Vladimir Mayakovsky in the journalistic writings of the Harbin poet Vasily Loginov Loshchilov Igor Evgenjevich
| 4139-4144 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Addressing as a manifestation of dialogicity in N. N. Evseev’s lyrical poetry Gizhe Elena Dmitrievna, Zheltova Natalia Yurievna
| 4133-4138 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
The category of comparison as an object of linguistic research: A theoretical and analytical review Atlashova Irina Andreevna, Klyushina Alena Mikhailovna
| 4124-4132 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Allusive proper names as a means for expressing content-related and subtext information in English-language literary texts (based on the text of the novel “The Magus” by John Fowles) Ananyina Marina Aleksandrovna
| 4116-4123 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Expeditionary activity of A. S. Lukovtsev on the research work “Hunting and fishing terms of the Yakut language” Borisova Yuliya Mikhailovna
| 4110-4115 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Syntax features of German frontline (archival) documents Baykova Olga Vladimirovna, Bukharov Valery Mikhailovich, Zhilina Yulia Sergeevna
| 4103-4109 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 12. |
Substandard as a marker of communicative intention in Francophone Internet discourse Ageeva Anastasia Vladimirovna
| 4097-4102 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Metatext of a beatnik “autobiographic text” (Jack Kerouac’s “Big Sur”) Zhilyakov Nikita Alexandrovich, Dotsenko Elena Georgievna
| 4089-4096 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The story “Where Sukpai Runs” by Jansi Kimonko from the point of view of ethnology: A view from the 21st century Fetisova Lidia Evguenievna
| 4082-4088 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Prefixation as a method of forming military terms (based on the material of the Finnish language) Boiko Boris Leonidovich, Mironenko Anton Gennad’evich
| 4076-4081 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The professional jargon of the American military personnel in a gender aspect Romanov Alexander Sergeevich, Babushkina Elena Vasilievna
| 4070-4075 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Ethnic stereotypes in the materials of the CNN website in 2011-2022 Ma Tatyana Yurievna, Belan Darya Andreyevna
| 4062-4069 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Motifs and images of F. M. Dostoevsky in the novel “Cold White Sun” by the Jordanian writer Kafa Al-Zou’bi Zarytovskaya Victoria Nikolaevna
| 4054-4061 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Ways of preserving the aesthetic impact when translating the authorial style (linguistic study of a German text) Orbodoeva Larisa Matveevna
| 4049-4053 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Formation of the terminology of English-language dental implantology: An interdisciplinary approach Abregova Alla Vladimirovna, Kenetova Rita Bilyalovna
| 4038-4048 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Pluralization as a tendency in the development of grammatical norm (based on the example of appositions’ functioning expressed by toponyms) Kuznetsova Svetlana Mikhailovna
| 4033-4037 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Functioning and semantic features of lexemes with the root -dol/duel- in the French language from the 12th to the 15th centuries Solovieva Maria Vladimirovna, Grefenstein Sofia Aleksandrovna
| 4026-4032 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The lyrical works of Amable Tastu in a typological aspect Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
| 4018-4025 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
George Orwell’s nonce words from the novel “1984” translated by Yu. R. Sokolov Samokhin Ivan Sergeyevich, Nikashina Natalya Viktorovna, Nagornova Ekaterina Valeryevna
| 4013-4017 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Astyonyms in the songwriting of Mari and Tatars Khabibullina Flera Yakhyatovna, Ivanova Iraida Gennadievna
| 4006-4012 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The fable “The Star and the Comet” by V. A. Zhukovsky: The history of the text and meanings Potashova Ksenia Alekseevna
| 3999-4005 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Special aspects of representation of the MIND concept in C. Wilson’s novel “The Mind Parasites” Petrova Ekaterina Evgenievna, Solntseva Elena Sergeevna
| 3981-3986 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Prediction of Russia’s future in P. N. Krasnov’s utopia Azarov Yuri Alexeevich
| 3976-3980 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The prose of Yeremey Aipin: Ethnophilological perspective and historical poetics: monograph / ed. by Doctor in Philology S. A. Komarov. Moscow: Nauka, 2023. 384 p.: Book review Khazankovich Yulia Gennadievna
| 3973-3975 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
“Rhapsody on the Mouth Organ” by Pan Yue: Music as catharsis Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 3963-3972 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Value meanings of a literary text in the aspect of textual modality (based on the material of A. I. Kuprin’s fairy tale “The Blue Star”) Kuznetsova Anna Vladimirovna
| 3956-3962 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Features of using the prefixal word-formation model with the meaning of negation ‘contra-’ in the modern discourse of the English language Pivkin Sergey Dmitrievich, Toptygina Olga Nikolaevna
| 3949-3955 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Hair symbolism in the Russian wedding folklore of Udmurtia Tolkacheva Svetlana Viktorovna
| 3939-3948 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Verbalization of the PAIN and БОЛЬ concepts in the English-language and Russian-language conceptual spheres Ratushnaia Liudmila Gennadyevna, Kriukova Liudmila Ivanovna
| 3932-3938 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Nostalgic tonality of the source text as a translation problem (based on the material of the French translation of I. A. Bunin’s short story collection “Dark Avenues”) Tarasova Nadezhda Ivanovna
| 3924-3931 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Analysis of intersections in the regionally marked vocabulary of the territorial units of Western Siberia Matveeva Irina Vladimirovna
| 3915-3923 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Functional potential of expressive language means in the English-language scientific and technical text Varlakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Goncharova Maria Vyacheslavovna, Spiridonova Valentina Aleksandrovna
| 3909-3914 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Peculiarities of wordplay in modern Samara ergonyms of the “Recreation and entertainment” sphere Khokhlova Anna Alekseevna
| 3903-3908 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The style-generating function of phraseological units in the novel “Onka” by G. I. Klimovskaya Baklanova Elena Alekseevna
| 3894-3902 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Extension of a standard balanced linguistic corpus built according to spaCy rules by connotative characteristics Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich
| 3888-3893 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The spiritual space of the Nilo-Sorsky Monastery in the book “Journey to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery...” by S. P. Shevyrev Alexandrova-Osokina Olga Nikolaevna, Wang You Juan
| 3881-3887 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Digitalization of Chinese characters: Classification of input methods and user preferences Guruleva Tatiana Leonidovna, Abdrakhmanova Alina Railevna
| 3873-3880 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Objects as manifestations of the sacred and the demonic in Dostoevsky’s works Kovalevskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
| 3867-3872 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The English-language linguocultural scenario “Legal systems”: The structural and semantic characteristics of linguistic units Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna, Shchukina Galina Olegovna
| 3860-3866 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Linguistic representation of the features of national mentality in a comparative aspect (Russian-German parallels) Bojkova Irina Borissovna
| 3853-3859 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Precedent names and their role in creating the character of Ruth Morse in J. London’s novel “Martin Eden” Karpukhina Tamara Petrovna, Evseeva Elizaveta Yurievna
| 3844-3852 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The origins of development and the current state of Turkic mythonymy: A systematic review Gilazova Guzaliya Sayfullovna, Demirag Diana Nyailevna, Danilov Andrey Anatolyevich, Isaev Yuri Nikolaevich
| 3837-3843 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Comparison as a means of linguistic representation of the image of the country (based on the material of W. Koeppen’s work “Nach Russland und anderswohin”) Panevina Irina Grigoryevna
| 3827-3836 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Features of verbal phraseological units in the Ingush language Ausheva El’za Alikhanovna, Gandaloeva Aza Zakreevna
| 3821-3826 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Multifunctionality of the objective world of N. Musin’s novel “The Eternal Forest” Abdullina Amina Shakiryanovna, Lysova Olga Vasilyevna, Nigmatullina Leysan Anderzyanovna
| 3816-3820 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Indirect object models in the language of Old Turkic runic monuments Kamalova Shahnaz Novruz gızı
| 3809-3815 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
German idiomatic expressions with the names of countries, nationalities and languages: Structural-semantic and linguoculturological features Briskina Elena Viktorovna
| 3801-3808 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Perceptual space in the short story “Lieutenant Yergunov’s Story” by I. S. Turgenev Ji Huixin
| 3795-3800 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The motif of miracle in the novels by F. M. Dostoevsky, I. S. Shmelev and A. F. Losev Korneev Aleksander Vladimirovich
| 3788-3794 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
A. P. Chekhov: pro et contra. Vol. 4. Contemporary Research Aspects (2000-2020), an anthology / compiled, the introduction article, commentary by I. N. Sukhikh. St. Petersburg: RKHGA Publishing House, 2022. 800 p. (Russian Way): Book review Skibina Olga Mikhailovna
| 3785-3787 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The genesis of the battlefield image in the poetic batalistics of the Patriotic War of 1812 Potashova Ksenia Alekseevna
| 3778-3784 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Life and creative work of Pan Yue in the context of his “Rhapsody on the Mouth Organ” Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 3766-3777 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Formal variation of the terms describing human infectious diseases (based on the material of the English language) Khanina Kseniia Andreevna
| 3760-3765 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Linguistic features of creating the environmental attractiveness of goods (based on the material of Spanish and English) Varlamova Olga Nikolaevna, Polyakova Alina Dmitrievna
| 3751-3759 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Transboundary dynamics of the English-language military discourse during the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine Lupanova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, Balkanov Il’ya Vladimirovich
| 3745-3750 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Linguostylistic features of Hieroschemamonk Macarius of Optina’s spiritual letters Kozheko Anna Vladimirovna
| 3735-3744 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Linguistic features of the speech portrait of an American showman Maletina Oxana Andreevna, Yakovlev Alexander Olegovich
| 3729-3734 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Identifying intonation features and politeness strategies in classroom language Ivanova Julia Evgenievna, Mikhaleva Elena Igorevna
| 3720-3728 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Artistic aesthetics of socialist realism in Zh. Zalikhanov’s creative work Bazieva Gulfiya Djamalovna
| 3714-3719 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Functions of quoted and reported speech in scientific discourse: The results of a corpus study Chepurnaya Alena Ivanovna, Kartavtseva Irina Vasilyevna
| 3710-3713 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Literary mystifications and the authorial use of numerals Zenkov Andrei Viacheslavovich
| 3696-3709 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The philosophical problem of language in the novels by Walker Percy Nikulina Alla Konstantinovna
| 3689-3695 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Conceptualization of exile as a primary form of punishment in the Old English linguocultural tradition Komkova Anastasiya Sergeevna, Anikina Anna Aleksandrovna
| 3682-3688 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Means of implementing the category of dialogue in the epistolary text of the second half of the 18th century Petrukhina Anastasia Vladimirovna
| 3674-3681 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
The text of memoirs as an expression of the author’s linguistic personality (by the example of I. G. Tinin’s memoirs) Gorban Oksana Anatolyevna
| 3665-3673 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Discourse markers of the credibility category in English-language news media texts Syresina Irina Olegovna
| 3659-3664 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Russian proverbs in contemporary speech: Towards a concept of comprehensive lexicographic representation Nikitina Tatiana Gennadievna
| 3653-3658 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Reflection of the peculiarities of the semantic structure of ancient colour names in the evolution of the semantics of the Common Slavic colour terms *bronъ and *polvъ Kozhemyakova Ekaterina Arkadevna, Kornilov Gennadiy Emelyanovich, Gubanov Aleksey Rafailovich, Demirag Diana Nyailevna
| 3648-3652 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Software tools for creating and analyzing a text data bank of short electronic messages from social network users Loginova Alina Olegovna, Gorozhanov Alexey Ivanovich, Aleynikova Darya Viktorovna
| 3641-3647 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Semantic and functional parametrisation of the idio-xenonymic set “казак – Cossack” (based on the material of British and Russian lexicographic sources and mass-media discourse) Matveyeva Anna Anatolyevna
| 3633-3640 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 11. |
Methods of formation of paired terms in the Kumyk language Abdullabekova Umsalimat Bagautdinovna
| 3628-3632 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The image of the “Far Eastern frontier” in P. S. Komarov’s lyrical poetry Alexandrova-Osokina Olga Nikolaevna
| 3622-3627 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Specificity of the description of pronouns in the Spanish grammars of the Golden Age: Tradition and innovations Mikhailova Elena Nikolaevna, Koltunova Svetlana Viktorovna
| 3615-3621 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Expression of the category of temporality through lexical and syntactic means in the Chuvash language Semenova Galina Nikolaevna, Danilov Andrey Anatolyevich, Yakimova Nadezhda Ivanovna, Skvortsova Natalia Rudolfovna
| 3610-3614 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Verbal representation of the “encasement” notion in value-semantic modelling of the English-language translation versions of A. Chekhov’s short stories Gabdullina Akkosh Raffasovna
| 3602-3609 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The role of lexical repetition in the texts of Tatar songs Minnullin Kim Mugallimovich, Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna
| 3597-3601 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Variability of the means of negation expression (based on the material of German adjectives) Belyaev Andrej Nikolaevich
| 3590-3596 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semantic aspect of morality deconstruction (based on the material of the German language) Nevolina Ksenia Viktorovna
| 3584-3589 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Compounding as one of the productive ways of word formation of veterinary terms (based on the modern German language) Khakimova Giulnara Ansarovna
| 3575-3583 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semantic features of perceptual adjectives (the lexico-semantic groups “Vision”, “Hearing”, “Touch”, “Smell”, “Taste”) in Old English Nikiforova Alisa Michkailovna
| 3567-3574 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Cognitive mechanisms of colour terms in the advertising tourist narrative (by the example of Lake Baikal) Men’shikova Ekaterina Evgen’evna
| 3560-3566 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Demonstrative pronouns ‘this/these’, ‘that/those’ in the dialogical speech of film characters Borodina Tatiana Yurievna, Lysenko Irina Viktorovna
| 3552-3559 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Intertextual references as a part of the vertical context of modern Northern Irish novels Kandrashkina Oksana Olegovna
| 3546-3551 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Reception of the creative work of the Polish science fiction writer Stanisław Lem in German-speaking countries Goreva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Kotova Marina Yurievna
| 3540-3545 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
History of the study of Kabardian dialects and subdialects Khezheva Zalina Rashadovna
| 3534-3539 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Transformation of bestiary images in the poetics of modernism (F. Sologub, K. D. Balmont, V. I. Narbut, D. B. Khetagurov, G. G. Maliev, I. Arnigon) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 3526-3533 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The image of Great Britain in the original and the self-translation of G. D. Grebenshchikov’s essay “Westminster Bells” Yarkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 3519-3525 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semantics of zero quantity in the Kabardian language: The main ways of representation Bizhoev Boris Chamalovich, Khezheva Maryana Rashadovna
| 3514-3518 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
“Landmarks” of D. S. Mirsky in the historical space of Russian literature Ryagyzova Ludmila Nicolaevna
| 3508-3513 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Specific and general patterns of deliberative rhetoric in Russian and Anglo-American rhetoric Subbotina Marina Valentinovna, Isaev Yuri Nikolaevich, Gubanov Aleksey Rafailovich, Danilov Andrey Anatolyevich
| 3502-3507 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The “Novy mir” magazine and the “turn” of Soviet literature Chuyao Wang
| 3497-3501 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Structure of English polycomponent attributive phrases as a means of organizing the online advertising of women’s clothing Zinchenko Natalia Sergeyevna, Laenko Lyudmila Vladimirovna
| 3491-3496 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Phatic means in media text headlines (based on the material of the Russian, English and Chuvash languages) Subbotina Marina Valentinovna, Yakovleva Galina Grigorievna, Gilazova Guzaliya Sayfullovna, Gubanov Aleksey Rafailovich
| 3486-3490 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Linguistic representation of the ethnographic realia of Russia Germans (by the example of the novels “My Children” by G. Yakhina and „Wir selbst“ / “Ourselves” by G. Sawatzky) Vasilyeva Marina Yurievna
| 3478-3485 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Phonetic features of the Gaina subdialect of the northwestern dialect of the Bashkir language (based on the material collected in the Bardymsky district of Perm Krai) Alimbayeva Gulshayan Gabsalyamovna, Abdullina Gulfira Rifovna, Sultanova Zilya Azatovna
| 3471-3477 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Dialogue between executive authorities and society in the VKontakte social network Bazhenova Elena Alexandrovna, Mokan Anastasiia Dmitrievna
| 3464-3470 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Grammatical structures and metaphorical content in Chinese idioms Jia Junwen
| 3455-3463 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Speech tactics for implementing the self-presentation strategy in German-language lifestyle blogs Lezhnina Anna Sergeevna, Shakhovnina Yulia Borisovna
| 3449-3454 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semiodynamics of metaphor (based on the material of medical English) Khakhalova Svetlana Alexeyevna
| 3442-3448 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Functional purpose of personal proper names in expressing the nominative-predicative aspect in the literary dictema (based on English fiction) Noskova Anna Ivanovna
| 3435-3441 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Nominative potential of the axiological paradigm of the memorial media portrait of a cinema legend (based on the material of the French language) Mikhailova Elena Nikolaevna, Telegina Victoria Alexandrovna
| 3429-3434 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Representation of a man’s appearance by the naming unit дядя ‘uncle’ in modern Russian Koss Evgeniya Valerievna, Parshina Olga Dmitrievna
| 3422-3428 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Cognitive bases of connotative polysemy of English-language artistic names Sukhareva Olga Vadimovna
| 3417-3421 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Translation of TV series from English into Russian: Linguistic and extralinguistic issues Timko Natalia Valeriyevna
| 3407-3416 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Prose translation into Russian and the features of parallel fragments of Du Fu’s poem “The song of watching the sword dance of Mrs. Gong Sun’s disciple” Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich
| 3394-3406 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Representation of intentionality in epideictic speeches in the 2020 US election campaign Kovalev Pavel Andreevich
| 3386-3393 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Genre of the graphic novel: Toward the formulation of the problem (based on modern French-language and English-language texts) Merkulova Mayya Gennadievna, Prudius Irina Gennadievna
| 3379-3385 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Hyperbolization in modern English literary texts Vlasova Ekaterina Viktorovna
| 3372-3378 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The place of morphological terms in 1960-2010 lexicographic editions on the terminology of the Russian language Pribytkova Maria Dmitrievna, Antonov Vladimir Petrovich
| 3357-3371 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Linguistic representation of the speech genre of explanation in medical discourse within the framework of a television educational programme (by the example of the programme “Med. expert”) Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Eremeeva Svetlana Anatolievna
| 3351-3356 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
A level model of a German-language one-on-one TV interview Nesteryuk Yuliya Vladimirovna
| 3343-3350 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Traditions of Russian and Soviet culture in Lu Yao’s story “Life” Shanina Yulia Aleksandrovna, Kazakova Elina Phlyurovna
| 3337-3342 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The role of compositional-thematic lines and the features of their speech representation in the autobiographical narrative Lisova Olesya Olegovna
| 3330-3336 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Types of spatial semantics in the ‘Cyberspace’ frame model (based on media texts in Russian) Imamgaiazova Diana Ildarovna
| 3323-3329 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Everyday vocabulary as a verbaliser of the culture code in the dialect worldview of the Crimean Tatars Mazinov Akhtem Seit-Ametovich, Ganieva Emine Suleymanovna
| 3318-3322 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The “author’s” voice in L. Petrushevskaya’s dramatic discourse Bil Olga Nikolaevna, Zamanova Irina Fedoseevna, Polovneva Marina Vladimirovna
| 3312-3317 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The image of the world as a stage in Th. Mann’s short story “The Clown” Belyakov Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Somova Elena Viktorovna, Chernova Iuliia Vladimirovna
| 3306-3311 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The Coptic meta-genre “apostolic memoirs”: The Investiture of the Archangel Michael and the Investiture of the Archangel Gabriel (the apocrypha) Frangulian Lilia Rubenovna
| 3301-3305 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Levels of awareness of a cognitive construct (based on the study of the PATRIOTISM concept) Kolodina Nina Ivanovna, Pobeda Anastasiya Yur’evna
| 3293-3300 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Negation of German polar words and expressions in automated analysis of text tonality Glushak Vasiliy Mikhaylovich
| 3287-3292 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semiotic weakening of the strong character sign “sun” in the Chinese language Lebedeva Daria Sergeevna
| 3280-3286 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Humorous means in political Internet memes (based on the material of the German language) Doynikova Marina Igorevna
| 3272-3279 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Prosodic markers of the state of anger (by the example of the cultural and communicative interaction models of the Russian and Kabardian ethnic groups of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region) Goncharova Oksana Vladimirovna, Frolova Anastasia Vadimovna
| 3265-3271 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Reflection of the professional attitudes of a linguistic personality in the image of a firefighter in the children’s tale “The Cheerful Firefighter” by I. V. Zartayskaya Bondarenko Elena Nikolaevna
| 3258-3264 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Phrases with the meaning of ethnic integrativity on the social media pages of Russian government bodies Gromyko Sergey Alexandrovich, Andronov Yuriy Alexeevich
| 3251-3257 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Sufi practices and special prescriptions for women in the work “The guidance of mentors from the Shaikh of the Khalidi [branch]” by M.-Z. Kamalov Khasavnekh Alsou Ahmadullovna, Mukhametzianova Liliia Khatipovna
| 3245-3250 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Lemmatization as a macrostructure optimization tool of an electronic dictionary Balkanov Ilya Vladimirovich
| 3237-3244 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Semantic parameterization of vocabulary as a means of identifying verbalization of culture-significant semantic zones in Russian and German (by the example of the lexico-semantic field “Friendship”) Epifanova Valentina Valerjevna
| 3229-3236 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Germanic-Slavic lexical parallels – imitative words ‘lecken’ – ‘лизать’ (lick): Etymology, diachrony, current state Sheshkina Tat’yana Fominichna
| 3224-3228 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The headline complex of a radio programme as a meta-text indicator (based on survey data) Nesterova Natalia Georgievna, Oreshkina Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
| 3218-3223 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Kinship terms in Tatar and English: A comparative analysis (based on lexicographic sources) Timerkhanov Aynur Akhatovich
| 3212-3217 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Metalexicography, culture and lexiculture: Structure and categories of description (based on the Russian, English, German, French and Malagasy languages) Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Bezkorovaynaya Galina Tigranovna
| 3199-3211 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Simple one-part sentences and their classification in the Ingush language (based on the material of S. I. Chakhkiev’s novel “Wolf Nights”) Gandaloeva Aset Zakreevna, Ausheva El’za Alikhanovna
| 3193-3198 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Expressive means in literature in plain language (based on the material of the short story “The Trap” by J. Hermann) Fedorova Anna Leonidovna
| 3186-3192 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Culture-bound and universal features of phraseological units with amphibian names in Russian, Chuvash, English and German Nikolaeva Natalia Vitalievna, Isaev Yury Nikolaevich, Gilazova Guzaliya Sayfullovna, Danilov Andrey Anatolievich
| 3179-3185 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Toponymic worldview of the Orientalist Bunin Potekhina Polina Sergeevna
| 3173-3178 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Linguoculturological potential of the presuppositional component of lexical units in the modelling of cultural space (based on the material of the German language) Oleynik Marina Alexeevna, Gorbatovsky Alexandr Sergeevich
| 3167-3172 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Foregrounding of the principal parts of the sentence by means of stylistic inversion in Russian, Chuvash and English: A comparative analysis Yakovleva Galina Grigoryevna, Shpareva Galina Ivanovna, Gubanov Aleksey Rafailovich, Danilov Andrey Anatolyevich
| 3161-3166 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Peculiarities of the functioning of the English lexeme “fashion” as a dominant unit of fashion discourse (based on the material of the Russian linguistic digital space of the Internet) Dediukhina Anna Gennadievna, Dediukhin Andrey Aleksandrovich
| 3156-3160 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Classification of “false friends” in economic texts: Typical errors in English-to-Russian translation Kuregyan Amalia Levikovna, Pertsevaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Kuzmina Aleksandra Petrovna
| 3150-3155 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The basic value PEACE in German and Russian linguocultures Khlopova Anna Igorevna
| 3144-3149 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Types of unreliable narrators in English-language literature Nikolina Natalia Nikolaevna
| 3138-3143 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The author’s linguistic personality in the metatextual perspective of autobiographical discourse Goryacheva Elena Dmitrievna
| 3132-3137 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Evaluation in the semantics of the lexemes “life” and “death” Lappo Marina Aleksandrovna, Putilina Tatiana Gennadievna
| 3126-3131 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Emotive component of manipulative tactics (based on Russian-language mass media texts) Balkanov Ilya Vladimirovich, Muravleva Valeriya Romanovna
| 3121-3125 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
The substitution of the prepositional infinitive phrase and the ellipsis of ‘for’ with the noun phrase in the for-to-infinitive construction based on the material of the English-language economic discourse Dyakonova Stanislava Arkadyevna
| 3113-3120 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Study of linguistic transformations in the translation of instructions for medical use from English into Russian (based on the instructions for the use of the immunomodulators Keytruda and Zelboraf) Amirova Oksana Georgievna
| 3107-3112 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 10. |
Means of “Delegitimisation” of the Topic “Xinjiang Cotton” in the Media Discourse of the Russian Mass Media: A Discourse-Historical Analysis Tao Yuan, Lyu Yujing
| 335-342 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Geoinformation Web Resource “The Dialect Corpus of the Buryat Language” Rinchinov Oleg Sergeevich, Abaeva Iuliia Dogorzhapovna
| 328-334 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Comparison of the Basic Value “Homeland” in German and Russian Linguocultures Khlopova Anna Igorevna
| 321-327 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Images-Standards of the Sphere of Objects in French, Spanish and Italian Linguocultures (Typological Aspect) Novoselova Natalia Vasilievna, Osadchuk Natalia Vladimirovna
| 315-320 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
“Zaum Pre-Imagery” and “Word Innovation” in A. Kruchyonykh’s Poems about the Seasons Ustinova Tatiana Viktorovna
| 309-314 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Weak Forms of Words in Socio-Political Discourse (by the Material of Women’s Speech) Streke Yanina Viktorovna
| 301-308 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Nonverbal Code Markers as Components of the Discursive Informative Code (by the Material of “The New York Times” Newspaper) Ogneva Elena Anatolievna, Trofimova Natalia Alekseevna
| 296-300 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
The Conceptual Metaphor VIRUS IS AN ENEMY as a Language and Speech Phenomenon (by the Material of English-Language Mass Media) Lugovskoy Alexander Vitalievich, Ponomarenko Anastasia Anatolievna
| 291-295 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
The FAITH Concept and Religious Discourse: Media Influence Kozlova Elena Anatol’evna, Gremitskaya Mariya Vladimirovna
| 285-290 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Consubstantiality of English-Language Branding Terms Zianko Maryna Iosifovna
| 276-284 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Identifying Intensional Meanings Realised in a Scientific Text at the Level of Mental Performatives and Assertive Speech Acts Gilovaya Elena Anatolyevna, Ganina Elena Viktorovna, Aleshina Larisa Nikolaevna
| 271-275 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Euphemisation of English-Language Gastronomic Discourse Vildanova Guzel Agzamovna, Bertuol Natalia Matilde
| 265-270 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Peculiarities of the Secondary Naming Units for the Characters from the TV Show “Game of Thrones” (by the Material of Dmitry “Goblin” Puchkov and Klim Zhukov’s Video Reviews) Brylina Elena Aleksandrovna, Nikolina Natalia Nikolaevna
| 260-264 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Synonymic Substitution as a Specific Mechanism of Argotic Word-Making: Features of Terminological Nomination (by the Material of the French Language) Konygina Ekaterina Alekseevna, Kozelskaya Elena Anatolievna, Retinskaya Tatiana Ivanovna
| 253-259 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Functions of French Weather Maxims Varzinova Valentina Vitalievna
| 249-252 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Linguostylistic Means of Discrediting Tactics Actualisation in the Genre of American Political Debates Stepanova Nataliia Valentinovna
| 243-248 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Semantic and Functional Features of the Photo Commentary in the English-Language News Text Paramonova Marina Ilyinichna
| 234-242 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Dynamics of R. Browning’s Individual Style Nikolaeva Tatiana Vladimirovna
| 229-233 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Participles as Means of Simultaneity Expression in English Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 224-228 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Compositional-Structural Features and Presentation of the Artistic World of a Novel in the German-Language Book Summary Ivina Liudmila Valerievna, Chelikova Alexandra Vladislavovna
| 218-223 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Derivational Semantic Changes in the Meaning Structure of German Motion Verbs in the Publicistic Genre of Commentary Vereyutin Vladislav Yuryevich
| 212-217 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Characterisation of Phrases as Means of the Syntactic Level of Verbalisation of the SAFETY Concept in the English Language Vardanyan Lyudmila Valeryevna
| 207-211 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Differentiation of Particles in the German Language Averina Anna Viktorovna
| 199-206 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Grammatical Means of Expressing Multiplicativity in the Language of the Forest Yukaghirs Prokopyeva Aleksandra Egorovna
| 194-198 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Structural Types and Semantic Features of Monosyllabic Roots in Lexical Units Representing the Conceptual Spheres “Mosses”, “Mushrooms”, “Grasses”, “Flowers” (by the Material of the Vocabulary of the Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash Languages) Nigmatullina Leysan Anderzyanovna, Abdullina Amina Shakiryanovna, Lysova Olga Vasilyevna
| 186-193 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Deviations from Literary Language Norms in the Speech of the Crimean Tatar Youth Koroglu Lenura Ablyamitovna
| 180-185 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Military Training Instruction as a Speech Genre of the Military Еducational Discourse for Foreign Military Personnel Emer Julia Antonovna, Andrievskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna
| 171-179 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Metaphorisation of Verbs of Irritating Tactile Effect in the Russian Language Shlotgauer Elena Aleksandrovna, Yurina Elena Andreevna
| 164-170 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Semantic and Stylistic Features of K. L. Khetagurov’s Poem “Who Lives Merrily...” Tsarikaeva Fatima Ahsarbekovna, Hadasheva Sabira Ayubovna
| 158-163 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Possible Worlds in the Semantic Space of the Advertising Tourist Narrative Men’shikova Ekaterina Evgen’evna
| 152-157 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
«Купи-Продай» and Other Deverbal Nicknames of the Dialects of the Nizhny Novgorod Oka-Volga-Sura Interfluve Guznova Alena Vyacheslavovna
| 146-151 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
“One’s Own Foreign”: The Specifics of Functioning of Foreign Phraseological Units in the Works of Russian Émigré Writers Golikova Mariya Mikhailovna
| 139-145 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Intertextual References in Modern Russian Children’s and Young Adult Prose as a Reflection of the “One’s Own - Alien” Dichotomy Bokareva Yuliya Mikhailovna
| 134-138 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Representation of a Metacommunicative Imperative Situation by an Illocutionary Verb with Negation Babushkina Mariya Aleksandrovna
| 129-133 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Bastrakova K. D., Philippova M. M. Political Euphemism as a Linguistic ‘Nuclear Weapon’. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2021. 183 p.: Opinion Paper Izotova Anna Alexandrovna
| 127-128 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Expressive Function of Language: A Systematic Review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 119-126 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
“Rhapsody on the Long Flute” by Ma Rong: Music as the Voice of Philosophy Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 104-118 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Features of Storytelling in the Dungeons & Dragons Tabletop Role-Playing Game Nefedova Olga Igorevna
| 97-103 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Russian Female Characters in Hugh Seymour Walpole’s Novels: In the Halo of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s Images Kovaleva Marina Yurievna
| 92-96 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Genres of Denis Diderot’s Literary Works Gerasimova Svetlana Anatolievna
| 82-91 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Proleptic Symbol of “A Butterfly” in “The Collector” by John Fowles: A Semantic and Semiotic Aspect Akatova Alexandra Alexandrovna
| 76-81 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Folklore Traditions and Foundations of Kyazim Mechiyev’s Poetics Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna
| 70-75 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Horror Motifs in the Creative Work of A. Starobinets (by the Material of the Collection “The Icarus Gland”) Trushkina Aliona Petrovna
| 64-69 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Image of the Bolsheviks in Lolo’s Satirical Poem “About the Bald Devil and All His Kind (the End of the Red Fairy Tale)” Sviridov Vladislav Yurievich
| 59-63 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Specifics of the Author’s Strategy of V. P. Aksenov’s Novel “In Search of a Genre” Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Kadeeva Regina Albertovna
| 53-58 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Buddhism and Platonism in the Intertextual Field of V. Pelevin’s Novel “Love for Three Zuckerbrins” Maryushkina Anastasia Pavlovna
| 48-52 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Ye. Zamyatin’s Socio-Political Views Kurochkina Anzhelika Valerievna
| 41-47 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Socio-Psychological Portraits of a Terrorist and a Revolutionary in K. G. Paustovsky’s Creative Work Galyas Irina Anatolyevna, Rudenko Zhanetta Anatolyevna
| 32-40 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
“Despite My Age’s Ban”: The Political Discourse of V. V. Nabokov’s Poetry Boriskina Anastasia Vladimirovna
| 24-31 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Nostalgic Subtext of Ivan Bunin’s Short Story “Yule Evening” Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Liu Minjie
| 17-23 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Recycling of Soviet Hackneyed Phrases and Ideological Clichés in A. Gladilin’s Memoir Prose Andrianova Maria Dmitrievna
| 11-16 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Focalisation of the Theme of Death in A. P. Chekhov’s Creative Work: “Late-Blooming Flowers” (1882), “The Death of a Government Clerk” (1883), “Gusev” (1890) and “Rothschild’s Violin” (1894) Al-Abboodi Muntassir Abdulkhadim Nima
| 4-10 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
From the Birth to the Gospel...: “Selected Writings. On the 80th Anniversary of the Birth” by A. I. Demchenko. Saratov: Sobinov Saratov State Conservatoire, 2023. 1292 p.: Opinion Paper Shlykova Svetlana Petrovna
| 1-3 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2023. № 1. |
Non-Derivative Terms of Ecology as a Subject of Comparative Anthropocentric Analysis Chernyshova Larisa Anatol'evna, Chernikova Elena Olegovna
| 2990-2996 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
“Motherland” by M. Yu. Lermontov Translated by E. de Saint-Albain: the Concept Factor in Genre Aberration Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
| 2984-2989 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Structural, Genre-Content and Linguistic Specificity of the Texts of the Central Banks of the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America Biryukova Evgeniya Viktorovna, Mukhortova Irina Igorevna
| 2979-2983 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Value Concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ in the English and Russian Linguistic Cultures (by the Material of Modern Media Texts) Abdulkadyrova Asiyat Bagautdinovna
| 2972-2978 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Metaphor as a Means of Describing the Heart Muscle Work in Scientific Medical Discourse Russkaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, Tretiakova Evgenia Valeryevna
| 2966-2971 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Proprietary Names in Tyumen Commerce and Business (Commersonyms) Formed with English Borrowed Components Mekheda Marina Ivanovna, Moskaleva Svetlana Sergeevna
| 2960-2965 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Metatext in Postmodern Artistic Discourse: Cognitive-Pragmatic Aspect Kudryavtseva Mariya Igorevna
| 2954-2959 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
General Patterns of Linguocognitive Representation of the Conceptual Opposition of the HUMAN SHIELD Concept (by the Example of the US - THEM Dichotomy Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
| 2946-2953 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Recordings on Alhamiado in Toledo’s Quran (Ms. T 235, State Library of Castile-La Mancha) Tikhonova Oxana Viktorovna
| 2940-2945 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The Role of Term-Formation Elements of Latin Origin in the Formation of the French Terminological System of Electric Vehicle Construction Sakharov Yury Alexandrovich
| 2934-2939 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Problems of Language Variability (Based on the French Language of Switzerland) Pavlenko Nadezhda Borisovna
| 2927-2933 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The Semantic Field of Deviation in the Cycle “The Call of Cthulhu” by H. Lovecraft Ptashkin Alexander Sergeevich
| 2920-2926 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Suggestive Impact of Stereotypes (by the Material of Modern English-Language Media That Create the Image of Russia) Zyryanova Irina Nikolaevna, Kosyakov Vitaly Aleksandrovich
| 2914-2919 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Explication of the Elliptical Infinitive in the Function of Auxiliary Adverbial Modifiers by the Material of the English Economic Discourse Dyakonova Stanislava Arkadyevna
| 2905-2913 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Gender-Neutral Language in the University Environment in Germany Doynikova Marina Igorevna
| 2900-2904 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
German Verbal-Nominal Combinations: An Attempt at a Typological Description Boguslavskaya Irina Vilenovna
| 2894-2899 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Interference Phenomena in the Speech of the Crimean Tatar Youth Koroglu Lenura Ablyamitovna
| 2889-2893 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The Pragmatic Marker "Eto Samoe" in the Multimedia Corpus Sun Xiaoli
| 2882-2888 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Functional and Semantic Features of the Textual Connector “In This Sense” Petrochenko Tatyana Valentinovna
| 2877-2881 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The Internal Word Form in Russian Linguistics of the XX-XXI Centuries: A Review of the Term Formation and Use Lysova Olga Yurievna
| 2870-2876 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The National Corpus of the Russian Language as a Tool for Studying Precedent Signs of High Culture with the Source Sphere “Russian Classical Literature” Kuzmina Luiza Aleksandrovna
| 2860-2869 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Provincial Man vs Provincial Woman: Semantic and Pragmatic Aspect Bychkova Valentina Sergeevna
| 2851-2859 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Specifics of Interpretation of the Flora Image “Snowdrop” in Symbolist Poetry (K. D. Balmont, F. K. Sologub, A. I. Tokayev) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 2845-2850 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Discursive and Aesthetic Paradoxes of Modern Russian Original Rock Poetry (Based on S. Kalinin’s Creative Work). Article Two Loktevich Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna
| 2838-2844 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Features of the Classical Greek Tragedy in the Play “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia” by E. Albee Smetanina Natalia Alexandrovna
| 2833-2837 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
“Ode on Literature” by Lu Ji as a Technology of Poetic Reflection Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 2820-2832 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Metaphor as a Means of Creating the Illusion of Credibility of Fantastic Images (by the Example of S. King’s Short Story “Uncle Otto’s Truck”) Petrov Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Morgun Elena Anatolievna
| 2814-2819 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Allusive Potential of Toponymy in J. Fowles’ Novel “The Magus” Beletskaya Alla Yur’evna
| 2808-2813 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
A Book of Essays and a Historical Novel by I. I. Vinokurov-Tagus: Modes of Artistic Merit Khazankovich Yulia Gennadievna
| 2800-2807 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
The Spy Novel Genre in Russian Literature of the XX Century: Historical and Literary Theoretical Aspects of Study Prikazchikova Olga Alexandrovna, Osmukhina Olga Yurievna
| 2794-2799 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Thematic Originality of the Young Writers’ Creative Work in the Harbin Magazine “Rubezh” Novokreschenova Irina Nikolaevna
| 2787-2793 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Suicide in the Light of N. A. Nekrasov’s Poetry Axiology Wei Xinyi
| 2781-2786 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Bekasova E. N. The Language Space of the Orenburg Region. Brno: Tribun EU, 2022. 254 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2779-2780 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Linguistic Manipulation in the Works of Domestic and Foreign Scientists: Theoretical Issues of Terminology Ashrapova Alsu Khalilovna, Yilmaz Elvira Rafilovna, Mavlyautdinov Ildar Safiulovich, Mankova Liana Ilnurovna
| 2771-2778 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 9. |
Semantic Development of the English Word “town” Khanbalaeva Sabina Nizamievna
| 2726-2735 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Adaptation Features in Translating News Texts (by the Example of News about China in the Russian and English Media) Sun Minqing, Zhao Meiwei
| 2717-2725 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Comparative Analysis of Metaphorics for the Verbs “to dig” / «копать» as a Part of the Thematic Group “Processes of Agricultural Labour” (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages) Potsybina Elena Pavlovna
| 2711-2716 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Secondary Nomination of Pressure Verbs “to milk”, «доить» and “traire” Permyakova Elena Gennadyevna
| 2705-2710 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Tactics of Changing the Compositional Structure of the Text When Translating Tourist Texts (by the Material of the Russian and Italian Languages) Mamedov Said Zaurovich, Bolotin Yuri Evgenyevich
| 2700-2704 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Determining the Optimal Translation Strategy for H. G. Wells’ Novel “The Invisible Man” Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 2695-2699 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Linguistic and Cultural Peculiarities of Translated Russian Movie Titles Dvinova Evgeniia Olegovna
| 2689-2694 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Semantic Content Transformation in the Cartoon “9” When Translating from English into Russian Buzaeva Yana Avalievna
| 2683-2688 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Speech Substandards Rendering in the Russian Translations of the Middle of the 20th Century Achkasov Andrei Valentinovich
| 2677-2682 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Framing in Crisis Communication (Based on the US Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic) Chepurnaya Alena Ivanovna
| 2672-2676 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Style and Specificity of Stephen King’s Works Translation Samarin Dmitry Alexandrovich
| 2666-2671 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Internal Form of Language Unit as Motivator of Its Meaning (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages) Savitskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna
| 2660-2665 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Referentiality of Possible Worlds in Literary Text: Cognitive-Discursive Aspect Dzyubenko Anna Igorevna
| 2654-2659 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Goal Setting as a Psycholinguistic Mechanism and Its Implementation in the Modern English-Language Media Discourse Guslyakova Alla Victorovna, Guslyakova Nina Ivanovna
| 2646-2653 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Structural Schemes of Combinatorial Linguistics Terms in the English Language Vlavatskaya Marina Vital’evna, Efanova Marina Andreevna
| 2639-2645 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Orthography of Old Spanish Texts in the Arabic Script (by the Examples of Proper Names from The Archive of Toledo’s Mozarabs of the XII-XIII Centuries) Tikhonova Oxana Viktorovna, Iakushkina Ksenia Valerievna
| 2634-2638 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Features of Using the Arabic Letter Sīn <s> to Represent Sounds of the Portuguese Language in Arabic-Portuguese Documents of the XVI Century Tikhonova Oxana Viktorovna, Mazniak Maria Mikhailovna
| 2629-2633 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Spelling Occasionalisms in Spanish Messengers and Social Networks Davtian Iuliia Vladimirovna, Kryukova Elena Vladimirovna
| 2624-2628 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Linguopragmatic Features of the Modern Literary Narrative by the Material of the Short Story “Scène” by A. Robbe-Grillet Glazkova Anastasiia Victorovna, Chabykina Daria Stanislavovna
| 2617-2623 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Outgroup Distancing Mechanisms within “Ingroup - Outgroup” Opposition in Literature (Based on Texts of Contemporary Spanish and French Literature) Abkadyrova Irina Rustemovna, Rezhuk Zinaida Vladimirovna
| 2611-2616 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Genre Specifics of Modern English-Language News Media Texts on Coronavirus Topics Syresina Irina Olegovna, Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, Korzova Elena Nikolaevna
| 2605-2610 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Role of Artistic Devices of Absurdity and Nonsense in Formation of Structural and Semantic Organization of Text (by the Material of L. Carroll’s “The Hunting of the Snark”) Soshnikov Alexander Olegovich
| 2599-2604 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Onomasiological Structure of the Situations of Action and Modal Relation (by the Material of Sentences with German and English Causative Verbs) Sakovets Svetlana Alexandrovna
| 2591-2598 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Structural Features of English-American Borrowed Advertising Terminology in the German Language and Ways of Its Translation into Russian Prytkova Oksana Al’bertovna, Shuytseva Inga Al’fredovna
| 2586-2590 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Features of Gender Identity Construction in the Modern Political Media Discourse of Germany (by the Example of Women Politicians’ Nicknames) Polonyankina Nadezhda Valeryevna
| 2580-2585 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Variety of Virtual Genres of Environmental Discourse in the Federal Republic of Germany (by the Example of Internet Communication on Environmental Topics) Zaitseva Alla Valer’evna
| 2573-2579 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Features of Word Formation and Translation of Author’s Neologisms in Modern English by the Material of J. K. Rowling’s Book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” Grushina Margarita Vladimirovna
| 2568-2572 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Linguistic Typing of Ethno-Marked Symbols in Creolized Text of the British Television Drama Gorokhova Anna Mikhaylovna
| 2561-2567 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Analysis of English Proverbs Verbalizing MONEY Concept in Modern Linguistic Worldview Vasbieva Dinara Giniyatullovna
| 2556-2560 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Speech Influence Techniques in the Headlines of Online Media Texts of the British Quality Press Varzapova Viktoriya Yuryevna
| 2550-2555 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Lexeme “Hans im Glück” and Its Functions in Discourse Blokhina Elena Nikolaevna
| 2542-2549 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Phonetic Features of Australian English by the Example of Afferbeck Lauder’s Poem “With Air Chew” Aiusheeva Marina Glebovna, Badmaeva Elena Sodnomovna
| 2536-2541 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Phenomenon of Representing Generalized Subject of Proverbs and Sayings in the Chuvash Language Semenova Galina Nikolaevna, Yakimova Nadezhda Ivanovna
| 2531-2535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Figurative Content in the Structure of the SPRING Concept in the Evenk Linguoculture Kuzmina Raisa Petrovna
| 2527-2530 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Visual Perception Verbs in the Tatar Language (Semantic and Word-Formation Aspect) Gilazetdinova Gelinia Khajretdinovna, Salakhova Ruzilya Rashitovna
| 2522-2526 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Fear Factor in Social and Commercial Advertising (by the Example of Signboard Texts in Perm) Tikhomirova Larisa Sergeevna
| 2517-2521 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Hybrid Verb-Adjective Forms as a Psychological Marker of a “Departing Character” in I. A. Bunin’s Short Story “Benevolent Participation” Royko Oksana Valentinovna
| 2512-2516 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Ďurovič Ľ., Giger M. Paradigmatika spisovné ruštiny. Hláskosloví a tvarosloví. Praha: Karolinum, 2020. 350 s.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2510-2511 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Cognitive Poetics and Cognitive Stylistics: Variation and Incorporation of the Terms. The Onset of Cognitive Poetics and Its Modification at the Turn of the Millennia Malneva Ekaterina Yurievna
| 2503-2509 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Key Areas of Reception of B. L. Riftin’s Research in China Zhang Bing
| 2495-2501 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Discursive-Aesthetic Paradoxes of Modern Russian Original Rock Poetry (by the Material of S. Kalinin’s Creative Work). Paper One Loktevich Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna
| 2488-2494 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Female Beauty Formulas (by the Material of the Even and the Yakut Epic Tradition) Danilova Anna Nikolaevna, Pavlova Nadezhda Vasilyevna, Petrova Valentina Alekseevna
| 2479-2487 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Originality of Twelve Apparitions of Archangel Michael according to Coptic Tradition Frangulian Lilia Rubenovna
| 2473-2478 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Lu Ji’s Life: With an Ink Brush and a Sword Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
| 2462-2472 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
The “Blonde/Brunette” Binary Opposition in Early French Romanticism (“Corinne, or Italy” by G. de Staël) Nuzhnaia Tatiana Vladimirovna
| 2457-2461 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Charlotte Brontë’s Reception of Samuel Richardson’s Novel Creativity Konak Amela Alievna
| 2451-2456 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
System of Characters as a Way of Assessing the Events of the Spanish Civil War in Javier Сercas ’ Novel “Lord of All the Dead” Ivanova Nina Vladimirovna, Nemtseva Ksenia Igorevna
| 2445-2450 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
American Society Paradigm in B. Lerner’s Novel “The Topeka School” Bolotova Olga Borisovna
| 2438-2444 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Cultural Landscape in Uzheertu’s Story “Hunter’s Fate” Khazankovich Yulia Gennadievna
| 2430-2437 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Features of Russian-Language National Literature Emergence as a Result of Culture Globalization Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Yakovleva Galina Grigorievna, Savirova Marina Petrovna
| 2425-2429 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
“Final” Book of Poems as a Major Genre Form in Perception of Modern Domestic Literary Criticism Khozyaikina Anastasia Vladimirovna
| 2419-2424 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Specificity of Spy Novel Tradition Interpretation in P. N. Prudkovsky’s Prose Prikazchikova Olga Alexandrovna, Osmukhina Olga Yurievna
| 2414-2418 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Initiation Plot in the Story “Meat” by A. I. Kuprin Darenskaya Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
| 2409-2413 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 8. |
Linguocultural Specificity of the Speech Act of Apology in the Chinese Language Selezneva Natalia Victorovna
| 2380-2384 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Case Form of Substantives of Aspectual Semantics of Initial Phase in the English and Russian Languages Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 2375-2379 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Creative Neologisms as a Result of Hybrid Word Formation in the German and Russian Colloquial Speech Zavalishina Liia Viktorovna, Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
| 2369-2374 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Comparative Analysis of Translating Socio-Cultural Component of the English Literary Text into the Russian Language (by the Example of Ch. P. Snow’s Novel "Corridors of Power") Epifantseva Natalia Glebovna, Tsepeleva Alina Nikolaevna
| 2364-2368 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Determination of Adequacy Degree of Poetic Text Translation by the Example of Interpretation of M. Yu. Lermontov’s Poem "I Come out to the Path" into English Gasanova Farida Rauf kizi
| 2358-2363 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
"Rule - Example" Correlation in Time Category Description in the French Grammars of the XVI-XVIII Centuries Shcherbinin Andrei Yurievich
| 2352-2357 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Discursive Specificity of Modal and Evaluative Meanings Manifestation in Texts of Regulatory Legal Acts (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages) Shashkova Valentina Nikolaevna
| 2345-2351 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Neologism Emotivity in the Coronavirus Period Semerdzhidi Valentina Nikolaevna, Resepova Victoria Konstantinovna
| 2341-2344 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Plato’s Linguistic Personality and "Cave" Idealism Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Kugan Ekaterina Ivanovna
| 2333-2340 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Polysemy in Computer Linguistics Terminology Polshchykova Olga Nikolaevna
| 2328-2332 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Linguo-Cognitive Representation of Oppositive Concepts RUSSIAN WORLD - CANCEL CULTURE Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
| 2323-2327 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Virus Metaphor in Marketing Communication Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Kopelnik Vladislava Igorevna
| 2319-2322 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Thematic Sphere "Computer Technologies" at System-Linguistic Level by the Materials of Non-Special Dictionaries of the Russian and English Languages Balashova Darya Yurievna
| 2312-2318 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Communicative Aspect of Modified Proverbs Translation from German into Russian Shitikova Anzhelika Vladimirovna
| 2307-2311 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Features of Hedging in Scientific Discourse (by the Material of Texts of English-Language Scientific Articles on Economics) Svetaylov Boris Vladimirovich
| 2301-2306 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Proper Names as Lexical Means of Implementing BUSINESSMAN Concept in Charles Dickens’s "Dombey and Son" Nesterova Tatiana Gennadievna, Remizova Valentina Fyodorovna
| 2295-2300 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Borrowings as a Part of Phraseological Units of Insular Russian-German Dialects Moskalyuk Larisa Ivanovna, Moskalyuk Olga Sergeevna
| 2291-2294 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Theoretical Foundations of the Grammatical System of English for Radiotelephony Communication in Aviation Lysenko Sergey Vladimirovich
| 2285-2290 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Verbalisation of Acoustic Images in P. Pabst’s Novel "Ich sehe das, was ihr nicht seht. Eine blinde Strafverteidigerin geht ihren Weg" / "I See What You Cannot See. Blind Female Criminal Defense Lawyer Goes Her Own Way" Ladosha Oksana Mikhailovna
| 2279-2284 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Role of Food and Clothes Names in Creating the Russians’ Image in English-Language Travel Notes about Russia in the 19th Century Gladkova Olga Khvtisovna
| 2272-2278 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Synsemantic Exponents of Category of Cause in the American Political Discourse Butenko Tatiana Anatolievna
| 2267-2271 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Non-Trivial Types of Semantic Derivation in Colloquial and Youth Vocabulary of the Modern German Language Bojkova Irina Borissovna
| 2258-2266 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Phraseological Units with Zoonym Components in the Australian English Language Badmaeva Elena Sodnomovna, Shaglanova Elena Andreevna, Burtseva Elvira Vitalyevna
| 2251-2257 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
William Morris’s "The Wood beyond the World": Possibilities of Reading and Translating from English into Russian Aristov Aleksei Yur’evich
| 2245-2250 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Contextual Implementation of Sound-Descriptive Words of the English Language Alkenova Sayazhan Nikolaevna
| 2239-2244 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Colour Triad "Black - White - Red" in the Adyghe Worldview and Its Functioning in Artistic Discourse Haraeva Larisa Hanbievna, Ezaova Madina Yurievna, Shugusheva Dzhuleta Habasovna
| 2232-2238 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Features of Word Formation in the Modern Udmurt Language Strelkova Olga Borisovna
| 2228-2231 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Cognitive Understanding of the Semantic Field "Й?ш" / "Age" in the Bashkir Language (by the Material of Monosyllabic Stems) Nigamatova Albina Alfredovna
| 2224-2227 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Semantics of the Verb ‘Touch’ in the Ob-Ugric Languages Nakhracheva Galina Leonidovna
| 2219-2223 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Locative Meanings of Words with ‘пурэбэ’ and ‘албэ’ Components in the Tundra Yukaghir Language Kurilova Ladina Gavrilovna
| 2214-2218 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Compound Adjectives of Subordinating Type in the Hungarian Language Ariskina Tatyana Pavlovna
| 2210-2213 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Linguistic Representation of Maslenitsa Rite of Roping Blocks in the Kuban Tradition Finko Olga Sergeevna
| 2205-2209 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
DREAM Concept in the Novel "Ladoga" by O. Grigorieva Usacheva Olga Alexandrovna, Chernyavskaya Nadezhda Anatolievna, Makunina Daria Sergeevna
| 2199-2204 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Work on a New Spelling Code (Based on the Use of Capital Letters in Official Names) Ponomareva Natalya Ivanovna
| 2194-2198 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Structural Characteristics of One-Lexeme Nominations as a Fragment of Typological Passports of Medical Terminology Systems Kazarina Svetlana Georgievna, Gulyaeva Tatyana Urevna
| 2189-2193 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Author’s Reconsideration of Phraseological Units in M. Zoshchenko’s Prose Kabanova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 2183-2188 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
The Ability of Russian Particles to Communicate the Semantics of the Extreme: An Analytical Review Klyushina Alena Mikhailovna
| 2174-2182 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Expressive Syntax of the English Language: A Systematic Review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 2167-2173 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Bekasova E. N. A Learner’s Guide to the Old Slavic Language. Brno: Tribun EU, 2021. 119 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 2165-2166 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Genre Code of "Terrible Short Story" in I. S. Turgenev’s "Klara Milich" Pogadai Elena Vladimirovna
| 2159-2163 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Biographical Foundations of Jeffrey Eugenides’s Creative Worldview Petrova Anna Alekseevna
| 2154-2158 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Features of the Gothic Tradition Interpretation in H. P. Lovecraft’s Creative Work (Based on the Material of "The Outsider" Story) Morshchinskiy Vladislav Sergeevich, Cheresyuk Polina Andreevna
| 2149-2153 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Gender Stereotypes in Ayn Rand’s Novels Mirasova Kamila Naeelovna
| 2143-2148 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Children’s Images in Manuel Rivas’s Works about the Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship Ivanova Nina Vladimirovna
| 2137-2142 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
A. I. Yatsimirsky - Researcher of W. Sieroszewski’s and A. Szymanski’s Creative Activity Emelianov Igor Stepanovich
| 2131-2136 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Symbolism vs Expressionism (by the Example of D. B. Khetagurov’s Poem "Арв?нг?с" ("Skylike")) Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
| 2124-2130 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Naki Isanbet’s Media Image in the Aspect of His Creative Work Interpretation Khabutdinova Mileusha Mukhametsyanovna
| 2119-2123 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Structure and Genre-Thematic Features of R. Gamzatov’s Poetic Collection "In the Midday Heat in the Valley of Dagestan" Nabigulaeva Marjanat Nabigulaena
| 2111-2118 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Tsar David’s Image Evolution in the Russian Poetry of the 17th-20th Centuries. Features of the Psalmist’s Image Perception by Russian Poets Khimich Galina Alexandrovna
| 2105-2110 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Lloyd George’s Satirical Image in the Russian Diaspora’s Periodicals in the First Half of the 1920s Sviridov Vladislav Yurievich
| 2100-2104 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Christmas Theme in N. P. Wagner’s Story "Telepen" Norina Natalia Viktorovna
| 2092-2099 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Pontifical Power as Roman Catholic Idea Realization in F. M. Dostoevsky’s Perception in the 1860-1870s Murzina Svetlana Vladimirovna
| 2086-2091 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Representation of Theme of Developing New Forms of Social Life in F. I. Panferov’s Book of Essays "In the Early Morning" (1927): By the Example of the Essays "Markel" and "In the Early Morning" Kultysheva Olga Mikhailovna, Rashchupkina Olga Stanislavovna
| 2080-2085 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
The Early NEP Culture in N. Lukhmanov’s Perception (Based on the Poem "Corns of Moscow") Kozlov Dmitry Alexandrovich
| 2075-2079 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Tao Universal in O. E. Mandelstam’s Early Works Buraia Mariia Anatol’evna, Shi Yuchen
| 2070-2074 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Folklore of the Volga and Ural Regions: Genres, Poetics, Study Problems / compiler and editor G. G. Il'ina. Cheboksary, 2021: Opinion Paper Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Rodionov Vitaly Grigorievich
| 2067-2069 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 7. |
Gender-Marked Asymmetry in the Russian and Chinese Languages Yao Xiaoyi
| 2056-2061 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Metaphors of the Ancient Chinese Philosophical Text "The Analects" by Confucius and the Particularities of Their Translation into Russian Chen Liang
| 2051-2055 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Typology of Mistakes in Audiovisual Translation of Subtitles from English into Russian Rozhkov Roman Aleksandrovich, Zubkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Fedorova Irina Kimovna
| 2046-2050 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Difficulties in Translating Legal Terms in the Texts of "General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Sale" (by the Material of English to Russian Translation) Radikova Tanzilya Insafovna, Tretyakova Maria Vladimirovna
| 2040-2045 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Strategies and Tactics of Translating Gastronomic Guides: Communicative and Functional Approach (by the Material of the Russian and English Languages) Mamedov Said Zaurovich, Bolotin Yuri Evgenyevich
| 2034-2039 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Terminological Problems, Definition and Characteristics of Discursive Markers (by the Material of the English Language) Eshieva Tanzila Zaynalbekovna, Tasueva Seda Isaevna
| 2029-2033 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
G. D. Grebenshchikov’s Epistemic-Cognitive Thesaurus as a Part of the Eurasian Cultural and Linguistic Space Khrebtova Tatiana Sergeevna
| 2024-2028 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Mixed Texts: Creolised vs Polycode vs Multimodal Sabadin Santos Talaveira Medina Jo?o Paulo
| 2017-2023 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Linguistic Means of Implementing Attractiveness in Pretext Formations (Based on the French and Russian Languages) Ryanskaya Elvira Michailovna, Fomenko Elena Andreevna
| 2012-2016 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Realisation of the Linguocultural Type "Physician-Surgeon" in the Russian Linguistic Consciousness (by the Material of Internet Comments) Rostovtseva Svetlana Andreevna
| 2006-2011 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Hyper-Hyponymic Relations in Computer Linguistics Terminology Polshchykova Olga Nikolaevna
| 2001-2005 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Structure, Functioning and Language Realization of Artistic Fractals in Robert Irwin’s Novel "The Arabian Nightmare" Linnichenko Svetlana Igorevna
| 1994-2000 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Lexical and Grammatical Means of Reducing Speech Impact Intensity in Russian- and English-Language Socio-Political Debates Kulabukhov Nikita Vladimirovich
| 1987-1993 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Particularities of the Use of Deictic Gestures in the Evasion Strategy Isaeva Snezhana Nikolaevna
| 1982-1986 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Specifics of Image and Text Interaction in Creolized Meme (by the Example of Memes Based on the Harry Potter Film Cycle) Vorobets Tatyana Alekseevna, Gerdt Elena Valerievna, Lobkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 1975-1981 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Redirected Aggression as a Disruptive Tactics in Pedagogical Discourse Volkova Yana Aleksandrovna, Panchenko Nadezhda Nickolaevna
| 1969-1974 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Structure of Thematic Sphere "Computer Technologies" in the Russian and English Languages (Based on Specialized Lexicographic Sources) Balashova Darya Yurievna
| 1963-1968 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Role of Precedent Anthroponyms in the Evaluation of the Political Elite (by the Material of the Modern French Press) Telegina Victoria Alexandrovna
| 1959-1962 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Ways of Adding New Words to the Vocabulary of the English Language in 2021 and 2022 (by the Material of the Electronic Dictionary "Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary"): Word-Formation and Lexico-Semantic Features Sheveleva Irina Alexandrovna, Mitina Olga Alexeevna
| 1954-1958 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Features of Terminological Abbreviation in English Scientific and Technical Text Shaglanova Elena Andreevna, Badmaeva Elena Sodnomovna, Chepak Olga Aleksandrovna
| 1948-1953 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Linguocognitive Means of Manipulation in English-Language Media Texts Ryabukha Olga Vladimirovna, Shlopakova Daria Leonidovna
| 1942-1947 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Structural-Semantic Features and Cognitive-Pragmatic Potential of Neological Names in Women’s Cosmetics Advertising (Based on the German Language) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 1935-1941 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Functioning of Hypertext Transitions in the Online News Polytext Narrative (by the Material of Web Versions of English-Language Newspapers) Paramonova Marina Ilyinichna
| 1927-1934 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Black Humour in Informal Academic Discourse (by the Material of the Modern German Language) Kuzovnikova Ekaterina Gennadyevna, Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
| 1920-1926 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
English-Language Influence on the Process of New Words Emergence in the Modern German Language (Based on Dictionaries of Neologisms Related to the Coronavirus Pandemic Theme) Ivanchenko Tatiana Anatolevna
| 1913-1919 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Representation of Value Dominants in English Lexical Formations with Focus Seme REALITY and Their Translation into Russian (Based on A. Murdoch’s "The Bell") Zhirova Irina Grigorievna, Dmitrieva Olga Petrovna, Anashkina Elena Valer’evna
| 1905-1912 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Current State and Trend of Plural Noun Formant Unification in the Abaza Language Pazov Sergey Umarovich, Pazova Lilia Kashifovna
| 1898-1904 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Social Markedness of Words with Specific Meanings in the Tatar Language of the Late ХIХ - Early ХХ Century (Thematic Group "Human Being") Mirkhayev Rifat Firdinatovich
| 1893-1897 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Structure and Semantics of Causative Forms -тыр and -т in the Khakass Language Kyzlasova Inga Ludovikovna
| 1887-1892 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Peculiarities and Ways of Word Formation of Representatives of the Concepts ХУЖЬ (WHITE), ПЛЪЫЖЬ (RED), ГЪУЭЖЬ (YELLOW) in the Kabardino-Circassian Language Dzuganova Rita Khabalovna, Oshroeva Karina Vyacheslavovna
| 1883-1886 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Ambivalent Evaluativity of Russian Vocabulary: The Lexeme "интеллигент" against the Background of the Chinese Language Yang Haiyan, Vasilieva Galina Mikhailovna
| 1877-1882 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Association Field of the HEALTH Concept in the Language Consciousness of Students during the Pandemic Salnikova Vera Vladimirovna, Kudisova Elena Andreevna
| 1872-1876 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Synonymy in Oil and Gas Business Terminology of the Modern Russian Language May Chan Myae Zaw, Alpatova Polina Nikolaevna
| 1867-1871 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Features of Semantisation of Dialect Lexical Units (by the Material of the "Dictionary of Russian Subdialects of the Amur River Region") Korobova Victoria Nikolaevna
| 1861-1866 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Elite Linguistic Personality: Background of the Issue Arefeva Anna Mikhailovna
| 1856-1860 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Manifestation of the Extreme in Russian Linguoculture: An Analytical Review Klyushina Alena Mikhailovna
| 1849-1855 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Classification of Parallelism of Tang Quatrains Containing Five Syllables in a Line according to the Direction of Parallel Fragments Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich
| 1840-1848 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
History Remythologisation in Geoffrey Girard’s Novel "Truthers" Shalagina Olga Vadimovna
| 1835-1839 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Adventurous and Magical Discourse in the Novel "Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass" by Lucius Apuleius Samarin Dmitry Alexandrovich
| 1830-1834 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Creative Reception of O. Wilde's Masculine-Feminine Gender Dichotomy in T. Stoppard’s Play "The Invention of Love" Markova Alyona Igorevna, Merkulova Mayya Gennadievna
| 1825-1829 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Narrator’s Technique in J. Heller’s Novel "Catch-22": Impartiality, Illusion and Contrast Gevorkyan Silva Samvelovna
| 1818-1824 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Chronotope as Means of Fiction Prose Subjectivization (Based on Virginia Woolf’s Novel "To the Lighthouse") Belozerova Nataliya Vladimirovna, Zhindeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Lugovoi Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
| 1812-1817 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Artistic Understanding of "Bondage" Theme in Dilya Bulgakova’s Stories Khaliullina Albina Gabitovna
| 1807-1811 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Peritext Role in Strengthening Naki Isanbet’s Authority in Society Khabutdinova Mileusha Mukhametsyanovna
| 1802-1806 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
A. Teppeev’s Innovative Searches in the Novella Genre (by the Material of the Novella "A Nine-Day Trip") Sarbasheva Alena Mustafaevna
| 1796-1801 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Ideological Transformations in Evenki Folklore in the 20-60s of the XX Century Varlamov Alexander Nikolaevich
| 1789-1795 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Elements of Androcentrism in Modern Karachai Poetry (by the Material of M. Duraev’s Creative Work) Berberova Liana Burkhanovna
| 1783-1788 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Hafiz Shirazi in Rasul Gamzatov’s Creative Work Alibekova Patimat Magomedovna
| 1778-1782 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Metaphysical Conflict Evolution in Ivan Vyrypaev’s Dramaturgy Spirina Kristina Stanislavovna
| 1772-1777 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
R. I. Rozhdestvensky’s Poem "Waiting (Woman’s Monologue)": Philosophical Categories of Love and Happiness Sipkina Nina Yakovlevna
| 1767-1771 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Analysis of Village Description in the Story "Mitya’s Love" by I. A. Bunin from the Point of View of "Heterotopia" Spatial Theory Peng Yongyu, Chen Hui
| 1761-1766 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Clothing as Polyfunctional Element in M. A. Sholokhov’s Novel "And Quiet Flows the Don" Plaksitskaya Nataliya Aleksandrovna, Kutafina Yulia Nikolaevna, Zaitseva Nadezhda Vladimirovna
| 1755-1760 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Metaphors of Movement in Narrative Structure of Works from the Collection "In Search of the Truth" by Ya. V. Abramov Monakhov Alexander Aleksandrovich
| 1749-1754 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
"Bashkir Text" in S. P. Zlobin’s Prose Kulsarina Irena Galinurovna, Rad Elsa Anisovna
| 1744-1748 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Ethnography of the Orient in N. A. Baykov’s Works by the Example of Zoomorphic Images, Sacred Loci and Mythological Chronotope (on the Issue of Preserving Traditions in the Context of Migration Processes in the Russian Far East) Kirillova Elena Olegovna
| 1731-1743 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Specificity of Family Theme Refraction in Author-Narrator’s Creative Mind in N. V. Gogol’s "Dead Souls" Zhavoronkova Maria Yurievna
| 1725-1730 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Role of Narrator as Key Instance in Dramatic Events Development in Fiction Text Wijdan Adnan Mohammed
| 1718-1724 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Benvenuto Cellini’s Image in I. A. Brodsky’s Supertextual Unity Buraia Mariia Anatol’evna
| 1712-1717 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
I. A. Bunin and the Journal "Sovremennye zapiski": On the History of Publication of "The Life of Arseniev" Azarov Yuri Alexeevich
| 1707-1711 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 6. |
Comparative Degree of Adjectives and Adverbs as a Means of Representing the Centre of Comparability Functional-Semantic Field in German, English and Russian (by the Material of Weather Report Texts) Shatalova Alena Vladimirovna, Biriukova Evgeniia Viktorovna
| 1680-1686 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Lexemes Nominating Organs of Speech in Russian and Chinese Phraseological Units Fomenko Irina Borisovna
| 1674-1679 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Cognitive-Style Approach to Studying Translator’s Linguistic Personality (Experimental Research) Terentyeva Daria Mikhailovna
| 1669-1673 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Discursive Characteristics of Rhetorical Questions in Oral Speech in the German and Russian Languages Sanishvili Irina Tamazievna
| 1663-1668 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Translation Modelling from the Standpoint of Cognitive-Activity Translation Studies Remkhe Irina Nikolayevna
| 1658-1662 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Translations of "The Panther" by R. M. Rilke in the Genre Aspect Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
| 1652-1657 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Foreignization and Domestication Strategies in the Aspect of Translating Legal Terminology on Migration Processes Issue (by the Material of the English and German Languages) Parfenova Maria Andreevna
| 1646-1651 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Morpheme "-ing" as One of the Most Widely Used Means of Word Formation in the Indian Variety of the English Language at the Differentiation Stage of English in India Komarnitskaya Yaroslava Yurievna
| 1640-1645 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Occasionalisms in Neil Gaiman’s Fantasy Works: A Linguo-Translational Aspect (Based on the Novella "The Graveyard Book", the Novel "Neverwhere" and the Novel "American Gods") Ivanova Svetlana Anatolievna, Filatova Anna Andreevna
| 1633-1639 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Problem of Determining Borrowed Reflexive Words Sources by the Material of the Turkish and Adyghe Languages Dzhankylych Adnyan
| 1628-1632 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Particularities of Synonymy of Terms in Translated Grammars of the XVIII Century in Germany and Russia Gumbatova Fidan Ekhtibarovna
| 1623-1627 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Linguo-Culturological Features of Poetic Text Translation by the Example of M. Yu. Lermontov’s Poem "Demon" Translation into English Gasanova Farida Rauf kizi
| 1617-1622 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Comparative Analysis of the Lexical-Semantic Field "Tea" in Russian and English (Basing on Dictionary Interpretations and Compatibility of the Lexeme "Tea") Vorobets Tatyana Alekseevna, Gerdt Elena Valerievna, Lobkova Elena Vladimirovna
| 1607-1616 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Features of Translating Terminological Units in the Subject Area of Finance, Audit and Investment from English into Russian Borunov Ivan Aleksandrovich, Ulitkin Ilya Alekseevich
| 1599-1606 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
The Occitan Language: Searching for Standard and Status Bestolkova Galina Vasilievna
| 1595-1598 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Multicomponent English Terms in the Sphere of Bioethics and Law of the Term System "Bioethics of Reproductive Technologies" Yakovleva Elena Vladimirovna
| 1590-1594 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Persuasive Potential of Linguistic Means of Expressing Evaluation in Mass Media Discourse (Based on the German Texts of the Discussion on the Award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Peter Handke) Sergeeva Maria Sergeevna
| 1584-1589 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Speech Portrait of the Female Character from Hayao Miyazaki’s Anime Film "Nausica? of the Valley of the Wind" Rufova Elena Stepanovna, Osipova Sardana Evgenievna
| 1579-1583 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Sociocultural Communicative Type "Maryivanna" in Pedagogical Discourse: Features of Destructive Behaviour Panchenko Nadezhda Nickolaevna
| 1574-1578 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Means of Achieving Functional Equivalence When Translating English Discursive Markers in Oral Speech Communication in Legal Sphere Korotkova Mariya Dmitrievna, Bogacheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Molodkin Anatoly Mihailovich
| 1568-1573 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Manipulation Involving the Speaker’s Interpersonal Attitudes in the English-Language Judicial Discourse Konovalenko Tatiana Georgievna, Kashirskaia Kseniia Sergeevna
| 1560-1567 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Terminology in the Aspect of Human Experience Decoding (on the Material of English-Language Sports Texts) Kislitsyna Natalia Nikolajevna, Novikova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 1554-1559 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Functioning of Psychotherapeutic Terms in the Russian Internet Discourse Zdrikovskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna, Mokhova Yulia Alexandrovna
| 1548-1553 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Linguistic Signs of Gender Neutrality in the English and Russian Languages (by the Example of the Internet Publications) Bozhenko Yulia Sergeevna, Em Lyudmila Sergeevna, Kalinovskaya Elena Alexandrovna
| 1543-1547 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Features of Translation of French Medical Terms into Russian Datsiouk Vasilisa Vitalievna
| 1537-1542 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Semantic Modifications of English-Language Units of Spatial Semantics Yanina Viktoriya Viktorovna, Maletina Oxana Andreevna, Popova Olga Yurievna
| 1531-1535 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Globalization and Interdisciplinary Nature of English Oil and Gas Terms Shuytseva Inga Al’fredovna
| 1526-1530 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Etymological Analysis of English Phraseological Units That Emerged in the XX Century Sheveleva Irina Alexandrovna, Yakimovich Irina Gennadievna, Mitina Olga Alexeevna
| 1521-1525 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Strategies, Tactics and Means of Their Implementation in Valeological Psychological Discourse (by the Material of the German Language) Fink Tatiana Evgenievna
| 1513-1520 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Oil and Gas English: High-Frequency Vocabulary Tokareva Olga Vladimirovna, Evdokimov Mikhail Vitalievich
| 1506-1512 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Lexical-Semantic Means of Forming Evaluation of the MUSLIM WOMAN Concept in the English Internet Discourse Sidorenko Elizaveta Maksimovna
| 1502-1505 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Proper Name in the Structure of the Dicteme of Introducing Character’s Image in the English Literary Text Noskova Anna Ivanovna
| 1497-1501 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Antonymic Opposition "War" - "Peace" as a Method of Speech Impact on the Addressee’s Consciousness in the American Political Discourse (Based on D. J. Trump’s Speeches) Margaryan Aykanush Akopovna
| 1491-1496 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Gender Influence on Speech Behaviour of Commanding Officers of Foreign Armies in Situations of Professional Communication (Based on the Material of the English, German and Norwegian Languages) Kotova Anna Aleksandrovna
| 1485-1490 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Analysis of Word-Formation Potential of English Terms of Transport Logistics by Family of Words Composition Karavayskaya Olga Sergeevna
| 1480-1484 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
New Zealand Language Space in the Context of New Educational Trends Kazakova Irina Evgenievna
| 1474-1479 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Structure of the CHOICE Concept in the British Linguistic Worldview (by the Example of I. Murdoch’s Novel "The Black Prince") Dmitrieva Olga Petrovna, Anashkina Elena Valer’evna
| 1466-1473 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Linguistic Actualisation of the Author’s Personality in the English-Language News Discourse (by the Material of the BBC News Portal) Andrienko Anna Aleksandrovna, Bets Yulia Vasilyevna, Medvedeva Aliya Aleksandrovna
| 1459-1465 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Grammatical Transformations in Translation of Instructions for Medical Products Use from English into Russian (Based on the Instruction for the Use of the Immunostimulating Medical Product Keytruda) Amirova Oksana Georgievna
| 1454-1458 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Social and Speech Portrait of the Tatar Peasants of the Late XIX - Early XX Century Mirkhayev Rifat Firdinatovich
| 1449-1453 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Names of Water Bodies in Monuments of the Old Tatar Written Language of the XV-XVI Centuries Kadirova Enze Khanafievna, Minnullin Kim Mugallimovich
| 1444-1448 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Ablaut Alternations and Derivational Affixes as a Means of Forming Verbal Antonyms in the Kabardian-Circassian Language Dzuganova Rita Khabalovna
| 1439-1443 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Function of Conjunctions in a Complex Syntactic Unity in the Tatar Language Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna
| 1434-1438 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
GARBAGE Cluster: Gender-Aspect Organization of Cognitive Segment of the Basic Metaphor DIRT in Political Discourse Yao Jiaxu
| 1428-1433 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Axiological Potential of Hashtags with Lexical Units "Woman" and "Man" Nepomnyashchikh Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Boyko Irina Vladimirovna
| 1424-1427 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Homonymy of Acronyms and Common Words: Principles for Compiling a Dictionary Entry Merkuryeva Nataliya Mikhaylovna
| 1418-1423 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Status of Border Components of Anthroponymic Formula in Business Writing Monuments of the Yenisei Siberia of the XVII Century Gorodilova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
| 1410-1417 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Specificity of Formal Analysis of Non-Morphological Derivatives in the Modern Russian Language Golaydenko Larisa Nikolaevna, Salnikov Vadim Borisovich
| 1404-1409 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Linguo-Psychological Analysis of Female Characters in the Works of the Scottish Poetesses of the XX Century Tulup Elzara Refatovna
| 1399-1403 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Collective Memory in the Context of Autobiographical Works (by the Material of German-Language Autobiographies) Molchanova Anna Sergeevna
| 1394-1398 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Specifics of the Modern Chechen Literature Genre System Developing (Based on Kanta Ibragimov’s Military-Historical Prose) Inarkayeva Subran Islamovna, Yakhyaeva Zukhra Idrisovna
| 1388-1393 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Song Folklore of the Chuvash People from Yanshikhovo-Norvashi Village of the Yantikovskiy District of the Chuvash Republic in Autochthonous and Siberian Existence Ilyina Galina Gennadievna, Alexandrov Alexey Anatolievich, Ismagilova Ekaterina Igorevna
| 1381-1387 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Fusion of Image and Thought Forming the Creative Basis of Fictionalised Journalistic Images in Mustai Karim’s Sketch Stories Akhmadiev Rif Barievich
| 1377-1380 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Interpretation of Eugene Onegin’s Image in Chinese Pushkin Studies Zhu Yan
| 1370-1376 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
"The Jester" by Yu. Vyazemsky vs "The Jester" by A. Eshpai: Specificity of Cinema Interpretation of a Literary Character’s Image Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Ovsyannikova Ekaterina Pavlovna
| 1364-1369 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Metanovel vs Metatext: A Contentious Aspect of Studying V. Pelevin’s Prose Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Maryushkina Anastasia Pavlovna
| 1359-1363 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Time Category as a Basis of Architectonics of the Program Cycle "Life as a Year" (1982) by V. D. Kolupaev Morozova Inna Viktorovna
| 1354-1358 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Buddhist Concept of "Samsara" in I. A. Bunin’s Creative Work Liu Yuanyuan
| 1344-1353 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
P. Ya. Chaadaev’s Image Reception in the Novel "Sergei Chalygin’s Confessions" by Ya. P. Polonsky Vyushkova Irina Gennadievna, Silchenko Grigory Viktorovich
| 1339-1343 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 5. |
Hybrid German-Slavic Semantics of Yiddish Verbs with the Prefix tse- Shishigin Kirill Aleksandrovich, Pavlova Oxana Yurievna
| 1308-1313 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Identification and Interpretation of Irony by Means of Emotive Markers of Secondary Empathy (by the Material of English and French Literary Discourse) Sheveleva Marina Sergeevna
| 1299-1307 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Semantics of Expressive Ethnonyms in Spain and Great Britain: A Historical Factor Popova Evgeniya Andreevna, Guseva Olga Andreevna
| 1294-1298 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Precedent Name Жириновский/Zhirinovsky in the Foreign and Russian Media: Comparative Analysis Nikolaeva Elena Yurevna
| 1289-1293 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Substantive Representation of Temporal and Aspectual Duration (by the Material of the English and Russian Languages) Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Shipova Alena Olegovna
| 1283-1288 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Internationalisms in Architectural Terminology of the European Languages (Gothic Architectural Style) Kuznetsova Nadezhda Genievna, Stepicheva Olga Nikolaevna, Janowitz Philipp
| 1274-1282 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Identification of Functional Strategies Role in Female Narrative (Based on German and Russian Literary Texts) Zubenko Yana Valerievna
| 1268-1273 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Structural Classification of Topic Sentences in Chinese of Different Periods Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich
| 1260-1267 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Renatus Cartesius’s "Discursive" Linguistic Personality: Prolegomena of Interpretive Reconstruction Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Buzinova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
| 1252-1259 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Content of the Term "Gesture" in a Polycode (Film) Text Said Nadia Ibrahim Mohamed Abdelkader
| 1247-1251 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Speech Aggression as Strategic Communication Gorelik Polina Leonidovna, Rusakova Mavzhida Munirovna, Kutsenko Lyudmila Vasilyevna
| 1242-1246 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Fairy-Tale Images in an Internet Meme as a Creolised Text Vlasova Oksana Vladislavovna
| 1231-1241 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Communication of Conceptual Information in Poetic Text Translation (by the Material of A. Rimbaud’s Sonnet "Vowels") Salikhova Oksana Konstantinovna
| 1225-1230 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Male Hagioanthroponyms in Spanish Paroemias Zakharova Liudmila Borisovna, Zakharova Elena Valerievna
| 1218-1224 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Status of the Mirandese Isolect in Modern Portugal: A Sociolinguistic Analysis Viazovikov Alexei Viktorovich, Yataeva Evgenia Vladimirovna
| 1213-1217 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Features of the Term "Authority" Verbalization in Donald Trump’s Public Speeches: Semantics, Syntagmatics, Pragmatics Tsarkova Olga Aleksandrovna
| 1206-1212 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Features of Language Localisation of "Resident Evil" Video Games in the Russian Market: A Translation Aspect Khrushcheva Tatiana Valerievna, Ermolenko Svetlana Alekseevna
| 1200-1205 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Peculiarities of Biopharmaceutical Industry Representation in the Discourse of Pharmaceutical, Consulting and Statistical Organizations (by the Material of the English Language) Filoshina Irina Olegovna
| 1192-1199 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Chronotopic Structure of the Text of an Elegy from the Pre-Norman Period Solovyova Maria Sergeyevna
| 1184-1191 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Concept UNREQUITED LOVE and Its Linguo-Stylistic Representation in the Poetry of The Birthday Massacre Sakharova Natalia Gennadievna, Bondarenko Irina Viktorovna
| 1179-1183 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Methods of Meaning Generation in Small Genre Texts (Based on E. Strittmatter’s Story "Die kleinen Schiffe" ("The Little Ships")) Makarenko Anastasia Sergeevna
| 1171-1178 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Lexical-Semantic Field "Food" in Ernest Hemingway’s "The Sun Also Rises" Kurenkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Strekaleva Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 1164-1170 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Mental Modes as a Means of Manifestation of the Author’s Figure in the Structure of the Evaluative English-Language Film Review Klenova Ekaterina Andreevna
| 1159-1163 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Semantic Reframing as One of the Ways of Coining New Words in the Youth English-Language Online Press Golets Victoria Anatolevna, Naumenko Elena Edgarovna, Kosinets Inna Ivanovna
| 1153-1158 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Types of Logical Relations within the Translation Technique of Modulation (by the Material of English into Russian Translations) Belonozhko Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Korolevskaya Ekaterina Mikhailovna
| 1148-1152 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Actualization of the Professional Lexicon of Educational Bilinguals at Different Stages of Studying the English Terminology of Law Enforcement Alferova Yulia Ivanovna, Smerdina Evgenia Yurievna, Malakhova Marina Nikolaevna
| 1139-1147 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Particularities of Figurative Semantics of Kabardian-Circassian Phraseological Units with the Meaning of "Failure, a Difficult Situation" Sherieva Nina Gumarovna
| 1133-1138 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Geographical Terms Denoting Different Parts of Water Bodies and Shallow Water Bodies in the Vocabulary of the Eastern Dialect of the Tatar Language Khisamov Oleg Rishatovich
| 1128-1132 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Vocabulary Related to Traditional Economic Activities of the Udmurts in the Phraseology of the Udmurt Language Titova Olga Vladimirovna
| 1123-1127 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Features of Adverbialisation of Various Parts of Speech in the Kabardian-Circassian Language Kambachokov Adam Mushtagidovich, Khashkhozheva Zagirat Talibovna
| 1118-1122 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Peculiarities of Word Formation in the Moksha Transitional Dialects of the Ruzaevka Area Zhebratkina Irina Yakovlevna, Ivanova Natalya Vasilievna
| 1113-1117 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Field Structure of the Lexical Group "Residential Facilities and Outbuildings" (by the Material of One of the Odnodvortsy’s Dialects of Voronezh Region) Telpov Roman Evgenievich
| 1105-1112 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Pragmatics of Text Transformations in the Examination Discourse Sungatullina Dilyana Damirovna, Gorelova Yuliya Nickolaevna, Latypov Niyaz Rastamovich
| 1101-1104 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Russian Christian Vocabulary of Spiritual and Moral Content: A Short Dictionary (A Lexicographic Project) Smolina Andzhella Nikolaevna
| 1092-1100 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Phonetic and Morphological Features of Subdialects of the Tikhvinsky District at the Turn of the XX-XXI Centuries Lebedeva Tatiana Evgenevna
| 1087-1091 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Typology of Authors of Folk Military Memoirs (by the Material of Texts of Natural Written Speech) Lebedeva Anastasiya Sergeevna, Saltymakova Olga Anatolievna
| 1080-1086 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Verbalization of the Concept МИР (WORLD) in Modern Russian Ergonyms (Based on Advertising Discourse) Droban Victoria Vladislavovna
| 1075-1079 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Structural and Semantic Features of Mental Performatives in Mathematical Text Gilovaya Elena Anatolyevna
| 1070-1074 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Model of Childhood World in Folklore Discourse (by the Material of Regional Texts of Children’s Folklore) Bolshakova Natalia Valentinovna
| 1065-1069 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Modern Swiss Literature: Fanny Wobmann’s Novel "Naked in a Glass of Water" Tyurina Tatiana Valeryevna
| 1060-1064 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Universalia sunt realia: Conceptions of Medieval Scholasticism in U. Eco’s Novel "The Name of the Rose" Mushtanova Oxana Yuryevna
| 1054-1059 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
The Artistic World of Anna Zegers’s "The Legends of Unearthly Aliens" Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
| 1049-1053 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Lyrical Poem in the Creative Work of the Tatar Poet Kharras Ayupov Nadyrshina Leysan Radifovna
| 1044-1048 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Window and Door Motives in B. Pasternak’s "The Childhood of Luvers" Trufanova Irina Vladimirovna
| 1035-1043 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
The "Sails of the "Espada"" Trilogy by V. P. Krapivin: Conflict and the System of Characters in the Axiological Aspect Svitenko Natalya Viatcheslavovna
| 1030-1034 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Specifics of Author’s Strategies in A. I. Ishimova’s Travelogue "Vacations of 1844, or A Trip to Moscow" Konstantinova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 1025-1029 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
The Phenomenon of Aesthetic Happiness in I. A. Goncharov’s Novel "Oblomov" Zaitseva Tatiana Borisovna, Rudakova Svetlana Viktorovna, Tsurkan Veronika Valentinovna
| 1017-1024 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
"What Is Socialist Realism" by Abram Terts (Intertextual Layers and Aesthetic Perspectives) Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Vlasova Elizaveta Alekseevna
| 1010-1016 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Children’s Theme in F. M. Dostoevsky’s and N. V. Gogol’s Creative Work: Comparative Analysis Aristova Svetlana Alexandrovna
| 1003-1009 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
A. N. Nikolyukin’s Monograph "The Genius Loci in Russian Literature". 2nd ed., revised. Moscow: Algoritm; INION RAN, 2021. 400 p.: Opinion Paper Skibina Olga Mikhailovna
| 1000-1002 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Merkulova I. A. Lexico-Semantic Cores of Slavic Languages in a Comparative Aspect. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2021. 255 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 997-999 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Expressive Syntax in Russian Linguistics: A Systematic Review Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
| 989-996 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 4. |
Differentiation of Text Types with Incentive Modality in Applied Aspect Makhina Liudmila Alekseevna
| 982-988 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Corpus-Based Analysis of Eurysemic Pairs of English Phrasal Verbs with Satellites ‘on/off’ Grekhovodov Vladislav Aleksandrovich
| 976-981 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Relation between Epistemic Modality and Evidentiality in Turkish and Japanese Khafizova Ilseyar Ilgamovna, Khabibullina Elmira Kamilevna
| 971-975 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Features of Using Andative and Venitive Verbs of the Tatar and Japanese Languages by the Examples of Translations of Ch. T. Aitmatov’s Novella "Jamila" Khaliullina Alina Ayratovna
| 966-970 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Secondary Naming in English-Language and Russian-Language Botanical Terminological Names (by the Material of Eponymic Species Names of Representatives of the Genus Agave) Razduyev Aleksey Valeryevich, Simonova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Khakiyeva Zalikha Usmanovna
| 960-965 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Structural-Semantic Features of Plasma Physics Terms (by the Material of a Limited Volume Source - an English-Language Academic Paper) Nikolaeva Nataliya Sergeevna, Fufurina Tat’yana Alekseevna
| 954-959 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Authorial Popularization Strategies in Popular Science Texts of Different Genres Shevchenko Yuliya Vladimirovna
| 947-953 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Term Formation by Means of Grammatical Words (by the Example of the Military Terminology of the Vietnamese Language) Serbin Vladimir Alekseevich
| 942-946 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Film Discourse Study in Foreign Linguistics at the Beginning of the 21st Century Pokrovskaia Natalia Vladimirovna
| 936-941 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Modelling of Text Worlds as Dynamic Knowledge Formats Ogneva Elena Anatolievna, Gusakova Natalia Leonidovna, Markov Alexandre Vladimirovich
| 930-935 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Discursively Oriented Study of Impoliteness in Intergenerational Communication Ikatova Inna Ivanovna, Selifonova Elena Dmitrievna, Khrabrova Ekaterina Sergeyevna
| 925-929 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
The PATRIOT Concept in the Focus of Lexicographic Sources in Chinese Eremkina Ekaterina Sergeevna, Gofman Tatiana Victorovna
| 920-924 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Professional Communication Online (by the Material of the French Language) Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Ilina Irina Evgenievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna
| 914-919 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Features of Using the Complex Gerund in the Italian Language of the XVI Century (by the Example of F. Guicciardini’s Treatise "The History of Italy") Furtsev Roman Vitaljevic
| 909-913 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Ambiguous Transliteration of Spanish Letters [t] and [c/q] in Early Aljamiado Manuscript "Poema de Yusuf" Tikhonova Oxana Viktorovna
| 904-908 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Feminine Agioanthroponyms in Spanish Paroemias Zakharova Liudmila Borisovna, Zakharova Elena Valerievna
| 899-903 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Multimodal Aspects of Linguistic Creativity in Political Poster (by the Material of German Language) Filatova Alena Grigor'evna
| 893-898 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Linguoculturological Comparative Analysis of Legal Terminology in Judicial Practice in the USA and Canada Mikheeva Natalya Fedorovna, Dmitrieva Elena Aleksandrovna
| 887-892 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Linguostylistic Means in Slogans of English-Language Social Advertising Ilduganova Gulnara Minshakirovna, Garaeva Leila Mirzanurovna, Nurieva Guzel Rashitovna
| 881-886 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Structural-Semantic Particularities of Nominative Units of the English-Language Linguocultural Scenario "Stock Market" Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna
| 876-880 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Quasi-Realia in William Morris’s Late Novels: Issues of Translation from English into Russian Aristov Alexei Yur’evich
| 871-875 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Influence of an Attitude on the Perception of the Meaning of an English-Language Text during Its Ordinary Reading and Translation into Russian Algina Olga Vladimirovna
| 863-870 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Rhythmic-Syntactic Parallelism in T. E. Smetanin’s Prose Prokop’eva Alena Kirillovna, Arkhipova Aisaana Andreevna
| 857-862 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Social and Speech Portrait of the Tatar Merchant Class in the Late XIX - Early XX Century Mirkhayev Rifat Firdinatovich
| 852-856 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Structural and Semantic Features of Causative Constructions with the Meaning of Coercion, Order in the Buryat Language Dadueva Elena Aleksandrovna
| 847-851 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Anaphoric Complex Syntactic Unities in the Tatar Language Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna, Shakurova Muslima Magesumovna
| 842-846 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Lexical-Semantic Field with the Key Lexeme "Wealth" (by the Material of Written Sources in the Tatar Language) Valieva Mileusha Zakievna
| 837-841 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Names of Details of the Riding-Horse Harness in the Khakass Language Abdina Raisa Petrovna
| 830-836 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Transformation of Functions of the Phrase "таким образом" ("thus") in the Linguocreative Space of the Internet Tyurin Pavel Michailovich
| 825-829 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Realia Names as a Qualitative Parameter of Text Complexity (by the Material of the Unified State Examination in the Russian Language) Sungatullina Dilyana Damirovna, Gorelova Yuliya Nickolaevna, Latypova Liliya Agzamovna
| 819-824 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Linguistic Ways of Representing Author’s Modality in M. A. Bulgakov’s Novel "The Master and Margarita" Stepanova Yuliya Victorovna, Ilnickaya Tatyana Olegovna
| 812-818 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Structural-Semantic Features of "Plasma Physics" Terms (on the Basis of a Limited Volume Source - English-Language Academic Paper) Smolina Andzhella Nikolaevna
| 800-811 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Lexical Specificity of the Far Eastern Regiolect Mikhajlyukova Natalya Vladimirovna
| 795-799 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Stereotype Image of Military Man in Russian Non-Professional Linguistic Consciousness (by the Material of Associative Experiment) Kuks Anna Victorovna, Prokudina Irina Sergeevna
| 787-794 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Speech Errors as a Factor of the Destructive Dialogue in Business Speech Zimina Lyudmila Olegovna
| 782-786 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Factors Influencing the Anaphoric Third-Person Pronoun Use after the Indefinite Pronoun "Someone" Burov Eduard Evgenievich
| 776-781 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Modus Meanings in Linguistic Image of Woman-Politician: Temporality Actualization Aspect Boguslavskaya Olesya Vladimirovna
| 771-775 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Man and His Discourse - 6: Digitalisation of Communicative Practices: A Joint Monograph / M. R. Zheltukhina (ed.-in-chief). Moscow - Volgograd: PrinTerra-Dizain, LLC, 2020. 384 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 768-770 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Support of the Activity Plan for "The Concept of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature in the Russian Federation": An Analytical Review of 2017-2022 Academic Materials Gats Iren Yurievna
| 759-767 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Veterinary Discourse as Reflected in Modern Scientific Research: A Systematic Review Abrosimova Ekaterina Alexeevna, Madzhaeva Sanya Ibragimovna
| 751-758 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Discrepancies in the Slavic Text of The Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach (by the Example of Chapters 44-50 in the Gennady’s Bible, the Ostrog Bible and the Elizabeth Bible) Khangireev Ilya Alexandrovich
| 745-750 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Genre Diversity of Modern News Agencies Texts Stogova Evgeniya Sergeevna
| 740-744 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Plot-Forming Themes in Anthony Trollope’s Novel "The Eustace Diamonds" Shamsutdinova Nellie Zefarovna
| 735-739 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
"Eastward March" through E. M. Remarque’s and H. G. Konsalik’s Eyes Frolov Dmitry Mikhaylovich
| 731-734 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Importance of the "Human Factor" in Joseph Conrad’s Works Safarova Zera Adil-Gareevna
| 726-730 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Poetics of Saygin Ersin’s Fantasy Prose Repenkova Mariya Mihaylovna
| 718-725 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
A Criminal and "Natural Evil" in H. P. Lovecraft’s Short Stories Razumov Igor Alexeevich
| 712-717 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Europe in Search of a Universal Encyclopaedia as a Literary Genre (XIII-XVII Centuries) Gerasimova Svetlana Anatolievna
| 703-711 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
New Language of Experimental Prose or the Blurring of Boundaries of the Literary Genre: As Exemplified by Michel Butor’s "Description of San Marco" Vasileva Olga Anatol’evna
| 698-702 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Literary Interpretation of the Theme of Man’s and the Nation’s Fate in Mansur Gilyazov’s Monodrama "Mikulai" Sharipova Alsu Samigullovna
| 693-697 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Imaginative Interpretation of National History in Tatar Romantic Poems of the Early XX Century Nadyrshina Leysan Radifovna
| 689-692 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
The Issue of Historicism in the Reflection of Reality in Bashkir Prose in the First Half of the XX Century Gareeva Gulfira Nigamatovna
| 684-688 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Ethnoculture of the Ingush in Boris Kharsiev’s Russian-Language Creative Work Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna, Izmailova Tanzila Salmanovna
| 678-683 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Women’s Images in A. P. Platonov’s Novella "The Ethereal Tract": An Experience of Typology Creation Heidari Marzieh
| 673-677 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Worldview Contexts of the Development of Russian Adventure Prose in the First Third of the XX Century Negrash Sergei Vyacheslavovich
| 668-672 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Nikolai Brusilov’s "My Journey, or One-Day Adventures": Tradition and Parody in "Mass Sentimentalism" Prose Kublitskaya Ol'ga Viktorovna
| 663-667 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Manifestation of the Chivalric Romance Chronotope in Russian Fantasy (by the Material of Max Frei’s Novel "Chimeras’ Nests. The Chronicles of Ovёtganna") Knyazeva Alina Aleksandrovna, Osmukhina Olga Yurievna
| 658-662 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Reinterpretation of Chekhov’s Traditions in D. Krymov’s "Kostik" Kirichenko Dmitrii Arturovich
| 653-657 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Leitmotif of Water as a Way of Cycle Formation in Mikhail Kuzmin’s Lyric Poetry Kapustina Yulia Alexandrovna
| 648-652 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
"A Little Hero" by F. M. Dostoevsky in the Context of the Writer’s Creative Work: Traditions of the Chivalric Romance Zavgorodnyaya Galina Yur’evna
| 641-647 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
S. Lvova’s Poetry: Modelling Secular Sacredness on the Basis of Transposed Religious Motifs Bolshakov Andrey Alexandrovich, Balashova Elena Anatolevna
| 635-640 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 3. |
Study of Rhythmic Organization of Modern News Radio Text (by the Material of Texts from Public Russian Radio Stations) Liu Feifei, Gao Qian, Vasilyeva Victoria Vladimirovna
| 626-633 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Linguocognitive Modelling of the US Election Discourse during the Global Pandemic Kasimova Diana Ildusovna, Grigoryeva Lidia Mikhailovna
| 621-625 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
The Influence of the Cultural Aspect on the Translation of Proverbs and Idioms (A Case Study of the Tajiki/Persian, Russian and English Languages) Tursunov Faezdzhon Meliboevich
| 616-620 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Interlanguage Semantic Similarities and National and Cultural Specificity of Lexeme "Intelligence" and Its French Translation Equivalents Sukhorukova Yulia Sergeevna
| 609-615 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Issues of Using the Domestication Strategy in Realia Translation (by the Material of Chinghiz Aitmatov’s Works Translated into English) Morilova Ekaterina Sergeevna, Zinkevich Anastasia Aleksandrovna
| 603-608 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Features of "Wordplay" and Puns in Advertising by the Material of the English and French Languages Kuzmina Elena Konstantinovna
| 598-602 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Lacunarity in a Literary Text in the Aspect of Translation from Russian into Chinese (by the Example of A. P. Chekhov’s Novella "The Man in the Case") Du Xin
| 593-597 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Conflict Situation in Translation Aspect (by the Example of the Translation of English-Language and Russian-Language Conflictogenic Words Based on Evaluative Connotation) Dediukhina Anna Sergeevna, Ivanova Svetlana Anatolievna, Shageeva Anna Alexeevna
| 587-592 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Reconstructing the Deep Meaning of M. Lokhvitskaya’s and A. Levy’s Amorous Poetry through an Ambivalent Image of Nature Bondarenko Irina Viktorovna
| 582-586 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Structure and Formatting of an Entry in the "Russian-English Dictionary of Euphemistic Phraseological Units" Arsentyeva Yulia Svyatoslavovna
| 576-581 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Semantics of Impersonal Constructions with Subject of State in Dative Case in the German and Russian Languages Averina Anna Viktorovna
| 569-575 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Expression of Indirect Disagreement within Diplomatic Discourse Tkacheva Yulia Sergeevna
| 564-568 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Analysis of Word-Formation Mechanisms of Creating Slang Expressions by Young People in the Chinese Language Pavlova Olesya Vladimirovna, Radzhabova Lada Kazimovna
| 559-563 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Using a Parallel Corpus to Translate Ethnocultural Collocations Arkhipova Elena Ivanovna
| 554-558 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Image of Young Woman in French Paroemia with Gender Component "fille" Smirnova Vera Anatolievna
| 548-553 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Alternative Transliterations of a Portuguese Sound [s] in Portuguese Aljamia Texts of the XVI Century Mazniak Maria Mikhailovna, Tikhonova Oxana Viktorovna
| 543-547 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Main Techniques of Linguistic Economy in Internet Discourse (by the Material of Spanish Social Networks) Ivlieva Elena Alexeevna
| 537-542 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
A Hint in the German Film Discourse: The Addressee’s Reaction Shtukaturova Elizaveta Petrovna
| 532-536 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Abbreviated Terminology of Foreign-Language Discourse of Emergency Situation Sphere in Contrastive Aspect (English and German Languages) Uyutova Evgeniya Viktorovna, Vetzper Natalia Nikolaevna, Kazakova Svetlana Anatolievna
| 524-531 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Pragmalinguistic Characteristics of the Genre of an English-Language Academic Article: Discursive Analysis Sukhomlinova Marina Anatolyevna
| 515-523 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Implicit Representation of the MOVEMENT Concept by Sound Verbs with the NOISE Seme (by the Material of the German Language) Petryanina Olga Valeryevna, Revina Elena Vladimirovna
| 510-514 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Role of Heuristic Potential in Realization of Technical Imagery in Foreign Science Fiction Pankratova Svetlana Anatolyevna
| 505-509 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Specificity of Lexicographic Work on German Negative Evaluative Lexical Units Nikolaeva Nailya Tagirovna, Turetskova Irina Valeryevna
| 500-504 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Sarcasm as Speech Means of Implementing Politician Discrediting Strategy (by the Material of the German Mass Media Texts about D. Trump) Lezhnina Anna Sergeevna
| 494-499 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Role of Stylistic Expressive Means in Creating the Protagonist’s Image in R. L. Stevenson’s Novel "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 490-493 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Speech Influence Means in the Migration Policy of the "Alliance 90 / The Greens" Party Katalkina Natalia Anatolyevna, Ripacheva Elena Anatolyevna, Korablyova Svetlana Albertovna, Zelinskaya Julia Alexandrovna
| 484-489 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Limerick as Genre of English Nonsense Verse in Aspect of Translation Zayukova Elena Viktorovna
| 479-483 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Analysing the Genre Specificity of Football Commentary by the Material of the English Language Zanozina Vlada Vadimovna
| 474-478 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Present Subjunctive in the English Language. Holistic Approach Zhulina Ekaterina Borisovna
| 469-473 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Main Trends in Changes to the General Word-Stock of the German Language Doynikova Marina Igorevna
| 464-468 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Geographical Terms Denoting the Swamp and Its Parts in the Vocabulary of the Eastern Dialect of the Tatar Language Khisamov Oleg Rishatovich, Khusainova Alina Yamilevna
| 459-463 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Composition Features of a Complex Syntactic Unity in the Tatar Language Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna
| 454-458 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Onomasticon of Tatar Written Sources (by the Example of the Written Monument "Daftar-i Chingiz-name") Valieva Mileusha Zakievna
| 449-453 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Phraseosemantic Field "Temporality" in the Modern Russian Language Sherstyanykh Inna Valeryevna
| 443-448 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Vocative Forms in the Modern Russian Language (by the Material of the Russian National Corpus) Soboleva Olga Vladimirovna
| 438-442 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Semantic and Syntactic Capabilities of the Free Infinitive (by the Material of O. E. Mandelstam’s Poetry) Satina Tatyana Vasilyevna
| 433-437 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Set Expressions in the Function of Truisms Romanova Galina Viktorovna
| 424-432 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Stylistic Differentiation of Prefixal Verbs in the Russian Language (by the Example of Verb Group with the Meaning of "Beginning") Panina Elena Igorevna
| 419-423 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Verbal Aggression: Forms and Spheres of Existence. Cultural and National Specificity of Manifestation Nikonova Nadezda Vladimirovna, Petrova Anna Sergeevna, Rashidova Dzhamila Tofikovna
| 413-418 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Communicative Potential of the Russian Language Morphological Means in the WhatsApp Messenger Grebelnik Tatyana Vladimirovna
| 407-412 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Types of Addresses in the Educational Dialogue Galanova Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Gavrin Aleksandra Ivanovna
| 402-406 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Anthroponym Пётр in Kuban Onomasticon: Realization of Morphoderivative Potentialities Belyaeva Marina Yurievna, Sartaeva Liudmila Ivanovna
| 396-401 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Gladrov V., Kotorova E. G. Models of Speech Behaviour in German and Russian Communicative Culture. Moscow: YaSK Publ., 2021. 472 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 393-395 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Translation of Comics as a Special Type of Synthetic Text Narbut Elena Vladimirovna
| 387-391 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Motive of Exile in the Cuban American Literature Shkilev Roman Evgenievich, Dulalaeva Irina Yulievna
| 382-386 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Duke of Albany in Comparison of Two Versions of "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare Shipilova Natalia Vitalyevna
| 374-381 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
National History Coverage in the Context of Modern English-Language Multicultural Prose (by the Material of Jhumpa Lahiri’s Novel "The Lowland") Shevchenko Arina Rafailyevna
| 368-373 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Existential Issues in E. M. Remarque’s Anti-War Works Frolov Dmitry Mikhaylovich
| 363-367 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Man at War in H. P. Lovecraft’s Short Stories: Insanity of Character, Suicide of Civilization Razumov Igor Alexeevich
| 357-362 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Genre of the Parable Short-Short Story in Japanese Literature (by the Example of Shinichi Hoshi’s Works) Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich, Poleschuk Victoria Vladimirovna
| 352-356 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Сhronotope Specificity of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" Osmukhina Olga Yurievna, Knyazeva Alina Aleksandrovna
| 346-351 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Nature of Conflict of "Silent" and "Boomer" Generations in Works by K. Ishiguro Lyubeeva Svetlana Vasilievna
| 341-345 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Carnivalization as an Element of Postmodernist Author’s Play in C. Ransmayr’s Novel "The Last World" Dusina Natalia Viktorovna, Zotova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Abanina Tatiana Stepanovna
| 336-340 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Narrative Credibility and Artistic Speculation in A. Aydamirov’s ("Lightning in the Mountains"), Sh. Okuev’s ("Red Flowers on the Snow") and M. Mamakaev’s ("Zelimkhan") Works Tovsultanova Dzhamilya Salavdiyevna, Daudova Mata Ismailovna
| 330-335 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Process of Formation and Development of Russian-Language Literature in Chechnya Tataeva Rovsan Bovkievna
| 324-329 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Artistic Peculiarities of the Udmurt Poet T. I. Shmakov’s Front-Line Lyrics Petrova Elena Nikiforovna
| 317-323 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Infinitive Writing in the Russian-Language Poems by the Udmurt Writer Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi Panteleeva Evgeniya Vladimirovna
| 311-316 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Historical Inversion as a Chronotope of Social Circumstances in the Poem "The Wounded Aurochs" by the Classic of the Karachai-Balkarian Literature Kyazim Mechiev Bittirova Tamara Shamsudinovna
| 304-310 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Courage as Philosophy of Being (Based on the Creative Work of A. Akhmatova and O. Bergholz during the Great Patriotic War) Zhang Wei
| 298-303 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Instantaneous Transfer into Another Time Technique in Valentin Kataev’s Novella "The Little Iron Door in the Wall" and Boris Rakhmanin’s Novella "Clock without Hands" Tsurueva Petimat Sharipovna
| 292-297 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Life Writing, Novel and Anecdote as Models of Autonarrative in Russian Memoirs of the Second Half of the 18th Century Farafonova Oksana Anatolievna
| 287-291 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Metaphorical Images of Space in the Russian Traditional Recruitment Rites of Udmurtia: The "On the Road" Themes Tolkacheva Svetlana Viktorovna
| 281-286 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Manuscript Stage in the History of Creation of L. N. Tolstoy’s Short Story "Two Old Men" (1885-1886): Issues of Textual Studies and Poetics Sizova Irina Igorevna
| 268-280 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Image of Crimea in the Lyrical Travel Cycle of the Second Half of the XX Century Samoylenko Viktoria Alexandrovna
| 263-267 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Verbal and Non-Verbal Means of Communicating the Creator’s Alternative Consciousness in V. V. Nolletov’s Novella "Ward No. 8" Royko Oksana Valentinovna
| 258-262 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Originality of the Poetics of the Cycle "House under a Pear Tree" by E. Vasilyeva Niu Yan
| 252-257 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Plots of Stories from Leo Tolstoy’s "Alphabet" Nasiri Nafiseh
| 248-251 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Image of the World Seen by a Child in F. I. Chudakov’s "Spring Extracts" "Philik at the Dacha" Lapteva Natalya Andreyevna
| 241-247 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Apocalyptic Motives in M. Yu. Lermontov’s Poem "Demon" Vinogradova Oksana Nikolaevna
| 236-240 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Formal Experiments in the Poetry of the Russian "Eastern" Emigration (V. Pereleshin and V. Mart) Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna, Zang Yunmei
| 231-235 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 2. |
Sensory Vocabulary Distribution in the Local Armenian Texts of the XIX-XXI Centuries Andreev Sergey Nickolayevich
| 4066-4073 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Toponyms Use in Evaluative -Characterizing Function in the English-Language and Russian-Language Fictional Discourse Kondrashova (Kozmina) Vera Niсkolaevna, Shustrova Elena Nickolaevna
| 4060-4065 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Argumentative Discourse: Specific Features of Persuasion in Russian and English Speech Ivanova Yulia Evgenievna, Maznichka Maria Romanovna
| 4054-4059 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Modern Trends in Web Slang Word Formation (by the Material of the French Language) Dementev Nikita Romanovich
| 4047-4053 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of Vaccination Social Advertising in China Semenova Aiyyna Vasilievna, Filippova Sargylana Vasilievna
| 4041-4046 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Linguistic Security of Political Discourse in Terms of Translation Ecology (by the Material of Vladimir Putin’s Interviews and Their Translations into English) Plotnikova Maria Vjacheslavovna, Tomilova Aleksandra Igorevna
| 4035-4040 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Linguistic Representation of the PRIVACY Concept (by the Material of Idiomatic Expressions of the English Language) Lysenkova Violetta Nikolaevna
| 4029-4034 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Precedence in Ironic Fiction Discourse: A Functional and Pragmatic Aspect Kuznetsova Anna Vladimirovna
| 4023-4028 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Procedural Code as a Cognitive Mechanism of the Paremiological Worldview Kremshokalova Marina Chaflenovna, Gelyastanova Asiyat Lvovna, Urusov Ruslan Khatalievich
| 4018-4022 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Transformation of a Phraseological Expression into an Urbanistic Concept Kolodina Nina Ivanovna
| 4011-4017 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Phraseological Units with the Components «время» / “time” / “temps” as a Reflection of the Features of Reality Conceptualisation by Linguistic Means Zalipaeva Zhanna Pavlovna, Selifonova Elena Dmitrievna, Sleptsova Larisa Arkadyevna
| 4005-4010 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Genre of Mission Statements in Russian-Language Banking Discourse: Structure, Pragmatics and Linguistic Means Drozhashchikh Alexander Vladimirovich
| 4000-4004 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Voluntative Modality in Poetic Discourse (in German, English and Ossetian Linguocultures) Dreeva Dzhanetta Murzabekovna, Otroshenko Anastasia Ivanovna, Tolparova Dzerassa Valerievna
| 3994-3999 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Metaphor as an Evaluation of the Interaction “Medical Worker ↔ Patient” in the French Online Medical Discourse Barasheva Lidya Gennadievna
| 3989-3993 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Hint as a Regulator of Social Behaviour of the Representatives of German Linguoculture (by the Example of German Administrative Announcements) Shtukaturova Elizaveta Petrovna
| 3983-3988 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
The Hedging Marker “Quasi” in the Function of a Discursive Word Serebrova Olesia Felixovna
| 3976-3982 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Organization and Semantic Relations within the Lexico-Semantic Field “Landscape Architecture” (by the Material of the English Language) Kaneeva Anastasia Sergeevna, Bodnaruk Elena Vladimirovna
| 3970-3975 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Active Processes in the Vowel and Consonant Systems of British Received Pronunciation Kamardina Yuliya Sergeevna, Churanov Aleksandr Yevgenyevich
| 3964-3969 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Features of Translation of Everyday Colloquial Vocabulary by the Material of A. S. Pushkin’s Novel in Verse “Eugene Onegin” Grushina Margarita Vladimirovna, Sakharova Anna Vladimirovna, Ostapenko Oksana Grigorievna, Larina Svetlana Germanovna
| 3958-3963 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Speech Production as a Prerequisite for the Functioning of Lexical and Syntactic Features of Spontaneous and Prepared Speech (a Research Based on the English Language) Vlasova Diana Valentinovna, Stanchuliak Tatiana Gennadyevna, Samokhin Ivan Sergeyevich
| 3951-3957 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Communicative and Pragmatic Aspects of the Functioning of English-Language Borrowings in the Norwegian Economic Discourse (by the Material of Internet Texts on Crisis Management) Borovikova Irina Vyacheslavovna
| 3943-3950 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Peculiarities of Russian-to-English Translation of Terms Related to the History of the Service Class of Russia in the XVI-XVII Centuries Balykina Maria Igorevna, Grishakova Ekaterina Sergeevna
| 3938-3942 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Study of Variability of Phraseological Units of Biblical Origin (by the Material of English and German Corpus Data) Bakina Anna Dmitrievna
| 3928-3937 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Phraseological Units with the Somatism Component kös ‘Eye’ in the Altai Language Chumakaev Alexsei Eduardovich
| 3922-3927 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Obsolete Lexemes Verbalising the Concept ТАБЫЛЛЫЫ ‘LUCK’ in the Yakut Language Prokop’eva Alena Kirillovna, Dyakonova Alina Alexandrovna
| 3915-3921 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Systemic Relations of Evenk Toponyms with the Root “бира-” Merkel Elena Vladimirovna, Marandich Yulia Valeryevna
| 3909-3914 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
The Image of Man in the Lower Kolyma Old-Timers’ Sub-Dialects of Yakutia Kochmar Olesya Nikolaevna, Egorova Tuyara Nikolaevna
| 3900-3908 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Lexico-Semantic Features of Intra-Phrasal Code Switching in the Conditions of Udmurt-Russian Bilingualism Kondrat'eva Natal'ya Vladimirovna, Bezenova Mariya Petrovna
| 3892-3899 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Intertextuality and Features of Its Realisation in the “Spiritual Diary” Speech Genre (by the Material of Texts by the Protopresbyter A. Schmemann): A Theolinguistic Aspect Smirnov Evgeny Sergeevich, Kolobaev Pavel Alekseevich
| 3886-3891 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Calquing as a Mechanism of Linguistic Image Creation Senko Elena Viktorovna
| 3879-3885 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Ways of Word Formation of Adverbs in Russian Subdialects of the Amur River Region Sadchenko Valentina Tarasovna, Dun Cinfey
| 3869-3878 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Russian Hinterland: The Linguistic Explication of the Semantics of the Province Parshina Olga Dmitrievna
| 3859-3868 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Linguosemiotic Aspect of Studying Gluttony in Subdialects of Baikal Siberia (by the Example of a Denotative Group of Signs) Ogdonova Tsyrena Tsytsykovna
| 3854-3858 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Reflection of National Stereotypes in Paroemias with a Name of Sewing and Knitting Tools as a Component in Russian Linguoculture against the Background of Chinese Linguoculture Liu Yue
| 3849-3853 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Names of Premises and Outbuildings Adjacent to Residential Part of House in Arkhangelsk Region Dialects Kuzmina Andzhela Magomed-Gadzhievna
| 3843-3848 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Eponymic Terms as Fragments of Terminological Systems of Medicine Sublanguage Kazarina Svetlana Georgievna, Gulyaeva Tatyana Urevna
| 3837-3842 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Lexico-Semantic Organisation of Legal Discourse Vorontsova Julia Aleksandrovna, Galieva Dina Aslyamovna, Khoroshko Elena Jurevna
| 3830-3836 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Choosing the Meaning of the Animacy Category for the Collocation «юридическое лицо» in Business Media Discourse Butorina Elena Petrovna
| 3824-3829 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Novak Ya. Czech Language for Beginners. Moscow: AST, 2022. 320 p.: Opinion Paper Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 3821-3823 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
New Poetic Translation and Analysis of Figurative and Expressive Means Used in Du Fu’s Poem “I’m Leaving Langzhong” Skvortsov Arseny Vladimirovich, Kondratova Tatyana Ivanovna
| 3813-3819 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Pragmatic Theory of Literature as a New Direction in Literary Criticism Konkin Andrey Alexandrovich, Kotenko Vladimir Viktorovich
| 3804-3812 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
The Poetics of the Initiation Novel in Modern US Literature Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna
| 3800-3803 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
The Modern English-Language Novel Sokolova Irina Vsevolodovna, Shishkova Irina Alekseevna, Keshokova Elena Alimovna
| 3794-3799 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
“Gentle Maiden, Pure and Fair”: Tradition and Innovation in Song Hymn Genre by the Example of “Hymn to the Tulip” by Zuo Feng (252-300) Malakhevich Daria Yevgenyevna
| 3789-3793 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Artistic Originality of L. Chebodaeva’s Works for Children Cheltygmasheva Larisa Viktorovna
| 3783-3788 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Relevant Issues of Studying the Nart Epic Takazov Fedar Magometovich
| 3777-3782 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |
Role of Oral and Written Monuments in the Study of Tatar Mythology Mukhametzianova Liliia Khatipovna, Davletshina Leila Khasanovna
| 3772-3776 |
Philology. Theory & Practice
2022. № 12. |