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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 2. P. 108-112.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Lexical and Semantic Repetition in the Play "Sun Line" by I. A. Vyrypaev

Egidareva Arina Dmitrievna, Zhuravleva Kira Anatol'evna
Far Eastern Federal University

Submitted: 10.01.2020
Abstract. The article examines the functions of lexical and syntactic repetition in the play "Sun Line" by I. A. Vyrypaev, which has not previously attracted researchers’ attention. The research methodology includes the structural analysis method, the descriptive method, the generalization method and the classification method. Ways of linguistic arrangement of repetition are described. The functions of repetition in the play - emotional-intensifying, accentuating and structure-formative ones - are identified. It is shown that lexical and syntactic repetition serves as a text-formative dominant and contributes largely to the play’s poetical originality.
Key words and phrases: повтор, функции повтора, текстовая доминанта, поэтический анализ пьесы, современная русская драматургия, "Солнечная линия", И. А. Вырыпаев, repetition, repetition functions, textual dominant, poetical analysis of play, modern Russian dramaturgy, "Sun Line", I. A. Vyrypaev
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