Ibrahim Iman Ali
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 26.11.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems and peculiarities of the formation of an event’s media image and its verbal reconstruction in news messages of the online media. Analysing the primary presentation of an event related to the Syrian crisis, the author comes to the conclusion that its verbal reconstruction in the news feeds of online publications is characterized by multiplicativity, language and stylistic nebulosity, syntactic redundancy, lexical repetitions, and the lack of integrity and completeness, which, in turn, leads to reliability violation and interference in information transition into knowledge.
Key words and phrases: вербальная реконструкция, новостное сообщение, интернет-СМИ, медиаобраз, сирийский кризис, сетевая журналистика, verbal reconstruction, news message, online media, media image, Syrian crisis, network journalism
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