Specificity of Translating Highly Specialized Terminology of the Subject Area "Financial Market Analysis"
Pankova Tat'yana Nikolaevna
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 11.09.2019
Abstract. The article reveals peculiarities of translation in a highly specific subject area. Specialized translation is considered as deep convergence of national and cultural conceptual spheres. Relevance of the problem of translating special vocabulary of the subject area "financial market analysis" from English into Russian is emphasized. Translating terminology as an integral system requires taking into account systematicity, logical correlation and interdependence of its components. That’s why it’s not always possible to transfer adequately the original term meaning while translating financial vocabulary. The analysis of terminological units of the subject area "financial market analysis" is conducted with a view to identify development trends and to reveal an internal potential of this vocabulary.
Key words and phrases: узкоспециальная терминология, рынки ценных бумаг, фондовые рынки, финансовые рынки, терминосистема, приемы и проблемы перевода, транслитерация, калькирование, highly specialized terminology, security markets, stock markets, financial markets, terminological system, translation techniques and translation problems, transliteration, calque
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