Grammatical Features of Modal Words in the German and Russian Languages
Averina Anna Viktorovna
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 02.01.2020
Abstract. The article considers the issue of semantic and grammatical identity of the German and Russian modal words. It is shown that in the Russian language, modal words are words with epistemic and evidential semantics. The German and Russian modal words have a number of common features: they can’t occupy an initial position in discourse, have a restricted ability to function as a sentence, can’t be used in dependent clauses deprived of illocutive meaning. Dependence of modal words with evidential semantics on propositional content of a sentence is identified.
Key words and phrases: модальные слова, модальные частицы, придаточные предложения, иллокутивная несамостоятельность, грамматические свойства, modal words, modal particles, dependent clauses, illocutive dependence, grammatical features
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