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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2008. № 2. P. 160-164.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Yusupova A. Sh.
Kazan State University

Abstract. In the article the detailed description of the lexicon connected with the ethnography of Tatar people which is fixed in the Tatar-Russian and Russian-Tatar dictionaries of the XIXth century is given, the semantic development, the origin, the areas of the usage of the words and terms of ethnography are revealed, the history of the development of the ethnographisms of the Tatar language in synchrony and diachrony is traced.
Key words and phrases: лексика, этнография татарского народа, татарско-русские и русско-татарские словари, семантическое развитие, ареалы употребления, lexicon, ethnography of Tatar people, Tatar-Russian and Russian-Tatar dictionaries, semantic development, areas of usage
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