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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 10. P. 3202-3208.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Approaches to Defining the Term "Slang" in Retrospective of Linguistic Research

Titarenko Sergey Alexandrovich
Volgograd State University

Submitted: 14.09.2021
Abstract. The aim of the research is to concretize the notion of the term "slang" taking into account its evolutionary changes in the diachronic aspect. The article clarifies the role of slang in the process of a communicative act, provides a comparative analysis of the definitions of the notion "slang" within the framework of various approaches to its study: structural, stylistic, sociological. A modern interpretation of slang is proposed and its validity is substantiated. The scientific originality of the research lies in the complex and interdisciplinary approaches to the studied linguistic phenomenon, taking into account derivational changes in the dominant meaning of the very notion "slang" in the integral system of language and society development in the recent period; for the first time, slang is considered as a manipulative and cohesive means of modern communicative communication. As a result, it was proved that slang is a complex linguistic formation that represents the linguistic, cultural and social characteristics of an individual in the language, manifested in the verbalization of his speech.
Key words and phrases: коннотация, лингвосоциальная норма, сленг, социальная группа, эмотивность, connotation, linguo-social norm, slang, social group, emotiveness
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