Systematization of English terminological abbreviations in the field of transport logistics
Karavayskaya Olga Sergeevna
Omsk State Transport University
Submitted: 24.01.2024
Abstract. The research objective is to identify the methods of abbreviation using the example of the English-language terminological system of transport logistics and the problems that arise when using abbreviated terms. The article examines what an abbreviated terminological unit represents and specifies the reasons for the appearance of such terms in professional terminological systems. The features of abbreviating English terms in transport logistics are analyzed, a quantitative analysis of the obtained data is conducted, determining the most productive method of abbreviations. The author also provides a list of measures to solve the problems that arise when using abbreviated terms. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying methods of term abbreviation in the English-language terminological system of transport logistics and developing a classification of abbreviation models for the first time. As a result, a clear classification scheme of abbreviations for terms in transport logistics is presented, along with proposed ways to overcome difficulties in using such terminological units. Additionally, identical brief terms within one terminological system and abbreviated terms matching abbreviations from other terminologies have been identified.
Key words and phrases: способы терминологических сокращений, закон экономии речевых средств, межотраслевая и внутриотраслевая омонимия терминологических сокращений в области транспортной логистики, means of terminological abbreviations, law of saving speech tools, cross-industry and intra-industry homonymy of terminological abbreviations in the field of transport logistics
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