The functional and pragmatic aspect of the use of paraphonation tools in expressing the emotional state of a character in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”
Levina Ella Mikhailovna, Polovneva Marina Vladimirovna, Yakimova Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 12.12.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the functional and semantic potential of paraphonation tools for representing the emotional state of characters. The paper examines the paraphonation tools that function in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”: verbs of speech action that have a semantic potential for expressing emotional states; specifiers complementing verbs that do not have an emotive seme in the lexical meaning; figurative names such as epithets and metaphors. The authors emphasize that the functional and semantic potential of paraphonation tools is fully precisely in the context, which allows for the semantic accuracy of emotional state description. Particular attention is paid to the contexts in which emotions are expressed by a combination of paraphonation tools and other elements of the paralinguistic system: parakinemes, paraproxemes, etc. The paper also analyzes the author’s description of phonation phenomena such as sighing, laughter, silence, which act as markers of specific emotional states. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the paraphonation tools considered in the functional and pragmatic aspect, firstly, realize the emotive potential in a literary text to varying degrees and, secondly, affect the reader’s perception of the meanings of the text and provide a correct understanding of the author’s intention as a whole. As a result of the study, the features of paraphonation tools performing the function of representing the emotional state of characters, specifying emotions, creating a psychological portrait of a character were revealed.
Key words and phrases: параязык, парафоника, эмоция, художественный текст, И. С. Тургенев, paralanguage, paraphonics, emotion, literary text, I. S. Turgenev
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