Specificity of Linguistic Arrangement of News Texts on Corporate Websites of the English-Language Automobile Companies
Syresina Irina Olegovna, Gorbacheva Elena Nikolaevna, Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 12.11.2019
Abstract. The article focuses on studying a news media text on a corporate website. The paper aims to identify structural-stylistic features of news texts on corporate websites of the American and British automobile companies. Scientific originality of the study involves analysing a news media text as a dicteme structure. The findings indicate that specificity of linguistic arrangement of news texts on automobile companies’ corporate websites manifests itself in usage of certain linguistic means, the choice of which is determined by the subject, goals and tasks of news discourse.
Key words and phrases: медиатекст, англоязычный новостной дискурс, диктема, профессиональная коммуникация, корпоративный сайт англоязычных компаний, вводные конструкции, однодиктемный текст, media text, English-language news discourse, dicteme, professional communication, corporate website of the English-language companies, introductory constructions, one-dicteme text
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