Hybrid discourse: Constitutive features of geographic essays
Balandina Ekaterina Sergeevna
South Ural State University (National Research University)
Submitted: 03.01.2024
Abstract. The research objective is to identify the constitutive features of a geographic essay as a distinct type of discourse. The scientific novelty lies in conducting for the first time the study of the hybrid nature of the 19th to early 20th-century geographic essays, determining and analyzing its primary components. The article also introduces the author's definition of the term “hybrid discourse”. The research is based on the classification proposed by V. I. Karasik, who suggested considering discourse participants, goals, values, chronotopes, themes, genres, strategies, precedent texts, and discursive formulas as the main components of discourse. The study revealed that scientific and artistic discourses form the discursive basis of geographic essays. The key constitutive features of the 19th to early 20th-century geographic essays are presented and described in the analysis. The research identified the key elements of the scientific discourse including main objectives, values, themes, primary chronotopes, central informational strategy, precedent texts, and discursive formulas. The artistic component of these essays is expressed through the formation of secondary objectives, as well as additional chronotope frameworks and diverse frequency strategies.
Key words and phrases: гибридный дискурс, конституирующие признаки, научный дискурс, художественный дискурс, географический очерк, hybrid discourse, constitutive features, scientific discourse, artistic discourse, geographic essay
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