Lexicographic Typology of Terminological Dictionaries: A Cognitive Vector of Development (on the Basis of Terminological Dictionaries of the Russian, English and French Languages in the Subject Area “Military Aviation”)
Maksimova Irina Vassilyevna, Shpal’chenko Elina Petrovna
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after A. K. Serov
Submitted: 09.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the lexicographic and terminographic characteristics of the terminological dictionaries of the subject area “Military Aviation” in Russian, English and French and to determine their place in the general classification system. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the creation of the author’s typology of dictionaries and glossaries of the most frequent special terms in the subject area “Military Aviation” in Russian, English and French, and the theoretical justification of the author’s classification, taking into account the integrative nature of the tasks of cognitive science, lexicography and terminography. The results obtained made it possible for the first time to identify oppositions that are relevant for terminological dictionaries of the subject area “Military Aviation”. The parameters of the typology of terminological dictionaries of military aviation and aerospace vocabulary, which showed individual integration of linguistic, conceptual, extralinguistic information, are singled out and described. Four main classification groups of dictionaries are defined; the author’s typology of dictionaries of the specified subject area is developed. The results of the study can contribute to the further development of methods of cognitive lexicography and terminography.
Key words and phrases: когнитивная лингвистика, типология, терминография, глоссарий, словарь, cognitive linguistics, typology, terminography, glossary, dictionary
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