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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 579-586.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Implementation features of indirect politeness strategies within the communicative strategies of political media discourse (based on Markus Söder’s appearance on the talk show “Markus Lanz”)

Arkhipova Daria Igorevna
Moscow City University

Submitted: 13.12.2023
Abstract. The article is dedicated to describing the features of implementing the category of indirect politeness in the speech of the German politician Markus Söder. The research objective is to identify the linguistic means of expressing indirect politeness within the framework of communicative strategies and tactics in the political discourse of the German language. The study describes the linguistic means of implementing indirect politeness in political discourse, specifically in political talk shows. The scientific novelty of the research is linked to the continuous development of political discourse, where the specificity of impoliteness under the mask of politeness within the framework of political media discourse is identified for the first time using previously unexplored material in the German language. The research results revealed that all three types of communicative strategies influencing political positioning are almost equally present in the politician's speech. Strategies of indirect politeness were also identified, with the most frequent being the strategies of using tautology and changing the addressee. These results indicate that despite the confrontational nature of political discourse, the politician is still able to maintain politeness, which explains his popularity among voters.
Key words and phrases: немецкий язык, политический дискурс, вежливость, стратегии косвенной вежливости, коммуникативные стратегии, German language, political discourse, politeness, indirect politeness strategies, communicative strategies
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